Source code for sofia_redux.spectroscopy.rectifyorder

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst

from astropy import log
from import fits
import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix

from sofia_redux.toolkit.utilities.fits import hdinsert
from sofia_redux.toolkit.fitting.polynomial import polyinterp2d
from sofia_redux.toolkit.interpolate import tabinv, Interpolate
from sofia_redux.toolkit.image.fill import polyfillaa

__all__ = ['get_rect_xy', 'trim_xy', 'rectifyorder', 'update_wcs',

[docs] def get_rect_xy(xarray, yarray, xvals, yvals, dx=None, dy=None, mask=None, poly_order=3): """ Given arrays of x and y coordinates, interpolate to defined grids Parameters ---------- xarray : array_like of float (nrows, ncols) yarray : array_like of float (nrows, ncols) xvals : array_like of float (nrows, ncols) yvals : array_like of float (nrows, ncols) dx : float, optional Spacing of the output grids in the x-direction. If not supplied, then taken to be range(xarray)/range(xvals) dy : float, optional Spacing of the output grids in the y-direction. If not supplied, then taken to be range(yarray)/range(yvals) mask : numpy.ndarray, optional poly_order : int, optional Polynomial order used to interpolate to the new coordinates Returns ------- numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray (rectx, recty, gridx, gridy) where rectx and recty are the x and y arrays interpolated onto a regular grid. gridx and gridy are the coordinates of the regular grid. """ s = xarray.shape if yarray.shape != s or xvals.shape != s or yvals.shape != s: log.error("Incompatible array dimensions") return gi = np.isfinite(xarray) & np.isfinite(yarray) gi &= np.isfinite(xvals) & np.isfinite(yvals) if isinstance(mask, np.ndarray): if mask.shape != s: log.error("Incompatible mask dimensions") return gi &= mask if not gi.any(): log.error("All valid x, y values are invalid or masked out") return xv, yv = xvals[gi].copy(), yvals[gi].copy() xa, ya = xarray[gi].copy(), yarray[gi].copy() xrange, yrange = np.ptp(xa), np.ptp(ya) if dx is None: dx = xrange / np.ptp(xv) if dy is None: dy = yrange / np.ptp(yv) nx = int(xrange / dx) + 1 ny = int(yrange / dy) + 1 yout, xout = np.mgrid[:ny, :nx] xout = xout * dx + xa.min() yout = yout * dy + ya.min() ix = polyinterp2d(xa, ya, xv, xout, yout, order=poly_order, full=False) iy = polyinterp2d(xa, ya, yv, xout, yout, order=poly_order, full=False) return ix, iy, xout[0], yout[:, 0]
[docs] def trim_xy(xarray, yarray, xgrid, ygrid, ybuffer=None, xbuffer=None, xrange=None, yrange=None): """ Trim rows and columns from the edges of the coordinate arrays. Parameters ---------- xarray : numpy.ndarray (nrows, ncols) array of x-coordinates yarray : numpy.ndarray (nrows, ncols) array of y-coordinates xgrid : numpy.ndarray (ncols,) array of x-coordinates along the x-axis of the rectified arrays. ygrid : numpy.ndarray (nrows,) array of y-coordinates along the y-axis of the rectified arrays. ybuffer : int, optional number of pixels to cut from the top and bottom of the arrays xbuffer : int, optional number of pixels to cut from the left and right of the arrays xrange : array_like of float (2,) [lower limit, upper limit] defining the range of valid x values. yrange : array_like of float (2,) [lower limit, upper limit] defining the range of valid y values. