Source code for sofia_redux.instruments.fifi_ls.resample

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst

import gc
import os

from astropy import log, units
from astropy.coordinates import Angle
from import fits
from astropy.time import Time
from astropy.wcs import WCS
import cloudpickle
import numpy as np
import psutil
from scipy.interpolate import Rbf
from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull
import shutil
import tempfile

from sofia_redux.instruments.fifi_ls.get_resolution \
    import get_resolution, clear_resolution_cache
from sofia_redux.instruments.fifi_ls.get_response \
    import get_response, clear_response_cache
from sofia_redux.instruments.fifi_ls.make_header \
    import make_header
from sofia_redux.toolkit.utilities \
    import gethdul, hdinsert, write_hdul
from sofia_redux.toolkit.resampling.resample import Resample
from sofia_redux.spectroscopy.smoothres import smoothres

__all__ = ['combine_files', 'get_grid_info', 'generate_exposure_map',
           'rbf_mean_combine', 'local_surface_fit', 'make_hdul',
           'resample', 'perform_scan_reduction', 'cleanup_scan_reduction']

def extract_info_from_file(filename, get_atran=True):
    Extract all necessary resampling data from a single file.

    filename : str or fits.HDUList
        The file or HDUList to examine.
    get_atran : bool, optional
        If `True`, attempt to extract the ATRAN data when present and
        include in the result.

    file_info : dict
    hdul = gethdul(filename, verbose=True)
    if hdul is None:
        msg = f'Could not read file: {filename}'
        raise ValueError(msg)

    header = hdul[0].header.copy()
    obsra = header.get('OBSRA', 0) * 15  # hourangle to degree
    obsdec = header.get('OBSDEC', 0)
    sky_angle = header.get('SKY_ANGL', 0)
    dbet_map = header.get('DBET_MAP', 0) / 3600  # arcsec to degree
    dlam_map = header.get('DLAM_MAP', 0) / 3600  # arcsec to degree
    obs_lam = header.get('OBSLAM', 0)
    obs_bet = header.get('OBSBET', 0)

    flux = hdul['FLUX'].data.copy()
    otf_mode = flux.ndim > 2
    ra = hdul['RA'].data.copy()
    dec = hdul['DEC'].data.copy()
    xs = hdul['XS'].data.copy()
    ys = hdul['YS'].data.copy()
    if otf_mode:
        wave = np.empty(flux.shape, dtype=float)
        wave[:] = hdul['LAMBDA'].data
        wave = hdul['LAMBDA'].data.copy()
    error = hdul['STDDEV'].data.copy()

    if 'UNCORRECTED_FLUX' in hdul:
        u_flux = hdul['UNCORRECTED_FLUX'].data.copy()
        u_error = hdul['UNCORRECTED_STDDEV'].data.copy()
        u_flux = None
        u_error = None

    if 'UNCORRECTED_LAMBDA' in hdul:
        if otf_mode:
            u_wave = np.empty(flux.shape, dtype=float)
            u_wave[:] = hdul['UNCORRECTED_LAMBDA'].data
            u_wave = hdul['UNCORRECTED_LAMBDA'].data.copy()
        u_wave = None

    if get_atran and 'UNSMOOTHED_ATRAN' in hdul:
        atran = hdul['UNSMOOTHED_ATRAN'].data
        atran = None


    # Now convert XS/YS to RA/DEC
    if 'DATE-OBS' in header:
        flip_sign = Time(header['DATE-OBS']) < Time('2015-05-01')
        flip_sign = False

    result = {
        'header': header,
        'obsra': obsra,
        'obsdec': obsdec,
        'obs_lam': obs_lam,
        'obs_bet': obs_bet,
        'dlam_map': dlam_map,
        'dbet_map': dbet_map,
        'flux': flux,
        'u_flux': u_flux,
        'error': error,
        'u_error': u_error,
        'wave': wave,
        'u_wave': u_wave,
        'ra': ra,
        'dec': dec,
        'xs': xs,
        'ys': ys,
        'sky_angle': sky_angle,
        'flip_sign': flip_sign,
        'atran': atran}
    return result

def analyze_input_files(filenames, naif_id_key='NAIF_ID'):
    Extract necessary reduction information on the input files.

    filenames : str or list (str)
    naif_id_key : str, optional
        The name of the NAIF ID keyword.  If present in the header, should
        indicate the associated file contains a nonsidereal observation.

    file_info : dict
    atran = None
    otf_mode = False
    nonsidereal_values = True
    definite_nonsidereal = False
    interpolate = True
    uncorrected = False
    if isinstance(filenames, str):
        filenames = [x.strip() for x in filenames.split(',')]
    elif isinstance(filenames, fits.HDUList) or not isinstance(
            filenames, list):
        filenames = [filenames]  # Don't want to iterate on HDUs

    for filename in filenames:
        hdul = gethdul(filename, verbose=True)
        if hdul is None:
            msg = f'Could not read file: {filename}'
            raise ValueError(msg)

        if not otf_mode:
            if 'FLUX' in hdul and hdul['FLUX'].data.ndim > 2:
                otf_mode = True

        if not uncorrected and 'UNCORRECTED_FLUX' in hdul:
            uncorrected = True

        h = hdul[0].header
        if not definite_nonsidereal and naif_id_key in h:
            definite_nonsidereal = True

        if nonsidereal_values:
            obs_lam, obs_bet = h.get('OBSLAM', 0), h.get('OBSBET', 0)
            if obs_lam != 0 or obs_bet != 0:
                nonsidereal_values = False

        if interpolate:
            d_lam, d_bet = h.get('DLAM_MAP', 0), h.get('DBET_MAP', 0)
            if d_lam != 0 or d_bet != 0:
                interpolate = False

        if atran is None and 'UNSMOOTHED_ATRAN' in hdul:
            atran = hdul['UNSMOOTHED_ATRAN'].data

        if not isinstance(filename, fits.HDUList):

        if (otf_mode and atran is not None and uncorrected
                and not (interpolate
                         or nonsidereal_values)):  # pragma: no cover
            # don't need to continue

    if not (len(filenames) > 1 or otf_mode):
        interpolate = True

    file_info = {'otf': otf_mode,
                 'nonsidereal_values': nonsidereal_values,
                 'definite_nonsidereal': definite_nonsidereal,
                 'can_interpolate': interpolate,
                 'uncorrected': uncorrected,
                 'atran': atran}
    return file_info

def normalize_spherical_coordinates(info):
    Normalize all detector coordinates/header to be relative to first file.

    Will insert the normalized detector coordinates into the information as
    longitude/latitude (lon/lat) key values.

    info : dict

    a = -np.radians([d['sky_angle'] for d in info.values()])
    beta = np.asarray([d['obs_bet'] for d in info.values()])
    lam = np.asarray([d['obs_lam'] for d in info.values()])
    da = a - a[0]
    cos_beta = np.cos(beta[0])
    beta_off = 3600.0 * (beta - beta[0])
    lam_off = 3600.0 * cos_beta * (lam[0] - lam)
    header_list = [d['header'] for d in info.values()]  # referenced

    # update headers
    for update in np.where(beta_off != 0)[0]:
        hdinsert(header_list[update], 'DBET_MAP',
                 header_list[update].get('DBET_MAP', 0) + beta_off[update])

    for update in np.where(lam_off != 0)[0]:
        hdinsert(header_list[update], 'DLAM_MAP',
                 header_list[update].get('DLAM_MAP', 0) - lam_off[update])

    idx = abs(a) > 1e-6
    dx = lam_off[idx] * np.cos(a[idx]) - beta_off[idx] * np.sin(a[idx])
    dy = lam_off[idx] * np.sin(a[idx]) + beta_off[idx] * np.cos(a[idx])
    lam_off[idx] = dx
    beta_off[idx] = dy

    for i, d in enumerate(info.values()):
        d['lon'], d['lat'] = d['xs'].copy(), d['ys'].copy()
        if i == 0:
        lon, lat = d['lon'], d['lat']
        dx, dy, delta_a = lam_off[i], beta_off[i], da[i]
        lon += dx
        lat += dy
        if abs(delta_a) <= 1e-6:

        cda, sda = np.cos(delta_a), np.sin(delta_a)
        xr = lon * cda - lat * sda
        ry = lon * sda + lat * cda
        lon[:] = xr
        lat[:] = ry

    # update to the angle of the first header
    first_angle = info[list(info.keys())[0]]['sky_angle']
    for update in np.where(idx)[0]:
        hdinsert(header_list[update], 'SKY_ANGL', first_angle)

