
sofia_redux.toolkit.resampling.multiple_polynomial_terms(coordinates, exponents)[source]

Derive polynomial terms for a coordinate set given polynomial exponents.

Raises multiple coordinates by a power and then calculates the product over all dimensions. For example, the output of an (x, y) vector with exponent=[[2, 3]] would be \(x^2y^3\).

Note that multiple sets of exponents are expected to be provided during this operation, so the exponents parameter should be a 2-dimensional array. The return value will be a 2-dimensional array with the size of the first dimension equal to the number of exponent sets, and the size of the second dimension equal to the number of vector sets.

coordinatesnumpy.ndarray (N, n_vectors)

Sets of vectors in N-dimensions.

exponentsnumpy.ndarray (n_exponents, N)

Sets of exponents by which to raise the vector.

numpy.ndarray of numpy.float64 (n_exponents, n_vectors)

The product of the exponentiation of the vectors.