- sofia_redux.instruments.forcast.getmodel.get_model(header, resolution, filename=None, get_unsmoothed=False, model_dir=None)[source]¶
Retrieve reference standard model data.
Model files in the data/model_files directory should be named according to the object and date to which they apply, as:
The date may be omitted, if the model applies to all dates. For example, the file generated for Ceres on Jan. 14 2020 should be named:
The procedure is:
Identify model file by object name and date.
Read model data from file and smooth to expected spectral resolution.
Store in cache and return data array.
- Parameters:
ATRNFILE keyword is written to the provided FITS header, containing the name of the model file used.
- resolutionfloat
Spectral resolution to which model data should be smoothed.
- filenamestr, optional
Model file to be used. If not provided, a default file will be retrieved from the data/grism/standard_models directory. The file with a matching object name and the closest date will be used.
- get_unsmoothedbool, optional
If True, return the unsmoothed model data with original wavelength array in addition to the smoothed array.
- model_dirstr, optional
Path to a directory containing model reference FITS files. If not provided, the default set of files packaged with the pipeline will be used.
- Returns:
- modelnumpy.ndarray
A (2, nw) array containing wavelengths and model data.
- unsmoothednumpy.ndarray, optional
A (2, nw) array containing wavelengths and unsmoothed model data, returned only if get_unsmoothed is set.