[docs] def combine_files(filenames, naif_id_key='NAIF_ID', scan_reduction=False, save_scan=False, scan_kwargs=None, skip_uncorrected=False, insert_source=True): """ Combine all files into a single dataset. For OTF mode, the input data for each file contains multiple samples, each with their own X and Y coordinates. Each sample is handled separately, as if it came from a different input file. Parameters ---------- filenames : array_like of str File paths to FITS data to be resampled. naif_id_key : str, optional The header key which if present, indicates that an observation is nonsidereal. scan_reduction: bool, optional If `True`, indicates the user wished to perform a scan reduction on the files. This will only be possible if the files contain OTF data. save_scan : bool, optional If `True`, the output from the scan algorithm, prior to resampling, will be saved to disk. scan_kwargs : dict, optional Optional parameters for a scan reduction if performed. skip_uncorrected : bool, optional If `True`, skip reduction of the uncorrected flux values. insert_source : bool, optional If `True`, will perform a full scan reduction (if applicable) and reinsert the source after. Otherwise, the reduction is used to calculate gains, offsets, and correlations which will then be applied to the original data. If `True`, note that timestream filtering will not be applied to the correction and should therefore be excluded from the scan reduction runtime parameters in order to reduce processing pressure. Returns ------- dict """'Reading {len(filenames)} files') info = analyze_input_files(filenames, naif_id_key=naif_id_key) combined = {'OTF': info['otf'], 'definite_nonsidereal': info['definite_nonsidereal'], 'nonsidereal_values': info['nonsidereal_values']} do_uncorrected = info['uncorrected'] and not skip_uncorrected atran = info.get('atran') if atran is not None: combined['UNSMOOTHED_TRANSMISSION'] = atran scan_reduction &= info['otf'] # Scan reduction must use OTF data if scan_reduction: # pragma: no cover combined['scan_reduction'] = True combined.update(perform_scan_reduction( filenames, save_scan=save_scan, scan_kwargs=scan_kwargs, reduce_uncorrected=do_uncorrected, insert_source=insert_source)) else: combined['scan_reduction'] = False files_info = {} for filename in filenames: file_info = extract_info_from_file(filename, get_atran=False) if not isinstance(filename, str): fname = file_info['header'].get('FILENAME', 'UNKNOWN') else: fname = filename files_info[fname] = file_info normalize_spherical_coordinates(files_info) header_list = [d['header'] for d in files_info.values()] combined['PRIMEHEAD'] = make_header(header_list) if info['can_interpolate']: combined['method'] = 'interpolate' else: combined['method'] = 'resample' ra, dec, xs, ys, wave, flux, error, samples = ( [], [], [], [], [], [], [], []) if info['otf']: for d in files_info.values(): x_ra, x_dec, x_xs, x_ys = d['ra'], d['dec'], d['lon'], d['lat'] x_wave, x_flux, x_error = d['wave'], d['flux'], d['error'] samples.append(x_flux.size) frames = x_flux.shape[0] for frame in range(frames): flux.append(x_flux[frame]) error.append(x_error[frame]) wave.append(x_wave[frame] if x_wave.ndim == 3 else x_wave) ra.append(x_ra[frame] if x_ra.ndim == 3 else x_ra) dec.append(x_dec[frame] if x_dec.ndim == 3 else x_dec) xs.append(x_xs[frame] if x_xs.ndim == 3 else x_xs) ys.append(x_ys[frame] if x_ys.ndim == 3 else x_ys) else: for d in files_info.values(): ra.append(d['ra']) dec.append(d['dec']) xs.append(d['lon']) ys.append(d['lat']) wave.append(d['wave']) flux.append(d['flux']) error.append(d['error']) samples.append(d['flux'].size) combined.update({ 'RA': ra, 'DEC': dec, 'XS': xs, 'YS': ys, 'WAVE': wave, 'FLUX': flux, 'ERROR': error, 'SAMPLES': samples}) if not do_uncorrected: return combined u_flux, u_error, u_wave = [], [], [] for d in files_info.values(): uf = d.get('u_flux') ue = d.get('u_error') if uf is None or ue is None: do_uncorrected = False break uw = d.get('u_wave') if uw is None: uw = d.get('wave') if info['otf']: for frame in range(uf.shape[0]): u_flux.append(uf[frame]) u_error.append(ue[frame]) u_wave.append(uw[frame]) else: u_flux.append(uf) u_error.append(ue) u_wave.append(uw) else: do_uncorrected = True if do_uncorrected: combined['UNCORRECTED_FLUX'] = u_flux combined['UNCORRECTED_ERROR'] = u_error combined['UNCORRECTED_WAVE'] = u_wave return combined
def combine_scan_reductions(reduction, uncorrected_reduction=None ): # pragma: no cover """ Extract necessary resampling information from scan reductions. Parameters ---------- reduction : str or Reduction uncorrected_reduction : str or Reduction, optional Returns ------- combined : dict """ if isinstance(reduction, str): delete = True with open(reduction, 'rb') as f: reduction = cloudpickle.load(f) else: delete = False info = combined = { 'PRIMEHEAD': make_header(info['headers']), 'method': 'resample', 'RA': info['coordinates'][0], 'DEC': info['coordinates'][1], 'WAVE': info['coordinates'][2], 'XS': info['xy_coordinates'][0], 'YS': info['xy_coordinates'][1], 'FLUX': info['flux'], 'ERROR': info['error'], 'SAMPLES': info['samples'], 'CORNERS': info['corners'], 'XY_CORNERS': info['xy_corners'], 'scan_reduction': True} if delete: del reduction gc.collect() if uncorrected_reduction is None: return combined if isinstance(uncorrected_reduction, str): delete = True with open(uncorrected_reduction, 'rb') as f: uncorrected_reduction = cloudpickle.load(f) else: delete = False info = uncorrected_reduction) combined['UNCORRECTED_RA'] = info['coordinates'][0] combined['UNCORRECTED_DEC'] = info['coordinates'][1] combined['UNCORRECTED_WAVE'] = info['coordinates'][2] combined['UNCORRECTED_XS'] = info['xy_coordinates'][0] combined['UNCORRECTED_YS'] = info['xy_coordinates'][1] combined['UNCORRECTED_FLUX'] = info['flux'] combined['UNCORRECTED_ERROR'] = info['error'] combined['UNCORRECTED_SAMPLES'] = info['samples'] combined['UNCORRECTED_CORNERS'] = info['corners'] combined['UNCORRECTED_XY_CORNERS'] = info['xy_corners'] if delete: del uncorrected_reduction gc.collect() return combined
[docs] def get_grid_info(combined, oversample=None, spatial_size=None, spectral_size=None, target_x=None, target_y=None, target_wave=None, ctype1='RA---TAN', ctype2='DEC--TAN', ctype3='WAVE', detector_coordinates=False): """ Get output coordinate system and useful parameters. Parameters ---------- combined : dict Dictionary containing combined data oversample : array_like of int or float, optional Number of pixels to sample mean FWHM with, in the (spatial, spectral) dimensions. Default is (5.0, 8.0). spatial_size : float, optional Output pixel size, in the spatial dimensions. Units are arcsec. If specified, the corresponding oversample parameter will be ignored. spectral_size : float, optional Output pixel size, in the spectral dimension. Units are um. If specified, the corresponding oversample parameter will be ignored. target_x : float, optional The target right ascension (hourangle) or map center along the x-axis (arcsec). The default is the mid-point of all values in the combined data. target_y : float, optional The target declination (degree) or map center along the y-axis (arcsec). The default is the mid-point of all values in the combined data. target_wave : float, optional The center wavelength (um). The default is the mid-point of all ctype1 : str, optional The coordinate frame for the x spatial axis using FITS standards. ctype2 : str, optional The coordinate frame for the y spatial axis using FITS standards. ctype3 : str, optional The coordinate frame for the w spectral axis using FITS standards. detector_coordinates : bool, optional If `True`, reduce using detector native coordinates, otherwise project using the CTYPE* keys on RA/DEC. Returns ------- dict """ prime_header = combined['PRIMEHEAD'] east_to_west = not detector_coordinates if detector_coordinates: wcs_dict = { 'CUNIT1': 'arcsec', 'CUNIT2': 'arcsec', 'CUNIT3': 'um' } x_key, y_key = 'XS', 'YS' else: # If not rotated at spatial calibration, resampling should # be done at sky angle sky_angl = prime_header.get('SKY_ANGL', 0) wcs_dict = { 'CTYPE1': ctype1.upper(), 'CUNIT1': 'deg', 'CTYPE2': ctype2.upper(), 'CUNIT2': 'deg', 'CTYPE3': ctype3.upper(), 'CUNIT3': 'um', 'CROTA2': -sky_angl } x_key, y_key = 'RA', 'DEC' scan_reduction = combined.get('scan_reduction', False) if scan_reduction: # pragma: no cover ux_key, uy_key = f'UNCORRECTED_{x_key}', f'UNCORRECTED_{y_key}' wave = combined['WAVE'].copy() x = combined[x_key].copy() y = combined[y_key].copy() else: ux_key, uy_key = x_key, y_key wave = np.hstack([n.ravel() for n in combined['WAVE']]) x = np.hstack([n.ravel() for n in combined[x_key]]) y = np.hstack([n.ravel() for n in combined[y_key]]) if not detector_coordinates: x *= 15 # hourangle to degrees u_wave = combined.get('UNCORRECTED_WAVE') if u_wave is not None: for uw in u_wave: if uw is None: # pragma: no cover # unreachable under normal circumstances do_uncorrected = False break else: do_uncorrected = True else: do_uncorrected = False if do_uncorrected: if scan_reduction: # pragma: no cover ux = combined[ux_key].copy() uy = combined[uy_key].copy() u_wave = u_wave.copy() if not detector_coordinates: ux *= 15 # hourangle to degrees else: ux, uy = x, y u_wave = np.hstack([w.ravel() for w in u_wave]) else: ux, uy, u_wave = x, y, wave min_x, max_x = np.nanmin(x), np.nanmax(x) min_y, max_y = np.nanmin(y), np.nanmax(y) min_w, max_w = np.nanmin(wave), np.nanmax(wave) if do_uncorrected: min_w = min(min_w, np.nanmin(u_wave)) max_w = max(max_w, np.nanmax(u_wave)) if x is not ux: # pragma: no cover min_x = min(min_x, np.nanmin(ux)) max_x = max(max_x, np.nanmax(ux)) min_y = min(min_y, np.nanmin(uy)) max_y = max(max_y, np.nanmax(uy)) x_range = [min_x, max_x] y_range = [min_y, max_y] wave_range = [min_w, max_w] if target_x is None: target_x = 0.0 if detector_coordinates else sum(x_range) / 2 elif not detector_coordinates: target_x *= 15 if target_y is None: target_y = 0.0 if detector_coordinates else sum(y_range) / 2 mid_wave = sum(wave_range) / 2 if target_wave is None: target_wave = mid_wave # get oversample parameter if oversample is None: xy_oversample, w_oversample = 5.0, 8.0 else: xy_oversample, w_oversample = oversample'Overall w range: ' f'{wave_range[0]:.5f} -> {wave_range[1]:.5f} (um)') if detector_coordinates: x_str = f'{x_range[0]:.5f} -> {x_range[1]:.5f} (arcsec)' y_str = f'{y_range[0]:.5f} -> {y_range[1]:.5f} (arcsec)' else: x_str = ' -> '.join( Angle(x_range * units.Unit('degree')).to('hourangle').to_string( sep=':')) x_str += ' (hourangle)' y_str = ' -> '.join( Angle(y_range * units.Unit('degree')).to_string(sep=':')) y_str += ' (degree)''Overall x range: {x_str}')'Overall y range: {y_str}') # Begin with spectral scalings resolution = get_resolution(prime_header, wmean=mid_wave) wave_fwhm = mid_wave / resolution if spectral_size is not None: delta_wave = spectral_size w_oversample = wave_fwhm / delta_wave else: delta_wave = wave_fwhm / w_oversample'Average spectral FWHM: {wave_fwhm:.5f} um')'Output spectral pixel scale: {delta_wave:.5f} um')'Spectral oversample: {w_oversample:.2f} pixels') # Spatial scalings xy_fwhm = get_resolution( prime_header, spatial=True, wmean=float(np.nanmean(wave))) # in arcseconds if not detector_coordinates: xy_fwhm /= 3600 # to degrees # pixel size if str(prime_header['CHANNEL']).upper() == 'RED': pix_size = 3.0 * prime_header['PLATSCAL'] else: pix_size = 1.5 * prime_header['PLATSCAL'] if spatial_size is not None: if not detector_coordinates: delta_xy = spatial_size / 3600 # to degrees else: delta_xy = spatial_size # arcsec xy_oversample = xy_fwhm / delta_xy else: delta_xy = xy_fwhm / xy_oversample'Pixel size for channel: {pix_size:.2f} arcsec') fac = 1 if detector_coordinates else 3600'Average spatial FWHM for channel: {xy_fwhm * fac:.2f} arcsec')'Output spatial pixel scale: {delta_xy * fac:.2f} arcsec/pix')'Spatial oversample: {xy_oversample:.2f} pixels') # Figure out the map dimensions in RA/DEC wcs_dict['CRPIX1'] = 0 wcs_dict['CRPIX2'] = 0 wcs_dict['CRPIX3'] = 0 wcs_dict['CRVAL1'] = target_x wcs_dict['CRVAL2'] = target_y wcs_dict['CRVAL3'] = target_wave if east_to_west: wcs_dict['CDELT1'] = -delta_xy else: wcs_dict['CDELT1'] = delta_xy wcs_dict['CDELT2'] = delta_xy wcs_dict['CDELT3'] = delta_wave wcs = WCS(wcs_dict) # Convert coordinates to the correct units (degrees, meters) if not detector_coordinates: wave *= 1e-6 # um to m if do_uncorrected: u_wave *= 1e-6 # Calculate the input coordinates as pixels about origin 0 pix_xyw = np.asarray(wcs.wcs_world2pix(x, y, wave, 0)) n_xyw = np.round(np.ptp(pix_xyw, axis=1)).astype(int) + 1 n_xyw += (n_xyw % 2) == 0 # center on pixel min_pixel = np.floor(np.nanmin(pix_xyw, axis=1)).astype(int) wcs_dict['CRPIX1'] -= min_pixel[0] wcs_dict['CRPIX2'] -= min_pixel[1] wcs_dict['CRPIX3'] -= min_pixel[2] wcs = WCS(wcs_dict) # This centers the reference pixel on the target coordinates pix_xyw = np.asarray(wcs.wcs_world2pix(x, y, wave, 0)) n_pix = np.round(np.nanmax(pix_xyw, axis=1)).astype(int) + 1 ni = x.size'')'Output grid size (nw, ny, nx): ' f'{n_pix[2]} x {n_pix[1]} x {n_pix[0]}') if (n_pix[:2] > 2048).any(): log.error('Spatial range too large.') return if do_uncorrected: u_pix_xyw = np.asarray( wcs.wcs_world2pix(ux, uy, u_wave, 0)) else: u_pix_xyw = None x_out = np.arange(n_pix[0], dtype=float) y_out = np.arange(n_pix[1], dtype=float) w_out = np.arange(n_pix[2], dtype=float) grid = x_out, y_out, w_out x_max, x_min = np.nanmax(pix_xyw[0]), np.nanmin(pix_xyw[0]) y_max, y_min = np.nanmax(pix_xyw[1]), np.nanmin(pix_xyw[1]) w_max, w_min = np.nanmax(pix_xyw[2]), np.nanmin(pix_xyw[2]) x_range, y_range, w_range = x_max - x_min, y_max - y_min, w_max - w_min um = units.Unit('um') arcsec = units.Unit('arcsec') degree = units.Unit('degree') xy_unit = arcsec if detector_coordinates else degree if east_to_west: delta = (delta_wave * um, delta_xy * xy_unit, -delta_xy * xy_unit) else: delta = (delta_wave * um, delta_xy * xy_unit, delta_xy * xy_unit) return { 'wcs': wcs, 'shape': (ni, n_pix[2], n_pix[1], n_pix[0]), 'w_out': w_out, 'x_out': x_out, 'y_out': y_out, 'x_min': x_min, 'y_min': y_min, 'w_min': w_min, 'x_max': x_min, 'y_max': y_min, 'w_max': w_min, 'x_range': x_range, 'y_range': y_range, 'w_range': w_range, 'delta': delta, 'oversample': (w_oversample, xy_oversample, xy_oversample), 'wave_fwhm': wave_fwhm * um, 'xy_fwhm': xy_fwhm * 3600 * arcsec, 'resolution': resolution, 'pix_size': pix_size * arcsec, 'coordinates': pix_xyw, 'uncorrected_coordinates': u_pix_xyw, 'grid': grid}
[docs] def generate_exposure_map(combined, grid_info, get_good=False): """ Create the exposure map from combined files. Parameters ---------- combined : dict Dictionary containing combined data grid_info : dict Dictionary containing output grid coordinates and other necessary information. get_good : bool, optional If set, a list of good pixel arrays will be returned instead of an exposure map Returns ------- numpy.ndarray or list of numpy.ndarray 3D exposure map array, by default. If get_good is set, a list of boolean arrays is returned instead, representing the good pixel mask for each input file. """ nw, ny, nx = grid_info['shape'][1:] # loop over files to get exposure for each one if get_good: exposure = [] else: exposure = np.zeros((nw, ny, nx), dtype=int) xy_pix_size = (grid_info['pix_size'] / grid_info['delta'][1] ).decompose().value / 2 dr = np.sqrt(2) * xy_pix_size if not combined.get('scan_reduction', False): x, y, w, = [], [], [] start = 0 c = grid_info['coordinates'] for i in range(len(combined['FLUX'])): flux = combined['FLUX'][i] end = start + flux.size x.append(c[0, start:end].reshape(flux.shape)) y.append(c[1, start:end].reshape(flux.shape)) w.append(c[2, start:end].reshape(flux.shape)) start = end else: # pragma: no cover wcs = grid_info['wcs'] if 'CTYPE1' in wcs.to_header(): corners = combined['CORNERS'] detector_coordinates = False else: corners = combined['XY_CORNERS'] detector_coordinates = True n_scans = len(corners) n_frames = np.asarray([len(corners[i][0]) for i in range(n_scans)]) total_frames = n_frames.sum() min_wave = np.zeros(total_frames) max_wave = np.zeros(total_frames) xc = np.concatenate([corners[i][0] for i in range(n_scans)], axis=0) yc = np.concatenate([corners[i][1] for i in range(n_scans)], axis=0) if not detector_coordinates: xc *= 15 # hourangle to degrees for RA/DEC coordinates start_frame = 0 i0 = 0 for (frame_count, samples) in zip(n_frames, combined['SAMPLES']): end_frame = start_frame + frame_count i1 = i0 + samples wave = combined['WAVE'][i0:i1] min_wave[start_frame:end_frame] = wave.min() max_wave[start_frame:end_frame] = wave.max() start_frame, i0 = end_frame, i1 wave = np.stack([min_wave, min_wave, max_wave, max_wave], axis=1) if detector_coordinates: # degrees to arcseconds x, y, w = wcs.wcs_world2pix(xc, yc, wave, 0) else: # um to m (it's strange, I know) x, y, w = wcs.wcs_world2pix(xc, yc, wave * 1e-6, 