
sofia_redux.toolkit.image.adjust.shift(data, offset, order=1, missing=nan, nan_interpolation=0.0, missing_limit=0.001, mode='constant')[source]

Shift an image by the specified amount.

Uses interpolation to do sub-pixel shifts if desired. NaNs are safely handled.


The image array to shift_image (nrow, ncol)


The shift along each axis. If a float, shift is the same for all axis. If an array, shift should contain one value for each axis.

orderint, optional

Interpolation order. 0 shifts by integer pixels; 1 shifts using bilinear interpolation; 2-5 shift_image using cubic-spline interpolation of the same order.

missingfloat or int, optional

Value to fill past edges of input if edge is ‘constant’.

nan_interpolationfloat, optional

NaN values must be replaced by a real value before shifting. Setting this value to None will result in NaN values being replaced by an interpolated value using the Clough-Tocher scheme.

missing_limitfloat, optional

The fraction of NaNs that were excluded from the interpolation. If the interpolation exceeds this limit, the value will be replaced by missing.

modestr, optional

Points outside the boundaries of the input are filled according to the given mode (‘constant’, ‘nearest’, ‘reflect’, or ‘wrap’).


shifted image image array (nrow, ncol)