

Read the chop/nod and instrument mode from the header

Reads various parameters from the input header to determine the chop/nod and instrument mode of the observation. Returns a single string indicating the mode used. This function is required because the instrument mode definition became complicated with all these combinations of header keywords, depending on the origin and date of the data. In order to be sure that the instrument mode is read the same way along the code, the mode should always be defined using this function.


  1. We need to read instmode first because if the observation was C2 the skymode is not updated to C2 but may be NMC or NPC. Thus, we don’t consider skymode unless it is a C2N observation.

  2. Read skymode. All data after Basic Science should contain this keyword with the right C2NC2 value if this mode is used.

  3. If skymode is not found, then this means that the data is from Basic Science (or there is an error in the header) In that case, the INSTMODE keyword contains the instrument mode except for C2NC2 that is defined by the presence of the C2NC2 keyword.

  4. It could happen for Basic Science data that there is no skymode, so the instmode is automatically set. Thus, for C2N the value is not updated to NMC or NPC. Below, we check the nod and chop amplitudes and update mode accordingly.

  5. After basic science there was a change in the C2NC2 data. Instead of storing them in 2 plane data cubes that are either on or off source (A or B), the data is stored in 4 plane data cubes. These files contain both on and off positions. The only way for now to know what sort of data is (for now) is to see the number of planes which is given by the NAXIS3 keyword. We defined a virtual mode called C2NC4 to indicate a 4 plane C2NC2. SKYMODE is updated in the header accordingly.

  6. Read the size of the 3rd axis. If the dimension is 2 then the it is an old C2NC2 which stored on-off-positions in two different files (C2 like). If the dimension is 4 then the on-off-positions are in the same file as 4 planes

str or None

The instrument mode (None if not found)