sofia_redux.instruments.fifi_ls: FIFI-LS Data Reduction Algorithms¶
The sofia_redux.instruments.fifi_ls
package contains data reduction
algorithms for the FIFI-LS instrument. It is designed to be used with the
package, so it does not provide its own interfaces or workflows.
Basic usage via the Redux interface is described below. See the
documentation for more information on the pipeline
interfaces, or the API documentation below for more information on
FIFI-LS algorithms.
sofia_redux.instruments.fifi_ls Package¶
sofia_redux.instruments.fifi_ls.apply_static_flat Module¶
Clear all data from the flat cache. |
Retrieves flat data from the flat cache. |
Store flat data in the flat cache. |
Return flat data table |
Divide extension data by static flat. |
Apply pre-reduced and normalized flat to FIFI-LS data. |
Wrapper for apply_static_flat over multiple files. |
sofia_redux.instruments.fifi_ls.combine_grating_scans Module¶
Get overlapping wavelengths for all extensions. |
Combine all extensions into a single extension. |
Combine separate grating positions in FIFI-LS data. |
Wrapper for combine_grating_scans over multiple files. |
sofia_redux.instruments.fifi_ls.combine_nods Module¶
Extract various properties of all files for subsequent combination. |
Find a B nod for each A nod. |
Combine nods of ramp-fitted, chop-subtracted data. |
sofia_redux.instruments.fifi_ls.correct_wave_shift Module¶
Correct LAMBDA extension in HDU list. |
Correct wavelength shift due to motion of the Earth. |
Wrapper for correct_wave_shift over multiple files. |
sofia_redux.instruments.fifi_ls.fit_ramps Module¶
Returns the readout range as extracted from header. |
Trim and reshape data to separate ramps. |
Applies linear fit (y = ax + b) over the second dimension of a 4D array. |
Wrapper to process a single HDU extension. |
Fit straight lines to raw voltage ramps to calculate corresponding flux. |
Wrapper for fit_ramps over multiple files. |
sofia_redux.instruments.fifi_ls.flux_calibrate Module¶
Apply response data to data in an HDUList. |
Convert spectra to physical flux units. |
Wrapper for flux_calibrate over multiple files. |
sofia_redux.instruments.fifi_ls.get_atran Module¶
Clear all data from the atran cache. |
Retrieves atmospheric transmission data from the atran cache. |
Store atran data in the atran cache. |
Retrieve reference atmospheric transmission data. |
sofia_redux.instruments.fifi_ls.get_badpix Module¶
Clear all data from the badpix cache. |
Retrieves bad pixel masks or default file from the badpix cache. |
Store badpix data in the badpix cache. |
Read the badpix defaults table. |
Retrieve bad pixel data. |
sofia_redux.instruments.fifi_ls.get_resolution Module¶
Clear all data from the resolution cache. |
Retrieves table from the resolution cache. |
Store resolution data in the resolution cache. |
Retrieve expected spectral or spatial resolution. |
sofia_redux.instruments.fifi_ls.get_response Module¶
Clear all data from the response cache. |
Retrieves response data from the response cache. |
Store response data in the response cache |
Retrieve instrumental response data. |
sofia_redux.instruments.fifi_ls.lambda_calibrate Module¶
Clear all data from the wavecal cache. |
Retrieves wavelength calibration data from the wavecal cache. |
Store wavecal data in the wavecal cache. |
Read and return the data from the wavecal file. |
Calculate wavelengths for each spectral pixel. |
Apply spectral calibration. |
Wrapper for lambda_calibrate over multiple files. |
sofia_redux.instruments.fifi_ls.make_header Module¶
Create the header keyword requirements definition table. |
Clear all data from the requirements cache. |
Get the keyword comments table from the cache. |
Returns a dataframe containing the header requirements. |
Returns a dictionary containing header keyword comments. |
Update the base header with values that may be missing. |
Order headers based on contents. |
Standardize and combine input headers. |
sofia_redux.instruments.fifi_ls.readfits Module¶
Read a FIFI-LS FITS file and return data and header. |
sofia_redux.instruments.fifi_ls.resample Module¶
Combine all files into a single dataset. |
Get output coordinate system and useful parameters. |
Create the exposure map from combined files. |
Combines multiple datasets using radial basis functions and mean combine. |
Resamples combined data on regular grid using local polynomial fitting. |
Create final HDU List from combined data and gridding info. |
Resample unevenly spaced FIFI-LS pixels to regular grid. |
Reduce the files using a scan reduction. |
Remove all temporary files created during a scan reduction. |
sofia_redux.instruments.fifi_ls.spatial_calibrate Module¶
Clear all data from the spatial cache. |
Retrieves spatial data from the spatial cache. |
Store spatial data in the spatial cache. |
Calculate X and Y offsets for each spaxel. |
Read the correct delta vector spatial coefficients. |
Calculate X and Y spatial offsets. |
Apply spatial calibration (x and y offsets). |
Wrapper for spatial_calibrate over multiple files. |
sofia_redux.instruments.fifi_ls.split_grating_and_chop Module¶
Returns RED or BLUE channel extracted from header and data. |
Check if a file can be split by basic header checks. |
Remove partial ramps and "unpaired" chop plateaus. |
Names the split files. |
Separate data into different files, by chop index. |
Split FIFI-LS raw data file into separate FITS files. |
Wrapper for split_grating_and_chop over multiple files. |
sofia_redux.instruments.fifi_ls.subtract_chops Module¶
Given the chop 0 filename, return the chop 0 and chop 1 HDU lists. |
Subtract extensions in the correct order. |
Subtract chops of ramp-fitted data. |
Wrapper for subtract_chops over multiple files. |
sofia_redux.instruments.fifi_ls.telluric_correct Module¶
Apply transmission data to data in an HDUList. |
Correct spectra for atmospheric absorption features. |
Wrapper for telluric_correct over multiple files. |