# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
import warnings
from astropy import log
from astropy.convolution import convolve, Box2DKernel
from astropy.visualization import AsymmetricPercentileInterval
from astropy.wcs import WCS
from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg \
import FigureCanvasAgg as FigureCanvas
from matplotlib.cm import get_cmap
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.anchored_artists \
import AnchoredEllipse
import numpy as np
from sofia_redux.toolkit.utilities.fits import gethdul
__all__ = ['make_image', 'make_spectral_plot']
def make_image(filename, extension=0, colormap='viridis', scale=None,
n_contour=0, contour_color='gray', fill_contours=False,
title='', subtitle='', subsubtitle='',
crop_region=None, crop_unit='wcs', grid=False,
beam=False, plot_layout=None,
figure_size=None, cube_slice=None, decimal=False,
Generate a map image from a FITS file.
This function generates a matplotlib Figure from imaging data in the
input, for quick-look purposes. The Figure can then be displayed, added
to, or saved to disk.
filename : str or fits.HDUList
FITS file to display. May be either a file path or an astropy
extension : str or int, optional
Image extension name or number to display. Default is first
colormap : str, optional
Matplotlib color map name.
scale : list of float, optional
Low and high percentile values to use to set the image scale.
Default is [0.25, 99.75].
n_contour : int, optional
Number of contours to overlay. Set to zero to turn off contour
contour_color : str, optional
Matplotlib color name for contours.
fill_contours : bool, optional
Set to fill contours.
title : str, optional
Title for the plot.
subtitle : str, optional
Subtitle for the plot.
subsubtitle : str, optional
Sub-subtitle for the plot.
crop_region : list of float, optional
4-element list of (center_x, center_y, x_width, y_height),
specified in `crop_unit` units (WCS units by default).
If not specified, the full image will be displayed.
crop_unit : {'wcs', 'pixel'}, optional
If 'wcs', `crop_region` should be specified in WCS units. If
'pixel', `crop_region` should be specified in image units.
grid : bool, optional
If set, a grid will be overlaid on the image.
beam : bool, optional
If set, and the BMAJ, BMIN, and BPA keywords are set in the
FITS header, a beam marker is displayed on the image.
plot_layout : tuple, optional
If specified, should be (nrow, ncol). The image is placed
in the first subplot in the figure; any others are left empty,
for later additions to the figure.
figure_size : tuple, optional
If specified, should be (width, height) in inches. Default is
(8, 8).
cube_slice : int, optional
If 3D data is supplied (e.g. a spectral cube), this parameter
must be provided to specify the slice of the cube to display.
Provided value should be a value in the first numpy index in
a (nw, ny, nx) cube. This should be the last index in the
associated WCS (NAXIS3).
decimal : bool, optional
If set, celestial coordinates will be displayed in decimal
degrees instead of sexagesimal.
watermark : str, optional
If provided, the string will be added as semi-transparent text
in the lower-right corner of the image.
A figure containing the image map and any additional overlays
specified. The first axis contains the primary image plot.
hdul = gethdul(filename)
if hdul is None:
raise ValueError('No input file')
# get figure
if figure_size is None:
figure_size = (8, 8)
fig = Figure(figsize=figure_size)
# set gridspec if desired
if plot_layout:
nrow, ncol = plot_layout
nrow, ncol = 1, 1
fig.add_gridspec(nrow, ncol)
# get background image
map_hdu = hdul[extension]
except (IndexError, ValueError):
raise ValueError(f'No extension {extension} present') from None
# check for cube slice
if cube_slice is not None:
slices = ['x', 'y', cube_slice]
data = map_hdu.data[cube_slice, :, :]
slices = None
data = map_hdu.data
# set image in WCS projection
hwcs = WCS(map_hdu)
except (ValueError, IndexError, KeyError, MemoryError):
log.warning('Unreadable WCS; using pixel coordinates')
hwcs = WCS()
wcs_dim = hwcs.wcs.naxis
if wcs_dim > 2 and slices is None:
raise ValueError('Slice must be set for cube data')
ax = fig.add_subplot(nrow, ncol, 1, projection=hwcs, slices=slices)
with warnings.catch_warnings():
if hwcs.wcs.has_cd():
# approximate pixel scale for CD-based WCS
pixscal = np.sqrt(np.linalg.det(hwcs.wcs.cd))
