
sofia_redux.visualization.quicklook.make_image(filename, extension=0, colormap='viridis', scale=None, n_contour=0, contour_color='gray', fill_contours=False, title='', subtitle='', subsubtitle='', crop_region=None, crop_unit='wcs', grid=False, beam=False, plot_layout=None, figure_size=None, cube_slice=None, decimal=False, watermark=None)[source]

Generate a map image from a FITS file.

This function generates a matplotlib Figure from imaging data in the input, for quick-look purposes. The Figure can then be displayed, added to, or saved to disk.

filenamestr or fits.HDUList

FITS file to display. May be either a file path or an astropy HDUList.

extensionstr or int, optional

Image extension name or number to display. Default is first extension.

colormapstr, optional

Matplotlib color map name.

scalelist of float, optional

Low and high percentile values to use to set the image scale. Default is [0.25, 99.75].

n_contourint, optional

Number of contours to overlay. Set to zero to turn off contour overlay.

contour_colorstr, optional

Matplotlib color name for contours.

fill_contoursbool, optional

Set to fill contours.

titlestr, optional

Title for the plot.

subtitlestr, optional

Subtitle for the plot.

subsubtitlestr, optional

Sub-subtitle for the plot.

crop_regionlist of float, optional

4-element list of (center_x, center_y, x_width, y_height), specified in crop_unit units (WCS units by default). If not specified, the full image will be displayed.

crop_unit{‘wcs’, ‘pixel’}, optional

If ‘wcs’, crop_region should be specified in WCS units. If ‘pixel’, crop_region should be specified in image units.

gridbool, optional

If set, a grid will be overlaid on the image.

beambool, optional

If set, and the BMAJ, BMIN, and BPA keywords are set in the FITS header, a beam marker is displayed on the image.

plot_layouttuple, optional

If specified, should be (nrow, ncol). The image is placed in the first subplot in the figure; any others are left empty, for later additions to the figure.

figure_sizetuple, optional

If specified, should be (width, height) in inches. Default is (8, 8).

cube_sliceint, optional

If 3D data is supplied (e.g. a spectral cube), this parameter must be provided to specify the slice of the cube to display. Provided value should be a value in the first numpy index in a (nw, ny, nx) cube. This should be the last index in the associated WCS (NAXIS3).

decimalbool, optional

If set, celestial coordinates will be displayed in decimal degrees instead of sexagesimal.

watermarkstr, optional

If provided, the string will be added as semi-transparent text in the lower-right corner of the image.


A figure containing the image map and any additional overlays specified. The first axis contains the primary image plot.