
sofia_redux.toolkit.fitting.polynomial.poly1d(x, coeffs, covar=None)[source]

Evalulate polynomial coefficients at x

Simple and quick when polynd is not necessary.

Coefficients should be supplied in order of power such that:

y = c[0] + c[1].x + c[2].x^2 + c[order].x^order

xfloat or array_like of float

Input 1D independent variable

coeffsarray_like of float

Polynomial coefficients

covararray_like of float

If a 1D array is supplied, then it is assumed to be a the variance of the coefficients. If a 2D array is supplied then assumed to be the covariance matrix.

numpy.ndarray or (numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray)

The fitted dependent variable and optionally, the variance if covar is supplied.