
sofia_redux.spectroscopy.readwavecal.readwavecal(filename, rotate=None, info=None)[source]

Read a Spextool wavecal file


The path to a 2-d Spextool wavecal file.

rotateint, optional

Rotation direction (not angle) to pass to rotate wavecal and spatcal images when passed to sofia_redux.toolkit.image.adjust.rotate90.

infodict, optional

If supplied will be updated with wctype, wavefmt, spatfmt, wdisp, flatname, orders, and norders.

wavecal, spatcalnumpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray
  • wavecal (nrow, ncol) array where each pixel is set to its wavelength (column in this case).

  • spatcal (nrow, ncol) array where each pixel is set to its angular position on the sky.