
class sofia_redux.scan.channels.mode.chopper_response.ChopperResponse(channel_group=None, gain_provider=None, name=None)[source]

Bases: PositionResponse

Creates a position response mode based on CHOPPER position.

A mode is an object that is applied to a given channel group, defining what constitutes its “gain” and how to operate thereon. This is also dependent on a gain provider.

The pointing response is designed to extract a signal from an integration based on some function of CHOPPER position, defined by a specific direction operator. The direction operator is an instance of the MotionFlags class.

channel_groupChannelGroup, optional

The channel group owned by the mode.

gain_providerstr or GainProvider, optional

If a string is provided a FieldGainProvider will be set to operate on the given field of the channel group.

namestr, optional

The name of the mode. If not provided, will be determined from the channel group name (if available). To set the direction, the name should be of the form <name>-<direction> or <name>:<direction>.