- class[source]¶
Initialize the SOFIA chopping information.
Contains information on the SOFIA chop parameters.
Attributes Summary
Return the string log ID for the info.
Methods Summary
Update chopping information with FITS header information.
(header)Edit an image header with available information.
(name)Given a name, return the parameter stored in the information object.
Attributes Documentation
- log_id¶
Return the string log ID for the info.
The log ID is used to extract certain information from table data.
- Returns:
- str
- volts_to_angle = <Quantity 33.394 arcsec / V>¶
Methods Documentation
- apply_configuration()[source]¶
Update chopping information with FITS header information.
Updates the chopping information by taking the following keywords from the FITS header:
CHOPPING - Whether chopping is enabled for the scan (bool) CHPFREQ - The chopping frequency in Hz CHPPROF - The 2-POINT or 3-POINT point chopping profile (str) CHPSYM - Whether the chopping is symmetrical or asymmetric (str) CHPAMP1 - The first chop amplitude in arcseconds CHPAMP2 - The second chop amplitude in arcseconds CHPCRSYS - The MCCS chopping coordinate system (str) CHPANGLE - The angle in the sky coordinate reference frame (degrees) CHPTIP - The tip in the sky coordinate reference frame (arcseconds) CHPTILT - The tilt in the sky coordinate reference frame (arcseconds) CHPPHASE - The chopping phase in milliseconds.
- Returns:
- None