
sofia_redux.scan.utilities.utils.to_int_list(values, is_positive=True)[source]

Convert all elements in a list to integers.

String representations of integers may also be included as ranges. The default behaviour is to treat the ‘-’ character as range rather than a minus sign. Ranges should generally be specified using the ‘:’ character. To allow negative values, set is_positive=False.

For example >>> print(to_int_list([‘1-3’])) [1, 2, 3] >>> print(to_int_list([‘-1:3’], is_positive=False)) [-1, 0, 1, 2, 3]

If is_positive is not set, the meaning of ‘-’ is ambiguous and can result in errors.

is_positivebool, optional

If True, ranges may be specified using both ‘:’ and ‘-’ characters in a string. Otherwise, the ‘-’ character will imply a negative value.

list (int)