
sofia_redux.instruments.forcast.imgnonlin.imgnonlin(data, header, siglev=None, variance=None)[source]

Corrects for non-linearity in detector response due to general background.

The header must contain the information to determine the camera. If siglev is not passed, the header must also contain a keyword (NLINSLEV) to indicate the background level and size of the section used to calculate the level. In practice, this means that sofia_redux.instruments.forcast.background should be run first to calculate the background level.


Input data array (nimage, nrow, ncol)

Input FITS header. Will be updated with a HISTORY message

siglevarray_like, optional

Background level. There should be a single value for each input frame

variancenumpy.ndarray, optional

Variance array (nimage, nrow, ncol) to update in parallel with the data frame.

numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray

The linearity corrected array (nimage, nrow, ncol) or (nrow, ncol) The propagated variance array (nimage, nrow, ncol) or (nrow, ncol)