
sofia_redux.instruments.fifi_ls.resample.get_grid_info(combined, oversample=None, spatial_size=None, spectral_size=None, target_x=None, target_y=None, target_wave=None, ctype1='RA---TAN', ctype2='DEC--TAN', ctype3='WAVE', detector_coordinates=False)[source]

Get output coordinate system and useful parameters.


Dictionary containing combined data

oversamplearray_like of int or float, optional

Number of pixels to sample mean FWHM with, in the (spatial, spectral) dimensions. Default is (5.0, 8.0).

spatial_sizefloat, optional

Output pixel size, in the spatial dimensions. Units are arcsec. If specified, the corresponding oversample parameter will be ignored.

spectral_sizefloat, optional

Output pixel size, in the spectral dimension. Units are um. If specified, the corresponding oversample parameter will be ignored.

target_xfloat, optional

The target right ascension (hourangle) or map center along the x-axis (arcsec). The default is the mid-point of all values in the combined data.

target_yfloat, optional

The target declination (degree) or map center along the y-axis (arcsec). The default is the mid-point of all values in the combined data.

target_wavefloat, optional

The center wavelength (um). The default is the mid-point of all

ctype1str, optional

The coordinate frame for the x spatial axis using FITS standards.

ctype2str, optional

The coordinate frame for the y spatial axis using FITS standards.

ctype3str, optional

The coordinate frame for the w spectral axis using FITS standards.

detector_coordinatesbool, optional

If True, reduce using detector native coordinates, otherwise project using the CTYPE* keys on RA/DEC.
