
sofia_redux.instruments.forcast.register.coadd_correlation(data, reference, header=None, variance=None, border=0, rot_angle=None, xydither=None, crpix=None, shift_order=None, rotation_order=1, upsample=100, get_offsets=False, missing=nan)[source]

Shift an image for coaddition using a correlation algorithm


Data to be shifted (nrow, ncol)


Data to be compared with (nrow, ncol)

headerThe fits header of the new input data file, optional
varianceNone or numpy.ndarray, optional

Propagate the provided variance (nrow, ncol)

borderint, optional

Remove border pixels from the edge of the image before correlating

shift_orderint, optional

Order of interpolation for the shift. The shift order must be between 0 and 5, with a default of 3

rotation_order: int, optional

Order of interpolaton for the rotation. The rotation order must be between 0 and 5, with a default of 3

xyditherarray_like, optional

Initial x,y shift estimates. If not set, default is 0, 0

crpixarray-like, optional

If provided, will be updated to match image shift_image [x, y]

upsampleint, optional

Data will be registered to within 1 / upsample of a pixel

rot_anglefloat, optional

Indicates that the data image is rotated wrt the reference image by this amount. The data image (and variance if supplied) will be rotated clockwise by rot_angle degrees

get_offsetsbool, optional

Only return the (x, y) shift. Do not shift the data.

missingfloat, optional

Value to represent missing data during shift

numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray

The shifted image (nrow, ncol) The shifted variance (nrow, ncol)