pix_x, pix_y = pixscal, pixscal
mat = hwcs.wcs.cd
pix_x = np.abs(hwcs.wcs.cdelt[0])
pix_y = np.abs(hwcs.wcs.cdelt[1])
mat = hwcs.pixel_scale_matrix
# check for rotated data: off diagonal elements close to zero
if not np.allclose(np.extract(1 - np.eye(*mat.shape), mat), 0):
# in this case, always turn the grid on - the
# coordinates are difficult to read otherwise
grid = True
if not scale:
scale = [0.25, 99.75]
interval = AsymmetricPercentileInterval(scale[0], scale[1])
vmin, vmax = interval.get_limits(data)
log.debug(f'Scale: {vmin} -> {vmax}')
# Set up the figure
img = ax.imshow(data, origin='lower',
cmap=colormap, vmin=vmin,
if crop_region:
log.debug(f'Using center cropping: {crop_region}')
if crop_unit == 'wcs':
racent, deccent, awidth, aheight = crop_region
if wcs_dim == 2:
xcent, ycent = hwcs.wcs_world2pix(racent, deccent, 0)
# assume 3 dim, first two are in plot
xcent, ycent, _ = hwcs.wcs_world2pix(racent, deccent,
hwcs.wcs.crval[2], 0)
xwid = awidth / 2 / pix_x
ywid = aheight / 2 / pix_y
xcent, ycent, xwid, ywid = crop_region
log.debug(f'Crop region: x={xcent - xwid},{xcent + xwid}, '
f'y={ycent - ywid},{ycent + ywid}')
ax.set_xlim(xcent - xwid, xcent + xwid)
ax.set_ylim(ycent - ywid, ycent + ywid)
if grid:
ax.grid(alpha=0.25, color='w')
if title:
if subtitle and subsubtitle:
ax.set_title('\n'.join([subtitle, subsubtitle]), size='small')
elif subtitle:
elif subsubtitle:
equinox = int(hwcs.wcs.equinox)
except ValueError:
# non-celestial WCS
xname = hwcs.wcs.cname[0]
yname = hwcs.wcs.cname[1]
xname = 'x' if not xname else xname
yname = 'y' if not yname else yname
xunit = hwcs.wcs.cunit[0]
yunit = hwcs.wcs.cunit[1]
if not xunit or str(xunit).strip() == '':
ax.set_xlabel(f'{xname} ({xunit})')
if not yunit or str(yunit).strip() == '':
ax.set_ylabel(f'{yname} ({yunit})')
ax.set_xlabel(f'RA (J{equinox})')
ax.set_ylabel(f'Dec (J{equinox})')
if decimal:
ax.coords[0].set_format_unit('degree', decimal=True)
ax.coords[1].set_format_unit('degree', decimal=True)
if n_contour > 0:
# get contour data
# similar to aplpy.convolve_util.convolve,
# aplpy.FITSFigure.show_contours
smooth = 1
kernel = Box2DKernel(smooth, x_size=smooth * 5, y_size=smooth * 5)
cdata = convolve(data, kernel, boundary='extend')
# levels
levels = np.linspace(vmin, vmax, n_contour)
log.debug(f'Contours: {levels}')
if fill_contours:
# filled contours
ax.contourf(cdata, levels, transform=ax.get_transform(hwcs),
# contour lines
ax.contour(cdata, levels, transform=ax.get_transform(hwcs),
colors=contour_color, linewidths=0.3)
except ValueError: # pragma: no cover
# may be raised for pathological data (e.g. all zeros)
ax.contour(cdata, levels, transform=ax.get_transform(hwcs),
colors=contour_color, linewidths=0.5)
except ValueError: # pragma: no cover
# Beam marker (needs BMAJ/BMIN/BPA keywords)
# from aplpy.FITSFigure.show_beam
if beam:
major = map_hdu.header.get('BMAJ', None)
minor = map_hdu.header.get('BMIN', None)
angle = map_hdu.header.get('BPA', 0.0)
if None in [major, minor]:
# try the primary if not in the mapping extension
major = hdul[0].header.get('BMAJ', None)
minor = hdul[0].header.get('BMIN', None)
angle = hdul[0].header.get('BPA', 0.0)
if major and minor:
pixscale = np.mean([pix_x, pix_y])
major /= pixscale
minor /= pixscale
log.debug(f'Beam major, minor, angle: {major} {minor} {angle}')
beam = AnchoredEllipse(ax.transData, width=minor,
height=major, angle=angle,
loc=3, pad=1, borderpad=0.4,
face = get_cmap(colormap)(1.0)
beam.ellipse.set(facecolor=face, edgecolor='black',
ax.text(0.02, 0.01, 'Beam FWHM', transform=ax.transAxes,
horizontalalignment='left', weight='bold')
log.warning('Beam keywords not found')
if watermark:
ax.text(0.98, 0.01, watermark, transform=ax.transAxes,
horizontalalignment='right', alpha=0.2,
color='gray', size='x-large')
# add space for plots below, before making color bar
if nrow > 1:
# Color bar
bunit = map_hdu.header.get('BUNIT', None)
label = f'Flux ({bunit})' if bunit else 'Flux'
cax = fig.add_axes([ax.get_position().x1 + 0.01,
ax.get_position().y0, 0.02,
cbar = fig.colorbar(img, cax=cax)
return fig
def make_spectral_plot(axis, wavelength, spectral_flux,
spectral_error=None, labels=None, scale=None,
colormap='viridis', xunit=None, yunit=None,
title=None, marker=None, marker_color='gray',
overplot=None, overplot_label=None,
overplot_color='gray', watermark=None):
Generate a plot of spectral data.
