
sofia_redux.instruments.fifi_ls.resample.perform_scan_reduction(filenames, scan_kwargs=None, reduce_uncorrected=True, save_scan=False, insert_source=True)[source]

Reduce the files using a scan reduction.

filenameslist (str)

A list of FIFI-LS WSH FITS files to reduce.

scan_kwargsdict, optional

Keyword arguments to pass into the scan reduction.

reduce_uncorrectedbool, optional

If True, reduce the uncorrected flux values as well.

save_scanbool, optional

If True, files produced by the scan reduction will be saved to disk.

insert_sourcebool, optional

If True, will perform a full scan reduction and reinsert the source after. Otherwise, the reduction is used to calculate gains, offsets, and correlations which will then be applied to the original data. If True, note that timestream filtering will not be applied to the correction and should therefore be excluded from the scan reduction runtime parameters in order to reduce processing pressure.