0) for i in range(len(x)): # loop through files or frames # Find the min and max coordinates at each point wi, yi, xi = w[i], y[i], x[i] min_w, max_w = wi.min(), wi.max() max_x = xi.max() # Since the coordinates are already rotated, we need to determine # the corners of the detector footprint, then store them in clockwise # order points = np.stack([xi.ravel(), yi.ravel()], axis=1) hull = np.array([points[index] for index in ConvexHull(points).vertices]) angles = np.arctan2(hull[:, 1] - yi.mean(), hull[:, 0] - xi.mean()) hull = hull[np.argsort(angles)[::-1]] # calculate the relative angles between each vertex and add 45 deg # to calculate diagonal offset # n-1->0, 0->1, 1->2, 2->3 ... n-2->n-1 angles = np.asarray( [np.arctan2(hull[v, 1] - hull[v - 1, 1], hull[v, 0] - hull[v - 1, 0]) for v in range(hull.shape[0])]) + np.deg2rad(45) for v, angle in enumerate(angles): hull[v, 0] += np.cos(angle) * dr hull[v, 1] += np.sin(angle) * dr xl, yl = np.clip((np.min(hull, axis=0)).astype(int), 0, None) xh, yh = np.clip((np.ceil(np.max(hull, axis=0))).astype(int) + 1, None, [nx, ny]) wl = np.clip(int(min_w - 0.5), 0, None) wh = np.clip(int(np.ceil(max_w + 0.5)) + 1, None, nw) # Make a square large enough to contain the FOV square = np.zeros((yh - yl, xh - xl), dtype=int) # set values for FOV between corner vertices fov = np.full(square.shape, True) fov_y, fov_x = np.indices(square.shape) for j, (p2x, p2y) in enumerate(hull): p1x, p1y = hull[j - 1] x1, y1, x2, y2 = p1x - xl, p1y - yl, p2x - xl, p2y - yl # Check for vertical line if x1 == x2: # Mark data to the correct side of line sign = np.sign(y2 - y1) fov &= (fov_x * sign) >= (max_x * sign) else: # otherwise: mark area under the line between previous # vertex and current (or above, as appropriate) m = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1) max_y = m * (fov_x - x1) + y1 sign = np.sign(x2 - x1) fov &= (fov_y * sign) <= (max_y * sign) square[fov] = 1 if get_good: exposure.append((square.astype(bool), (xl, xh), (yl, yh))) else: exposure[wl:wh, yl:yh, xl:xh] += square[None, :, :] # For accounting purposes, multiply the exposure map by 2 for NMC if not get_good: nodstyle = combined['PRIMEHEAD'].get( 'NODSTYLE', 'UNK').upper().strip() if nodstyle in ['SYMMETRIC', 'NMC']: exposure *= 2 return exposure
[docs] def rbf_mean_combine(combined, grid_info, window=None, error_weighting=True, smoothing=None, order=0, robust=None, neg_threshold=None, fit_threshold=None, edge_threshold=None, skip_uncorrected=False, **kwargs): """ Combines multiple datasets using radial basis functions and mean combine. The combined data is stored in the combined dictionary, in the GRID_FLUX, GRID_ERROR, and GRID_COUNTS keys. Parameters ---------- combined : dict Dictionary containing combined data grid_info : dict Dictionary containing output grid coordinates and other necessary information. window : float or array_like of float, optional Region to consider for local polynomial fits, given as a factor of the mean FWHM, in the wavelength dimension. If three elements are passed, the third will be used. Default is 0.5. error_weighting : bool, optional If True (default), weight polynomial fitting by the `error` values of each sample. smoothing : float or array_like of float, optional Radius over which to smooth the input data, given as a factor of the mean FWHM, in the wavelength dimension. If three elements are passed, the third will be used. Default is 0.25. order : int or array_like of int, optional Maximum order of local polynomial fits. robust : float, optional Rejection threshold for input data to local fits, given as a factor of the standard deviation. neg_threshold : float, optional First-pass rejection threshold for negative input data, given as a factor of the standard deviation; if None or <= 0, first-pass rejection will not be performed. fit_threshold : float, optional Rejection threshold for output fit values, given as a factor of the standard deviation in the input data. If exceeded, weighted mean value is used in place of fit. edge_threshold : float or array_like or float If set to a value > 0 and < 1, edges of the fit will be masked out according to `edge_algorithm`. Values close to zero will result in a high degree of edge clipping, while values close to 1 ckip edges to a lesser extent. The clipping threshold is a fraction of window. An array may be used to specify values for each dimension. skip_uncorrected: bool, optional If set, the uncorrected flux cube will not be computed, even if present in the input data. This option is primarily intended for testing or quicklook, when the full data product is not needed. kwargs : dict, optional Optional keyword arguments to pass into `scipy.interpolate.Rbf`. Please see the options here. By default, the weighting function is a multi-quadratic sqrt(r/epsilon)**2 + 1) rather than the previous version inverse distance weighting scheme. """'')'Resampling wavelengths with polynomial fits.')'Interpolating spatial coordinates with radial basis functions.') shape = grid_info['shape'][1:] flux = np.zeros(shape) std = np.zeros(shape) counts = np.zeros(shape) do_uncor = 'UNCORRECTED_FLUX' in combined and not skip_uncorrected if do_uncor: log.debug('Resampling uncorrected cube alongside corrected cube') uflux = np.zeros(shape) ustd = np.zeros(shape) ucounts = np.zeros(shape) else: uflux = ustd = ucounts = None # check parameters -- may be passed with all three coordinates. # If so, assume wavelength is the last one if hasattr(window, '__len__') and len(window) == 3: window = window[2] if hasattr(smoothing, '__len__') and len(smoothing) == 3: smoothing = smoothing[2] if hasattr(order, '__len__') and len(order) == 3: order = order[2] if order != 0: log.warning('Setting wavelength order to 0 for stability.') order = 0 if window is None: window = 0.5 if smoothing is None: smoothing = 0.25 if edge_threshold is None: edge_threshold = 0.0'Fit window: {grid_info["wave_fwhm"] * window:.5f}')'Gaussian width of smoothing function: ' f'{smoothing * grid_info["wave_fwhm"]:.5f}') fit_wdw = window * grid_info['oversample'][0] smoothing_wdw = smoothing * grid_info['oversample'][0] # minimum points in a wavelength slice to attempt to interpolate min_points = 10 # output grid xg, yg, w_out = grid_info['grid'] nx = xg.size ny = yg.size nw = w_out.size x_grid = np.resize(xg, (ny, nx)) y_grid = np.resize(yg, (nx, ny)).T # exposure map for grid counts good_grid = generate_exposure_map(combined, grid_info, get_good=True) n_spax = combined['FLUX'][0].shape[-1] f, e = combined['FLUX'], combined['ERROR'] x, y, w = grid_info['coordinates'] if do_uncor: uf = combined['UNCORRECTED_FLUX'] ue = combined['UNCORRECTED_ERROR'] uw = grid_info.get('uncorrected_coordinates') uw = w if uw is None else uw[2] # .reshape(f.shape) else: uf, ue, uw = f, e, w # Create some work arrays temp_shape = (nw, n_spax) iflux, istd = np.empty(temp_shape), np.empty(temp_shape) if do_uncor: iuflux, iustd = np.empty(temp_shape), np.empty(temp_shape) else: iuflux, iustd = None, None start = 0 for file_idx, (square, xr, yr) in enumerate(good_grid): file_flux = f[file_idx] end = start + file_flux.size if not square.any(): log.debug(f'No good values in file {file_idx}') start = end continue file_wave = w[start:end].reshape(file_flux.shape) file_x = x[start:end].reshape(file_flux.shape) file_y = y[start:end].reshape(file_flux.shape) file_error = e[file_idx] if do_uncor: file_u_flux = uf[file_idx] file_u_wave = uw[start:end].reshape(file_u_flux.shape) file_u_error = ue[file_idx] else: file_u_flux = file_flux file_u_wave = file_wave file_u_error = file_error x_out = x_grid[yr[0]:yr[1], xr[0]:xr[1]][square] y_out = y_grid[yr[0]:yr[1], xr[0]:xr[1]][square] # loop over spaxels to resample spexels for spaxel in range(n_spax): # all wavelengths, y=i, x=j s = slice(None), spaxel try: resampler = Resample( file_wave[s], file_flux[s], error=file_error[s], window=fit_wdw, order=order, robust=robust, negthresh=neg_threshold) iflux[:, spaxel], istd[:, spaxel] = resampler( w_out, smoothing=smoothing_wdw, fit_threshold=fit_threshold, edge_threshold=edge_threshold, edge_algorithm='distribution', get_error=True, error_weighting=error_weighting) except (RuntimeError, ValueError, np.linalg.LinAlgError): log.debug(f'Math error in resampler at ' f'spaxel {spaxel} for file {file_idx}') iflux[:, spaxel], istd[:, spaxel] = np.nan, np.nan if do_uncor: try: resampler = Resample( file_u_wave[s], file_u_flux[s], error=file_u_error[s], window=fit_wdw, order=order, robust=robust, negthresh=neg_threshold) iuflux[:, spaxel], iustd[:, spaxel] = resampler( w_out, smoothing=smoothing_wdw, fit_threshold=fit_threshold, edge_threshold=edge_threshold, edge_algorithm='distribution', get_error=True, error_weighting=error_weighting) except (RuntimeError, ValueError, np.linalg.LinAlgError): log.debug(f'Math error in resampler at ' f'spaxel {spaxel} for file {file_idx}') iuflux[:, spaxel], iustd[:, spaxel] = np.nan, np.nan # x and y coordinates for resampled fluxes -- take from first spexel xi, yi = file_x[0], file_y[0] # check for useful data valid = np.isfinite(iflux) & np.isfinite(istd) wave_ok = np.sum(valid, axis=1) > min_points if do_uncor: u_valid = np.isfinite(iuflux) & np.isfinite(iustd) u_wave_ok = np.sum(u_valid, axis=1) > min_points else: u_valid = None u_wave_ok = np.full_like(wave_ok, False) for wave_i in range(nw): if wave_ok[wave_i]: idx = valid[wave_i] rbf = Rbf(xi[idx], yi[idx], iflux[wave_i][idx], **kwargs) new_flux = np.zeros(square.shape) new_flux[square] = rbf(x_out, y_out) flux[wave_i, yr[0]:yr[1], xr[0]:xr[1]] += new_flux rbf = Rbf(xi[idx], yi[idx], istd[wave_i][idx], **kwargs) new_std = np.zeros(square.shape) new_std[square] = rbf(x_out, y_out) ** 2 std[wave_i, yr[0]:yr[1], xr[0]:xr[1]] += new_std counts[wave_i, yr[0]:yr[1], xr[0]:xr[1]] += square if do_uncor: if u_wave_ok[wave_i]: idx = u_valid[wave_i] rbf = Rbf(xi[idx], yi[idx], iuflux[wave_i][idx], **kwargs) new_flux = np.zeros(square.shape) new_flux[square] = rbf(x_out, y_out) uflux[wave_i, yr[0]:yr[1], xr[0]:xr[1]] += new_flux rbf = Rbf(xi[idx], yi[idx], iustd[wave_i][idx], **kwargs) new_std = np.zeros(square.shape) new_std[square] = rbf(x_out, y_out) ** 2 ustd[wave_i, yr[0]:yr[1], xr[0]:xr[1]] += new_std ucounts[wave_i, yr[0]:yr[1], xr[0]:xr[1]] += square start = end # average, set zero counts to nan'Mean-combining all resampled cubes') exposure = ucounts.copy() if do_uncor else counts.copy() # For accounting purposes, multiply the exposure map by 2 for NMC nodstyle = combined['PRIMEHEAD'].get('NODSTYLE', 'UNK').upper().strip() if nodstyle in ['SYMMETRIC', 'NMC']: exposure *= 2 nzi = counts > 0 flux[nzi] /= counts[nzi] std[nzi] = np.sqrt(std[nzi]) / counts[nzi] flux[~nzi] = np.nan std[~nzi] = np.nan # correct flux for pixel size change factor = (grid_info['delta'][1] / grid_info['pix_size'] ).decompose().value ** 2'Flux correction factor: {factor:.5f}') correction = factor combined['GRID_FLUX'] = flux * correction combined['GRID_ERROR'] = std * correction combined['GRID_COUNTS'] = exposure # warn if all NaN if np.all(np.isnan(flux)): log.warning('Primary flux cube contains only NaN values.') if do_uncor: nzi = ucounts > 0 uflux[nzi] /= ucounts[nzi] ustd[nzi] = np.sqrt(ustd[nzi]) / ucounts[nzi] uflux[~nzi] = np.nan ustd[~nzi] = np.nan combined['GRID_UNCORRECTED_FLUX'] = uflux * correction combined['GRID_UNCORRECTED_ERROR'] = ustd * correction if np.all(np.isnan(uflux)): log.warning('Uncorrected flux cube contains only NaN values.') # Update header unit_fit_wdw = (grid_info["wave_fwhm"] * window).to('um').value unit_smooth_wdw = (grid_info["wave_fwhm"] * smoothing).to('um').value hdinsert(combined['PRIMEHEAD'], 'WVFITWDW', str(unit_fit_wdw), comment='Wave resample fit window (um)') hdinsert(combined['PRIMEHEAD'], 'WVFITORD', str(order), comment='Wave resample fit order') hdinsert(combined['PRIMEHEAD'], 'WVFITSMR', str(unit_smooth_wdw), comment='Wave resample smooth radius (um)') hdinsert(combined['PRIMEHEAD'], 'XYRSMPAL', 'radial basis function interpolation', comment='XY resampling algorithm') return
[docs] def local_surface_fit(combined, grid_info, window=None, adaptive_threshold=None, adaptive_algorithm='scaled', error_weighting=True, smoothing=None, order=2, robust=None, neg_threshold=None, fit_threshold=None, edge_threshold=None, skip_uncorrected=False, jobs=None, check_memory=True): """ Resamples combined data on regular grid using local polynomial fitting. Parameters ---------- combined : dict Dictionary containing combined data. Returned from `combine_files`. grid_info : dict Dictionary containing output grid coordinates and other necessary information. Returned from `get_grid_info`. window : array_like of float, optional Region to consider for local polynomial fits, given as a factor of the mean FWHM, in the (x, y, w) dimensions. Default is (3.0, 3.0, 0.5). adaptive_threshold : array_like of float, optional If > 0, determines how the adaptive smoothing algorithm will attempt to fit data. The optimal value is 1. Will automatically enable both distance and error weighting. For dimensions that have adaptive smoothing enabled, `smoothing` should be set to the Gaussian width of the data in units of `window`. For other dimensions not using adaptive smoothing, `smoothing` has the usual definition. Adaptive smoothing is disabled by default: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0). adaptive_algorithm : {'scaled', 'shaped'}, optional Determines the type of variation allowed for the adaptive kernel. If 'scaled', only the kernel size is allowed to vary. If 'shaped', kernel shape may also vary. error_weighting : bool, optional If True, errors will be used to weight the flux fits. smoothing : array_like of float, optional Distance over which to smooth the data, given as a factor of the mean FWHM, in the (x, y, w) dimensions. If `adaptive_threshold` is set for a certain dimension, smoothing should be set to 1.0 for that dimension. Default is (1.75, 1.75, 0.25). order : int or array of int, optional Maximum order of local polynomial fits, in the (x, y, w) dimensions. robust : float, optional Rejection threshold for input data to local fits, given as a factor of the standard deviation. neg_threshold : float, optional First-pass rejection threshold for negative input data, given as a factor of the standard deviation; if None or <= 0, first-pass rejection will not be performed. fit_threshold : float, optional Rejection threshold for output fit values, given as a factor of the standard deviation in the input data. If exceeded, weighted mean value is used in place of fit. edge_threshold : array_like of float, optional Threshold for edge marking for (x, y, w) dimensions. Values should be between 0 and 1; higher values mean more edge pixels marked. Default is (0.7, 0.7, 0.5). skip_uncorrected: bool, optional If set, the uncorrected flux cube will not be computed, even if present in the input data. This option is primarily intended for testing or quicklook, when the full data product is not needed. jobs : int, optional Specifies the maximum number of concurrently running jobs. Values of 0 or 1 will result in serial processing. A negative value sets jobs to `n_cpus + 1 + jobs` such that -1 would use all cpus, and -2 would use all but one cpu. check_memory : bool, optional If set, expected memory use will be checked and used to limit the number of jobs if necessary. """'')'Resampling using local polynomial fits') # Fit window for FWHM if window is None: window = (3.0, 3.0, 0.5) if smoothing is None: smoothing = (2.0, 2.0, 0.25) if edge_threshold is None: edge_threshold = (0.7, 0.7, 0.5) # In pixel units xy_fwhm = grid_info['oversample'][1] w_fwhm = grid_info['oversample'][0] fit_wdw = (window[0] * xy_fwhm, window[1] * xy_fwhm, window[2] * w_fwhm) smth_wdw = (smoothing[0] * xy_fwhm, smoothing[1] * xy_fwhm, smoothing[2] * w_fwhm)'Fit window (x, y, w): ' f'{(fit_wdw[0] * abs(grid_info["delta"][2]).to("arcsec")):.2f} ' f'{(fit_wdw[1] * abs(grid_info["delta"][1]).to("arcsec")):.2f} ' f'{(fit_wdw[2] * abs(grid_info["delta"][0]).to("um")):.5f}')'Gaussian width of smoothing function (x, y, w): ' f'{(smth_wdw[0] * abs(grid_info["delta"][2]).to("arcsec")):.2f} ' f'{(smth_wdw[1] * abs(grid_info["delta"][1]).to("arcsec")):.2f} ' f'{(smth_wdw[2] * abs(grid_info["delta"][0]).to("um")):.5f}') if adaptive_threshold is not None:'Adaptive algorithm: {adaptive_algorithm}')'Adaptive smoothing threshold (x, y, w): ' f'{adaptive_threshold[0]:.2f}, {adaptive_threshold[1]:.2f}, ' f'{adaptive_threshold[2]:.2f}') else: adaptive_threshold = 0 adaptive_algorithm = None scan_reduction = combined.get('scan_reduction', False) if scan_reduction: # pragma: no cover flxvals = combined['FLUX'] errvals = combined['ERROR'] else: flxvals = np.hstack([f.ravel() for f in combined['FLUX']]) errvals = np.hstack([e.ravel() for e in combined['ERROR']]) # check whether data fits in memory'') max_bytes = Resample.estimate_max_bytes(grid_info['coordinates'], fit_wdw, order=order) max_avail = psutil.virtual_memory().total max_size = max_bytes for unit in ['B', 'kB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB']: if max_size < 1024 or unit == 'PB': break max_size /= 1024.0 log.debug(f'Maximum expected memory needed: {max_size:.2f} {unit}') if check_memory: # let the resampler handle it - it has more sophisticated checks large_data = None else: # with check_memory false, set large data if the reduction is # likely to take up a significant percentage of memory, to give # it a chance to succeed if max_bytes >= max_avail / 10: log.debug('Splitting data tree into blocks.') large_data = True else: large_data = False if np.all(np.isnan(flxvals)): log.warning('Primary flux cube contains only NaN values.') flux = np.full(grid_info['shape'][1:], np.nan) std = np.full(grid_info['shape'][1:], np.nan) weights = np.full(grid_info['shape'][1:], 0.0) else: resampler = Resample( grid_info['coordinates'].copy(), flxvals, error=errvals, window=fit_wdw, order=order, robust=robust, negthresh=neg_threshold, large_data=large_data, check_memory=check_memory) flux, std, weights = resampler( *grid_info['grid'], smoothing=smth_wdw, adaptive_algorithm=adaptive_algorithm, adaptive_threshold=adaptive_threshold, fit_threshold=fit_threshold, edge_threshold=edge_threshold, edge_algorithm='distribution', get_error=True, get_distance_weights=True, error_weighting=error_weighting, jobs=jobs) do_uncor = 'UNCORRECTED_FLUX' in combined and not skip_uncorrected if do_uncor:'')'Now resampling uncorrected cube.') if grid_info['uncorrected_coordinates'] is None: # pragma: no cover coord = grid_info['coordinates'].copy() else: coord = grid_info['uncorrected_coordinates'].copy() flxvals = np.hstack([f.ravel() for f in combined['UNCORRECTED_FLUX']]) errvals = np.hstack([e.ravel() for e in combined['UNCORRECTED_ERROR']]) if np.all(np.isnan(flxvals)): log.warning('Uncorrected flux cube contains only NaN values.') uflux = np.full(grid_info['shape'][1:], np.nan) ustd = np.full(grid_info['shape'][1:], np.nan) uweights = np.full(grid_info['shape'][1:], 0.0) else: resampler = Resample( coord, flxvals, error=errvals, window=fit_wdw, order=order, robust=robust, negthresh=neg_threshold, large_data=large_data, check_memory=check_memory) uflux, ustd, uweights = resampler( *grid_info['grid'], smoothing=smth_wdw, adaptive_algorithm=adaptive_algorithm, adaptive_threshold=adaptive_threshold, fit_threshold=fit_threshold, edge_threshold=edge_threshold, edge_algorithm='distribution', get_error=True, get_distance_weights=True, error_weighting=error_weighting, jobs=jobs) else: uflux, ustd, uweights = None, None, None # make exposure map'')'Making the exposure map.') exposure = generate_exposure_map(combined, grid_info) combined['GRID_COUNTS'] = exposure # store distance weights combined['GRID_WEIGHTS'] = weights # correct flux for spatial pixel size change and extrapolation factor = (grid_info['delta'][1] / grid_info['pix_size'] ).decompose().value ** 2'Flux correction factor: {factor}') correction = np.full(flux.shape, factor) correction[exposure == 0] = np.nan combined['GRID_FLUX'] = flux * correction combined['GRID_ERROR'] = std * correction if do_uncor: combined['GRID_UNCORRECTED_FLUX'] = uflux * correction combined['GRID_UNCORRECTED_ERROR'] = ustd * correction combined['GRID_UNCORRECTED_WEIGHTS'] = uweights # Update header hdinsert(combined['PRIMEHEAD'], 'XYFITWD', str(fit_wdw), comment='WXY Resample fit window (arcsec,arcsec,um)') hdinsert(combined['PRIMEHEAD'], 'XYFITORD', str(order), comment='WXY Resample fit order') hdinsert(combined['PRIMEHEAD'], 'XYFITWTS', 'error and distance', comment='WXY Resample weights') hdinsert(combined['PRIMEHEAD'], 'XYFITSMR', str(smth_wdw), comment='WXY Resample smooth radius (arcsec,arcsec,um)') hdinsert(combined['PRIMEHEAD'], 'XYRSMPAL', 'local polynomial surface fits', comment='WXY resampling algorithm') return
[docs] def make_hdul(combined, grid_info, append_weights=False): """ Create final HDU List from combined data and gridding info. Parameters ---------- combined : dict grid_info : dict append_weights : bool, optional If set, distance weights will be appended as an additional extension. Returns ------- fits.HDUList """ primehead = combined['PRIMEHEAD'] outname = os.path.basename(primehead.get('FILENAME', 'UNKNOWN')) outname, _ = os.path.splitext(outname) for repl in ['SCM', 'TEL', 'CAL', 'WSH']: outname = outname.replace(repl, 'WXY') outname = f"{'_'.join(outname.split('_')[:-1])}_" \ f"{primehead.get('FILENUM', 'UNK')}.fits" hdinsert(primehead, 'FILENAME', outname) hdinsert(primehead, 'NAXIS', 0) hdinsert(primehead, 'PRODTYPE', 'resampled') primehead['HISTORY'] = 'Resampled to regular grid' hdinsert(primehead, 'PIXSCAL', grid_info['delta'][1].to('arcsec').value) hdinsert(primehead, 'XYOVRSMP', str(grid_info['oversample']), comment='WXY Oversampling (pix per mean FWHM)') obsbet = primehead['OBSDEC'] - (primehead['DBET_MAP'] / 3600) obslam = (primehead['OBSRA'] * 15) obslam -= primehead['DLAM_MAP'] / (3600 * np.cos(np.radians(obsbet))) wcs = grid_info['wcs'] wcs_info = wcs.to_header() # Save reference value in TELRA/TELDEC, since those are archive- # searchable values hdinsert(primehead, 'TELRA', obslam / 15) hdinsert(primehead, 'TELDEC', obsbet) procstat = str(primehead.get('PROCSTAT')).upper() imagehdu = fits.ImageHDU(combined['GRID_FLUX']) exthdr = imagehdu.header.copy() exthdr_1d = imagehdu.header.copy() hdinsert(exthdr, 'DATE-OBS', primehead['DATE-OBS'], comment='Observation date') hdinsert(exthdr_1d, 'DATE-OBS', primehead['DATE-OBS'], comment='Observation date') if procstat == 'LEVEL_3': hdinsert(exthdr, 'BUNIT', 'Jy/pixel', comment='Data units') # New convention:: always set calibrated WXY to LEVEL_4 # even if it contains data from one mission only hdinsert(primehead, 'PROCSTAT', 'LEVEL_4') else: hdinsert(exthdr, 'BUNIT', 'ADU/(s Hz)', comment='Data units') # Add WCS keywords to primary header and ext header for h in [primehead, exthdr]: if 'CTYPE1' in wcs_info: detector_coordinates = False hdinsert(h, 'EQUINOX', 2000.0, comment='Coordinate equinox') hdinsert(h, 'CTYPE1', wcs_info['CTYPE1'], comment='Axis 1 type and projection') hdinsert(h, 'CTYPE2', wcs_info['CTYPE2'], comment='Axis 2 type and projection') hdinsert(h, 'CTYPE3', wcs_info['CTYPE3'], comment='Axis 3 type and projection') hdinsert(h, 'CUNIT1', 'deg', comment='Axis 1 units') hdinsert(h, 'CUNIT2', 'deg', comment='Axis 2 units') hdinsert(h, 'CUNIT3', 'um', comment='Axis 3 units') hdinsert(h, 'CRVAL1', wcs_info['CRVAL1'], comment='RA (deg) at CRPIX1,2') hdinsert(h, 'CRVAL2', wcs_info['CRVAL2'], comment='Dec (deg) at CRPIX1,2') hdinsert(h, 'CRVAL3', wcs_info['CRVAL3'] * 1e6, comment='Wavelength (um) at CRPIX3') hdinsert(h, 'CDELT1', wcs_info['CDELT1'], comment='RA pixel scale (deg/pix)') hdinsert(h, 'CDELT2', wcs_info['CDELT2'], comment='Dec pixel scale (deg/pix)') hdinsert(h, 'CDELT3', wcs_info['CDELT3'] * 1e6, comment='Wavelength pixel scale (um/pix)') else: detector_coordinates = True hdinsert(h, 'CTYPE1', 'X', comment='Axis 1 type and projection') hdinsert(h, 'CTYPE2', 'Y', comment='Axis 2 type and projection') hdinsert(h, 'CTYPE3', 'WAVE', comment='Axis 3 type and projection') hdinsert(h, 'CUNIT1', 'arcsec', comment='Axis 1 units') hdinsert(h, 'CUNIT2', 'arcsec', comment='Axis 2 units') hdinsert(h, 'CUNIT3', 'um', comment='Axis 3 units') hdinsert(h, 'CRVAL1', wcs_info['CRVAL1'], comment='X (arcsec) at CRPIX1,2') hdinsert(h, 'CRVAL2', wcs_info['CRVAL2'], comment='Y (arcsec) at CRPIX1,2') hdinsert(h, 'CRVAL3', wcs_info['CRVAL3'], comment='Wavelength (um) at CRPIX3') hdinsert(h, 'CDELT1', wcs_info['CDELT1'], comment='RA pixel scale (arcsec/pix)') hdinsert(h, 'CDELT2', wcs_info['CDELT2'], comment='Dec pixel scale (arcsec/pix)') hdinsert(h, 'CDELT3', wcs_info['CDELT3'], comment='Wavelength pixel scale (um/pix)') hdinsert(h, 'CRPIX1', wcs_info['CRPIX1'], comment='Reference pixel (x)') hdinsert(h, 'CRPIX2', wcs_info['CRPIX2'], comment='Reference pixel (y)') hdinsert(h, 'CRPIX3', wcs_info['CRPIX3'], comment='Reference pixel (z)') hdinsert(h, 'CROTA2', -primehead.get('SKY_ANGL', 0.0), comment='Rotation angle (deg)') hdinsert(h, 'SPECSYS', 'BARYCENT', comment='Spectral reference frame') # add beam keywords hdinsert(h, 'BMAJ', grid_info['xy_fwhm'].to('degree').value, comment='Beam major axis (deg)') hdinsert(h, 'BMIN', grid_info['xy_fwhm'].to('degree').value, comment='Beam