

Run Redux in batch mode.

The Redux pipeline may be started from the command line with the command:


Input files are specified on the command line, either as a list of filenames or in an input manifest. An input manifest should be a plain text file, containing a list of file paths to reduce, one per line.

Redux will determine the appropriate reduction object for the input data, load all necessary pipeline steps, and run them in sequence with default parameter values. At the end of the reduction, Redux will save an output manifest (containing all files produced by the pipeline), an as-run input manifest (containing all files actually processed by the pipeline), and an as-run parameter configuration file (containing all parameters used by the pipeline).

Pipeline runs may be customized with command-line options to redux_pipe.

The output directory for any files produced by the pipeline may be set with the ‘-o’ command line option. If the directory does not exist, it will be created.

The log level for the terminal may be set with the ‘-l’ command line option. To quiet all log output, specify ‘-l critical’; for fully verbose log messages, specify ‘-l debug’.

Other custom values may be specified in a configuration file in INI format on the command line. This file may contain:

  • an output directory for the pipeline

  • a file name for an as-run input manifest

  • a file name for the output manifest

  • a file name for the as-run parameter file

  • a log file name template (may contain time.strftime formatting keys)

  • the log level for the log file

  • the format for the log file

For any file name, if it is set to a blank string, no file will be produced.

In addition, configuration files may contain custom parameters for any pipeline step. These should be specified with the pipeline step name as a section header (with an optional step index number), then a keyword = value pair for the parameter to be modified. Any parameters not specified are left at their default values.

Parameter files may be generated interactively via the Redux GUI (see sofia_redux.pipeline.sofia.redux_app), then saved and fed to redux_pipe for batch-mode processing with custom parameters.

See also


Interactive processing


The following values, if placed in a configuration file (e.g. ‘custom.cfg’), would replicate the current default settings:

output_directory = .
input_manifest = redux_infiles.txt
output_manifest = outfiles.txt
parameter_file = redux_param.cfg
log_file = "redux_%Y%m%d_%H%M%S.log"
log_level = DEBUG
log_format = "%(asctime)s - %(origin)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s"

The following additional section would set the initial ‘save’ parameter to True for the pipeline step named ‘calibrate’:

    save = True

To run the Redux pipeline with these settings on input files specified in an input manifest called ‘infiles.txt’:

redux_pipe -c custom.cfg infiles.txt

To run the Redux pipeline with a verbose log on a set of FITS files in the current directory:

redux_pipe -l debug *.fits

To run the Redux pipeline with no terminal or log window output:

redux_pipe -l critical *.fits

To redirect the output to a different directory:

redux_pipe -o output *.fits