
sofia_redux.instruments.fifi_ls.get_resolution.get_resolution(header, wmean=None, spatial=False)[source]

Retrieve expected spectral or spatial resolution.

Requires spectral_resolution.txt file in fifi_ls/data/resolution. This file must have 4 columns: channel (b1, b2, or r), central wavelength (um), spectral resolution (um), and spatial resolution (FWHM, in arcsec).

The header will be updated with the ‘RESFILE’ keyword specifying the name of the resolution file used.

The procedure is:

  1. Read resolution data from spectral_resolution.txt configuration file.

  2. Match resolution to input data, using keywords CHANNEL, G_ORD_B, and G_WAVE_R or G_WAVE_B.

  3. Return spectral or spatial resolution.

wmeanfloat, optional

If set, use as the central wavelength for the data. If not set, will use keyword G_WAVE_B or G_WAVE_R as appropriate for the data.

spatialbool, optional

If True, will return spatial resolution instead of spectral resolution


Expected resolution in um for spectral resolution and arcsec for spatial