
sofia_redux.scan.utilities.numba_functions.box_smooth_along_zero_axis(values, bin_size, valid=None, fill_value=nan)[source]

Smooth a 2-D array of values along the zeroth axis.

Results will only be generated for those indices where the bin range is fully inside the array range. All other values will be set to the fill_value (NaN by default).

valuesnumpy.ndarray (float)

The values to smooth as an array of shape (dimensions, N). Smoothing occurs along each dimension (axis=1).


The smoothing bin size.

validnumpy.ndarray (int)

A boolean masked array where True indicates a value that may be used.

fill_valuefloat, optional

The value with which to fill smoothed values that do not have enough data to calculate.

smoothednumpy.ndarray (float)

The smoothed values of shape (dimensions, N).