
sofia_redux.scan.coordinate_systems.projection.projection_numba_functions.spherical_deproject_array(phi, theta, celestial_pole_x, celestial_pole_y, celestial_cos_lat, celestial_sin_lat, native_pole_x)[source]

Project multiple coordinates from a celestial pole onto a native pole.

This function is a wrapper around spherical_deproject() to process projections when at least one of either the coordinates, celestial pole, or native pole consists of array values.

phifloat or numpy.ndarray

The longitude coordinates about the celestial pole in radians. If an array is passed in, it should be of shape (1,) or (n,).

thetafloat or numpy.ndarray

The latitude coordinates about the celestial pole in radians. If an array is passed in, it should be of shape (1,) or (n,).

celestial_pole_xfloat or numpy.ndarray

The native longitude of the celestial pole. If an array is passed in, it should be of shape (1,) or (n,).

celestial_pole_yfloat or numpy.ndarray

The native latitude of the celestial pole. If an array is passed in, it should be of shape (1,) or (n,).

celestial_cos_latfloat or numpy.ndarray

The cosine of celestial_pole_y.

celestial_sin_latfloat or numpy.ndarray

The sine of celestial_pole_y.

native_pole_xfloat or numpy.ndarray

The spherical projection’s native pole longitude. If an array is passed in, it should be of shape (1,) or (n,).

x, ynumpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray

The projection of (x_cp, y_cp) or (phi, theta) about the celestial pole onto the native pole.