minor axis (deg)') hdinsert(h, 'BPA', 0.0, comment='Beam position angle (deg)') # interpolate smoothed ATRAN and response data onto new grid for # reference resolution = grid_info['resolution'] dw = (grid_info['delta'][0] / 2).to('um').value gx, gy, gw = grid_info['grid'] x_out = wcs.wcs_pix2world(gx, [0], [0], 0)[0] y_out = wcs.wcs_pix2world([0], gy, [0], 0)[1] w_out = wcs.wcs_pix2world([0], [0], gw, 0)[2] if not detector_coordinates: w_out *= 1e6 wmin = w_out.min() wmax = w_out.max() if 'UNSMOOTHED_TRANSMISSION' in combined: unsmoothed_atran = combined['UNSMOOTHED_TRANSMISSION'] try: smoothed = smoothres(unsmoothed_atran[0], unsmoothed_atran[1], resolution) # Interpolate transmission to new wavelengths w = unsmoothed_atran[0] atran = np.interp(w_out, w, smoothed, left=np.nan, right=np.nan) # Keep unsmoothed data as is, but cut to wavelength range keep = (w >= (wmin - dw)) & (w <= (wmax + dw)) unsmoothed_atran = unsmoothed_atran[:, keep] except (ValueError, TypeError, IndexError): log.error('Problem in interpolation. ' 'Setting TRANSMISSION to 1.0.') atran = np.full(w_out.shape, 1.0) else: atran = np.full(w_out.shape, 1.0) unsmoothed_atran = None response = get_response(primehead) try: resp = np.interp(w_out, response[0], response[1], left=np.nan, right=np.nan) except (ValueError, TypeError, IndexError): log.error('Problem in interpolation. ' 'Setting RESPONSE to 1.0.') resp = np.full(w_out.shape, 1.0) # Add the spectral keys to primehead hdinsert(primehead, 'RESOLUN', resolution) hdinsert(primehead, 'SPEXLWID', grid_info['delta'][0].to('um').value) # make HDUList hdul = fits.HDUList(fits.PrimaryHDU(header=primehead)) hdul.append(fits.ImageHDU(data=combined['GRID_FLUX'], name='FLUX', header=exthdr)) hdul.append(fits.ImageHDU(data=combined['GRID_ERROR'], name='ERROR', header=exthdr)) if 'GRID_UNCORRECTED_FLUX' in combined: hdul.append(fits.ImageHDU(data=combined['GRID_UNCORRECTED_FLUX'], name='UNCORRECTED_FLUX', header=exthdr)) hdul.append(fits.ImageHDU(data=combined['GRID_UNCORRECTED_ERROR'], name='UNCORRECTED_ERROR', header=exthdr)) hdinsert(exthdr_1d, 'BUNIT', 'um', comment='Data units') hdul.append(fits.ImageHDU(data=w_out, name='WAVELENGTH', header=exthdr_1d)) if detector_coordinates: exthdr_1d['BUNIT'] = 'arcsec' hdul.append(fits.ImageHDU(data=x_out, name='XS', header=exthdr_1d)) hdul.append(fits.ImageHDU(data=y_out, name='YS', header=exthdr_1d)) else: exthdr_1d['BUNIT'] = 'degree' hdul.append(fits.ImageHDU(data=x_out, name=wcs_info['CTYPE1'], header=exthdr_1d)) hdul.append(fits.ImageHDU(data=y_out, name=wcs_info['CTYPE2'], header=exthdr_1d)) exthdr_1d['BUNIT'] = '' hdul.append(fits.ImageHDU(data=atran, name='TRANSMISSION', header=exthdr_1d)) exthdr_1d['BUNIT'] = 'adu/(s Hz Jy)' hdul.append(fits.ImageHDU(data=resp, name='RESPONSE', header=exthdr_1d)) exthdr['BUNIT'] = '' hdul.append(fits.ImageHDU(data=combined['GRID_COUNTS'], name='EXPOSURE_MAP', header=exthdr)) exthdr_1d['BUNIT'] = '' hdul.append(fits.ImageHDU(data=unsmoothed_atran, name='UNSMOOTHED_TRANSMISSION', header=exthdr_1d)) if append_weights and 'GRID_WEIGHTS' in combined: hdul.append(fits.ImageHDU(data=combined['GRID_WEIGHTS'], name='IMAGE_WEIGHTS', header=exthdr)) if 'GRID_UNCORRECTED_WEIGHTS' in combined: hdul.append( fits.ImageHDU(data=combined['GRID_UNCORRECTED_WEIGHTS'], name='UNCORRECTED_IMAGE_WEIGHTS', header=exthdr)) return hdul
[docs] def perform_scan_reduction(filenames, scan_kwargs=None, reduce_uncorrected=True, save_scan=False, insert_source=True): # pragma: no cover """ Reduce the files using a scan reduction. Parameters ---------- filenames : list (str) A list of FIFI-LS WSH FITS files to reduce. scan_kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments to pass into the scan reduction. reduce_uncorrected : bool, optional If `True`, reduce the uncorrected flux values as well. save_scan : bool, optional If `True`, files produced by the scan reduction will be saved to disk. insert_source : bool, optional If `True`, will perform a full scan reduction and reinsert the source after. Otherwise, the reduction is used to calculate gains, offsets, and correlations which will then be applied to the original data. If `True`, note that timestream filtering will not be applied to the correction and should therefore be excluded from the scan reduction runtime parameters in order to reduce processing pressure. Returns ------- combined : dict """ # lazy import, in case scan is not installed from sofia_redux.scan.reduction.reduction import Reduction if scan_kwargs is None: scan_kwargs = {} if 'grid' not in scan_kwargs: hdul = gethdul(filenames[0]) header = hdul[0].header w_mid = (hdul['LAMBDA'].data.max() + hdul['LAMBDA'].data.min()) / 2 if not isinstance(filenames[0], fits.HDUList): hdul.close() # Begin with spectral scalings resolution = get_resolution(header, wmean=w_mid) spectral_fwhm = w_mid / resolution spatial_fwhm = get_resolution(header, spatial=True, wmean=w_mid) scan_kwargs['grid'] = f'{spatial_fwhm / 3},{spectral_fwhm / 3}' # save intermediate files if desired if save_scan: scan_kwargs['write'] = {'source': True} else: scan_kwargs['write'] = {'source': False} scan_kwargs.update({'fifi_ls': {'resample': 'True', 'insert_source': insert_source}}) reduction = Reduction('fifi_ls'), **scan_kwargs) temporary_directory = tempfile.mkdtemp('fifi_resample_scan_reductions') reduction_file = os.path.join(temporary_directory, 'reduction.p') with open(reduction_file, 'wb') as f: cloudpickle.dump(reduction, f) # Save to disk for now to free up memory del reduction gc.collect() # "fifi_ls.uncorrected" is the toggle to perform a SOFSCAN reduction on # the uncorrected data values if reduce_uncorrected: u_reduction = Reduction('fifi_ls') scan_kwargs['fifi_ls']['uncorrected'] = True, **scan_kwargs) u_reduction_file = os.path.join(temporary_directory, 'u_reduction.p') with open(u_reduction_file, 'wb') as f: cloudpickle.dump(u_reduction, f) del u_reduction gc.collect() else: u_reduction_file = None combined = combine_scan_reductions( reduction_file, uncorrected_reduction=u_reduction_file) combined['reduction_file'] = reduction_file combined['uncorrected_reduction_file'] = u_reduction_file return combined
[docs] def resample(filenames, target_x=None, target_y=None, target_wave=None, ctype1='RA---TAN', ctype2='DEC--TAN', ctype3='WAVE', interp=False, oversample=None, spatial_size=None, spectral_size=None, window=None, adaptive_threshold=None, adaptive_algorithm=None, error_weighting=True, smoothing=None, order=2, robust=None, neg_threshold=None, fit_threshold=None, edge_threshold=None, append_weights=False, skip_uncorrected=False, write=False, outdir=None, jobs=None, check_memory=True, scan_reduction=False, scan_kwargs=None, save_scan=False, detector_coordinates=None, naif_id_key='NAIF_ID', insert_source=True): """ Resample unevenly spaced FIFI-LS pixels to regular grid. Spatial and spectral pixels from all dither positions are resampled onto a regular grid. The procedure is: 1. Read input files 2. Define output grid based on input parameter values or values from file data. 3. Resample data: perform local polynomial fits at each output grid point. 4. Correct flux for change to pixel size. Factor is new pixel area (dx^2) / input pixel size (12" red, 6" blue). 5. Update header for new WCS, from OBSRA/OBSDEC and offsets, Update PROCSTAT to LEVEL_4 if input data comes from multiple missions. 