

Reads a Spextool flat field FITS image

Reads data and metadata from an FSpextool-processed flat field FITS image.


Filename for the processed flat image


(numpy.ndarray) -> (nrow, ncol) image array


(numpy.ndarray) -> (nrow, ncol) variance array


(numpy.ndarray) -> (nrow, ncol) flags array


(int) -> Number of columns in the image


(int) -> Number of rows in the image


(str) -> The observing mode of the flat


(float) -> The approximate slit height in pixels


(float) -> The slit height in arcseconds


(float) -> The slit width in pixels


(float) -> The slit width in arcseconds


(float) -> The plate scale in arcseconds per pixel


(int) -> The resolving power


(int) -> Number of orders on the array


(list of int) -> The order numbers


(numpy.ndarray) -> (norders, 2, degree+1) array of polynomial coefficients which define the edges of the orders. edgecoeffs[0,0,:] are the coefficients of the bottom edge of the first order and edgecoeffs[0,1,:] are the coefficients of the top edge of the first order. Note that these coefficients are in the order required by numpy.poly1d (opposite order to IDL style coefficient ordering).


(numpy.ndarray) -> (norders, 2) array of columns numbers between which the orders are completely on the array.


(numpy.ndarray) -> (norders,) An array of RMS deviations for each order


(int) -> The rotation direction (not angle) for sofia_redux.toolkit.image.adjust.rotate90.


(int) -> The degree of the edge coefficients