Given a Matplotlib axis, this function adds one or more spectral plots
to it, with optional error shading, overplots, markers, and axis labels.
The input data should be passes as arrays. If labels are not provided,
then wavelength and spectral flux are passed directly to the step
function to plot, and should follow input rules for that function.
If labels are passed, then it is assumed special handling is desired
for multiple spectra. In this case, the first dimension of labels,
wavelength, spectral_flux, and spectral_error (if passed) must match,
so that they can be iterated together. If more than 15 spectra are
passed in this manner, the labels are truncated to make the associated
legend fit in the plot.
axis : matplotlib.axes.Axes
Axis instance to add the plot to.
wavelength : array-like
May be one-dimensional (nw), or (ns, nw) if ns labels are passed.
spectral_flux : array-like
Must match `wavelength` dimensions.
spectral_error : array-like, optional
Must match `wavelength` dimensions if provided.
labels : list of str, optional
Labels for multiple spectra, to display in a legend. Must have
length ns, matching spectral data with dimensions (ns, nw).
scale : list of float, optional
Low and high percentile values to use to set the plot scale.
If not provided, Matplotlib defaults are used.
colormap : str, optional
Matplotlib color map name. If a single spectrum is passed
colormap[0] is used for the color. If multiple are passed,
their colors are distributed evenly across the colormap.
xunit : str, optional
Wavelength units for the x-axis label. If xunit = cm-1, then
the label is set to 'Wavenumber'. Otherwise, it is 'Wavelength'.
yunit : str, optional
Flux units for the y-axis label.
title : str, optional
Title for the plot
marker : list of list, optional
If provided, should be [x, y], where x and y are matching lists
of x- and y- coordinate values to place a marker at.
marker_color : str, optional
Matplotlib color name for the marker, if provided.
overplot : array-like, optional
If provided, will be plotted as a thin line on a secondary
y-axis. Should be provided as [x, y], where x is in the same
units as `wavelength`.
overplot_label : str, optional
Label for the overplot y-axis.
overplot_color : str, optional
Matplotlib color name for the overplot line.
watermark : str, optional
If provided, the string will be added as semi-transparent text
in the lower-right corner of the plot.
# number of spectra to plot
if spectral_flux.ndim > 1 and spectral_flux.shape[0] > 1:
nspec = spectral_flux.shape[0]
color_index = np.arange(nspec) / (nspec - 1)
color_index = [0]
if spectral_error is None:
do_error = False
spectral_error = np.zeros_like(spectral_flux)
do_error = True
# plot flux and error
color = get_cmap(colormap)(color_index)
axis.set_prop_cycle('color', color)
if labels:
lines_display = []
labels_display = []
legend_limit = 15
for j, (w, f, e) in enumerate(zip(wavelength, spectral_flux,
if j == legend_limit:
labels[j] = '...'
ln = axis.step(w, f, where='mid', label=labels[j])
if do_error:
axis.fill_between(w, f - e, f + e,
step='mid', alpha=0.2)
if j <= legend_limit or j == len(labels) - 1:
axis.legend(lines_display, labels_display)
axis.step(wavelength, spectral_flux, where='mid')
if do_error:
axis.fill_between(wavelength, spectral_flux - spectral_error,
spectral_flux + spectral_error,
step='mid', alpha=0.2)
# set y limits if desired
if scale is not None:
interval = AsymmetricPercentileInterval(scale[0], scale[1])
ymin, ymax = interval.get_limits(spectral_flux)
axis.set_ylim(ymin, ymax)
# mark positions on the spectrum if desired
if marker:
axis.scatter(marker[0], marker[1],
c=marker_color, marker='x', s=30,
# add an overplot if desired
if overplot is not None:
ax2 = axis.twinx()
ax2.plot(overplot[0], overplot[1], linestyle=':',
color=overplot_color, alpha=0.8, linewidth=0.5)
ax2.tick_params(axis='y', labelcolor=overplot_color)
if overplot_label:
ax2.set_ylabel(overplot_label, color=overplot_color)
# set labels
if xunit == 'cm-1':
axis.set_xlabel(f'Wavenumber ({xunit})')
elif not xunit:
axis.set_xlabel(f'Wavelength ({xunit})')
if not yunit:
axis.set_ylabel('Spectral flux')
axis.set_ylabel(f'Spectral flux ({yunit})')
if title:
if watermark:
axis.text(0.98, 0.01, watermark, transform=axis.transAxes,
horizontalalignment='right', alpha=0.4,
color='gray', size='x-large')