6. Create FITS file and write results to disk. Parameters ---------- filenames : array_like of str File paths to FITS data to be resampled. target_x : float, optional The target right ascension (hourangle). The default is the mid-point of all RA values in the combined data. target_y : float, optional The target declination (degree). The default is the mid-point of all DEC values in the combined data. target_wave : float, optional The center wavelength (um). The default is the mid-point of all wavelength values in the combined data. ctype1 : str, optional The coordinate frame for the x spatial axis using FITS standards. ctype2 : str, optional The coordinate frame for the y spatial axis using FITS standards. ctype3 : str, optional The coordinate frame for the w spectral axis using FITS standards. interp : bool, optional If True, alternate algorithm will be used for spatial resampling (interpolation / mean combine, rather than local polynomial fits). oversample : array_like of int or float, optional Number of pixels to sample mean FWHM with, in the (spatial, spectral) dimensions. Default is (5.0, 8.0). spatial_size : float, optional Output pixel size, in the spatial dimensions. Units are arcsec. If specified, the corresponding oversample parameter will be ignored. spectral_size : float, optional Output pixel size, in the spectral dimension. Units are um. If specified, the corresponding oversample parameter will be ignored. window : array_like of float, optional Region to consider for local polynomial fits, given as a factor of the mean FWHM, in the (x, y, w) dimensions. Default is (3.0, 3.0, 0.5). adaptive_threshold : array_like of float, optional If > 0, determines how the adaptive smoothing algorithm will attempt to fit data. The optimal value is 1. Will automatically enable both distance and error weighting. For dimensions that have adaptive smoothing enabled, `smoothing` should be set to the Gaussian width of the data in units of `window`. For other dimensions not using adaptive smoothing, `smoothing` has the usual definition. Adaptive smoothing is disabled by default: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0). adaptive_algorithm : {'scaled', 'shaped'}, optional Determines the type of variation allowed for the adaptive kernel. If 'scaled', only the kernel size is allowed to vary. If 'shaped', kernel shape may also vary. error_weighting : bool, optional If True, errors will be used to weight the flux fits. smoothing : array_like of float, optional Radius over which to smooth the input data, specified as a factor of the mean FWHM, if distance weights are being used. Default is (2.0, 2.0, 0.25). order : array_like or int, optional (nfeatures,) array of single integer value specifying the polynomial fit order for each dimension (x, y, w). robust : float, optional Rejection threshold for input data to local fits, given as a factor of the standard deviation. neg_threshold : float, optional First-pass rejection threshold for negative input data, given as a factor of the standard deviation; if None or <= 0, first-pass rejection will not be performed. fit_threshold : float, optional Rejection threshold for output fit values, given as a factor of the standard deviation in the input data. If exceeded, weighted mean value is used in place of fit. edge_threshold : float or array_like or float If set to a value > 0 and < 1, edges of the fit will be masked out according to `edge_algorithm`. Values close to zero will result in a high degree of edge clipping, while values close to 1 ckip edges to a lesser extent. The clipping threshold is a fraction of window. An array may be used to specify values for each dimension. append_weights: bool, optional If set, distance weights will be appended as an additional extension. skip_uncorrected: bool, optional If set, the uncorrected flux cube will not be computed, even if present in the input data. This option is primarily intended for testing or quicklook, when the full data product is not needed. write : bool, optional If True, write to disk and return the path to the output file. The output filename is created from the input filename, with the product type suffix replaced with 'WXY'. outdir : str, optional Directory path to write output. If None, output files will be written to the same directory as the input files. jobs : int, optional Specifies the maximum number of concurrently running jobs. Values of 0 or 1 will result in serial processing. A negative value sets jobs to `n_cpus + 1 + jobs` such that -1 would use all cpus, and -2 would use all but one cpu. check_memory : bool, optional If set, expected memory use will be checked and used to limit the number of jobs if necessary. scan_reduction : bool, optional If `True`, run a scan reduction first before performing the resampling step. This may be a very time consuming operation, but may also remove many correlated noise signals from the data. save_scan : bool, optional If `True`, the output from the scan algorithm, prior to resampling, will be saved to disk. scan_kwargs : dict, optional Optional keyword arguments to pass into the scan reduction. detector_coordinates : bool, optional If `True`, reduce using detector coordinates instead of RA/DEC. if `None`, will attempt to auto-detect based on OBSLAM/OBSDEC header values (`True` if all OBSLAM/DEC = 0, `False` otherwise). naif_id_key : str, optional The name of the NAIF ID keyword. If present in the header, should indicate the associated file contains a nonsidereal observation. insert_source : bool, optional If `True`, will perform a full scan reduction (if applicable) and reinsert the source after. Otherwise, the reduction is used to calculate gains, offsets, and correlations which will then be applied to the original data. If `True`, note that timestream filtering will not be applied to the correction and should therefore be excluded from the scan reduction runtime parameters in order to reduce processing pressure. Returns ------- fits.HDUList or str Either the HDU (if write is False) or the filename of the output file (if write is True). The output contains the following extensions: FLUX, ERROR, WAVELENGTH, X, Y, RA, DEC, TRANSMISSION, RESPONSE, EXPOSURE_MAP. The following extensions will be appended if possible: UNCORRECTED_FLUX, UNCORRECTED_ERROR, UNSMOOTHED_TRANSMISSION. """ clear_resolution_cache() clear_response_cache() if isinstance(filenames, str): filenames = [filenames] if not hasattr(filenames, '__len__'): log.error(f'Invalid input files type ({repr(filenames)})') return if isinstance(outdir, str): if not os.path.isdir(outdir): log.error(f'Output directory {outdir} does not exist') return else: if isinstance(filenames[0], str): outdir = os.path.dirname(filenames[0]) combined = combine_files(filenames, naif_id_key=naif_id_key, scan_reduction=scan_reduction, save_scan=save_scan, scan_kwargs=scan_kwargs, skip_uncorrected=skip_uncorrected, insert_source=insert_source) interp |= combined['method'] == 'interpolate' if detector_coordinates is None: if combined['definite_nonsidereal']:'Resampling using detector coordinates: nonsidereal') detector_coordinates = True elif combined['nonsidereal_values']:'Resampling using detector coordinates: ' 'possible non-sidereal observation') detector_coordinates = True else:'Resampling using equatorial coordinates') detector_coordinates = False grid_info = get_grid_info(combined, oversample=oversample, spatial_size=spatial_size, spectral_size=spectral_size, target_x=target_x, target_y=target_y, target_wave=target_wave, ctype1=ctype1, ctype2=ctype2, ctype3=ctype3, detector_coordinates=detector_coordinates) if grid_info is None: log.error('Problem in grid calculation') cleanup_scan_reduction(combined) return if interp: try: rbf_mean_combine(combined, grid_info, window=window, error_weighting=error_weighting, smoothing=smoothing, order=order, robust=robust, neg_threshold=neg_threshold, fit_threshold=fit_threshold, skip_uncorrected=skip_uncorrected) except Exception as err: log.error(err, exc_info=True) return None finally: cleanup_scan_reduction(combined) else: try: local_surface_fit(combined, grid_info, window=window, adaptive_threshold=adaptive_threshold, adaptive_algorithm=adaptive_algorithm, error_weighting=error_weighting, smoothing=smoothing, order=order, robust=robust, neg_threshold=neg_threshold, fit_threshold=fit_threshold, edge_threshold=edge_threshold, skip_uncorrected=skip_uncorrected, jobs=jobs, check_memory=check_memory) except Exception as err: log.error(err, exc_info=True) return None finally: cleanup_scan_reduction(combined) result = make_hdul(combined, grid_info, append_weights=append_weights) if not write: return result else: return write_hdul(result, outdir=outdir, overwrite=True)
[docs] def cleanup_scan_reduction(combined): """ Remove all temporary files created during a scan reduction. Parameters ---------- combined : dict The combined data set. The 'reduction_file' and 'uncorrected_reduction_file' keys should have string values pointing to the pickle file on disk. Their parent directory will also be deleted. Returns ------- None """ try: delete_dir = None for key in ['reduction_file', 'uncorrected_reduction_file']: filename = combined.get(key) if filename is not None and os.path.isfile(filename): os.remove(filename) if delete_dir is None: delete_dir = os.path.dirname(filename) if delete_dir is not None and os.path.isdir(delete_dir): shutil.rmtree(delete_dir) except Exception as err: # pragma: no cover log.error(f"Problem cleaning scan reduction temporary files: {err}")