
sofia_redux.instruments.fifi_ls.resample.combine_files(filenames, naif_id_key='NAIF_ID', scan_reduction=False, save_scan=False, scan_kwargs=None, skip_uncorrected=False, insert_source=True)[source]

Combine all files into a single dataset.

For OTF mode, the input data for each file contains multiple samples, each with their own X and Y coordinates. Each sample is handled separately, as if it came from a different input file.

filenamesarray_like of str

File paths to FITS data to be resampled.

naif_id_keystr, optional

The header key which if present, indicates that an observation is nonsidereal.

scan_reduction: bool, optional

If True, indicates the user wished to perform a scan reduction on the files. This will only be possible if the files contain OTF data.

save_scanbool, optional

If True, the output from the scan algorithm, prior to resampling, will be saved to disk.

scan_kwargsdict, optional

Optional parameters for a scan reduction if performed.

skip_uncorrectedbool, optional

If True, skip reduction of the uncorrected flux values.

insert_sourcebool, optional

If True, will perform a full scan reduction (if applicable) and reinsert the source after. Otherwise, the reduction is used to calculate gains, offsets, and correlations which will then be applied to the original data. If True, note that timestream filtering will not be applied to the correction and should therefore be excluded from the scan reduction runtime parameters in order to reduce processing pressure.