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray (xarray2, yarray2, xgrid2, ygrid2) where array dimensions may be smaller than the original input arrays. """ ix, iy = xarray.copy(), yarray.copy() xg, yg = xgrid.copy(), ygrid.copy() # apply buffers to edges of arrays if isinstance(ybuffer, int) and ybuffer > 0: ix = ix[ybuffer:-ybuffer, :] iy = iy[ybuffer:-ybuffer, :] yg = yg[ybuffer:-ybuffer] if isinstance(xbuffer, int) and xbuffer > 0: ix = ix[:, xbuffer:-xbuffer] iy = iy[:, xbuffer:-xbuffer] xg = xg[xbuffer:-xbuffer] # trim partial NaNs near the left, right, top, and bottom edges xf = np.argwhere(np.any(np.isfinite(ix), axis=0)).ravel() yf = np.argwhere(np.any(np.isfinite(iy), axis=1)).ravel() xf = [xf.min(), xf.max() + 1] if len(xf) >= 2 else [0, ix.shape[1]] yf = [yf.min(), yf.max() + 1] if len(yf) >= 2 else [0, iy.shape[0]] ix, iy = ix[yf[0]: yf[1], xf[0]: xf[1]], iy[yf[0]: yf[1], xf[0]: xf[1]] xg, yg = xg[xf[0]: xf[1]], yg[yf[0]: yf[1]] # trim to avoid the edge of the arrays if xrange is not None: xf = ix.copy() xf[np.isnan(xf)] = xrange[0] - 1 xf = np.any((xf <= xrange[0]) | (xf >= xrange[1]), axis=0) xf = np.argwhere(~xf).ravel() xf = [xf.min(), xf.max() + 1] if len(xf) >= 2 else [0, ix.shape[1]] else: xf = [0, ix.shape[1]] if yrange is not None: yf = iy.copy() yf[np.isnan(yf)] = yrange[0] - 1 yf = np.any((yf <= yrange[0]) | (yf >= yrange[1]), axis=1) yf = np.argwhere(~yf).ravel() yf = [yf.min(), yf.max() + 1] if len(yf) >= 2 else [0, iy.shape[0]] else: yf = [0, iy.shape[0]] ix, iy = ix[yf[0]: yf[1], xf[0]: xf[1]], iy[yf[0]: yf[1], xf[0]: xf[1]] xg, yg = xg[xf[0]: xf[1]], yg[yf[0]: yf[1]] return ix, iy, xg, yg
def reconstruct_slit(image, xarray, yarray, xgrid, ygrid, header=None, variance=None, bitmask=None, badpix_mask=None, badfrac=0.1, xrange=None, yrange=None): if header is None: header = fits.Header() ix, iy = xarray.copy(), yarray.copy() xg, yg = xgrid.copy(), ygrid.copy() nx, ny = xg.size - 1, yg.size - 1 dx, dy = np.abs(xg[1] - xg[0]), np.abs(yg[1] - yg[0]) if xrange is None: xrange = 0, image.shape[1] if yrange is None: yrange = 0, image.shape[0] xrange = np.clip(xrange, 0, image.shape[1]) yrange = np.clip(yrange, 0, image.shape[0]) # slits defines the vertices of the slit slits = np.zeros((2, 4, nx * ny)) # Order of the vertices is bl -> tl -> tr -> br: # 2->3 # | | # 1 4 # in a clockwise order vx, vy = [0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 1, 1, 0] for k, (j, i) in enumerate(zip(vy, vx)): slits[0, k] = iy[j:ny + j, i:nx + i].ravel() slits[1, k] = ix[j:ny + j, i:nx + i].ravel() # add 0.5 to index pixels at the centre rather than lower-left slits += 0.5 # remove invalid entries keep = np.all(np.all(np.isfinite(slits), axis=1), axis=0) slits = slits[:, :, keep] # Format the data for polyfillaa (calculates area of slit shape) px, py = slits[1].T.ravel(), slits[0].T.ravel() # poly_ind gives the start and end indices defining each shape poly_ind = np.arange(slits.shape[-1]) * 4 pixels, areas = polyfillaa(px, py, xrange=xrange, yrange=yrange, start_indices=poly_ind, area=True)[:] gs, gw = np.mgrid[:ny, :nx] gs, gw = gs.ravel()[keep], gw.ravel()[keep] dovar = isinstance(variance, np.ndarray) dobits = isinstance(bitmask, np.ndarray) # Reorder keys = np.array(list(pixels.keys())) maxind = keys.max() + 1 pv = np.full((maxind,), None, dtype=object) av = np.full((maxind,), None, dtype=object) av[keys] = list(areas.values()) pv[keys] = list(pixels.values()) npix = np.array(list(map(lambda val: 0 if val is None else len(val), pv))) minpix, maxpix = np.min(npix), np.max(npix) + 1 nbins = maxpix - minpix pixbins = (npix - minpix).astype(int) npoly_ind = np.arange(npix.size) s = csr_matrix( (npoly_ind, [pixbins, np.arange(npix.size)]), shape=(nbins, npix.size)) bpm = badpix_mask if badpix_mask is None else badpix_mask.astype(float) result = {'image': np.zeros((ny, nx)), 'wave': xgrid[:nx] + dx / 2, 'spatial': ygrid[:ny] + dy / 2, 'mask': np.zeros((ny, nx)), 'bitmask': np.zeros((ny, nx), dtype=int), 'pixsum': np.zeros((ny, nx)), 'variance': np.zeros((ny, nx)), 'header': header} for i, put in enumerate(np.split(, s.indptr[1:-1])): numpix = i + minpix if numpix == 0 or len(put) == 0: # pragma: no cover continue pix_arr = np.array(list(pv[put])) area_arr = np.array(list(av[put])) takeidx = np.ravel_multi_index( np.reshape(pix_arr, (pix_arr.shape[0] * numpix, 2)).T, image.shape) val_arr = np.reshape(np.take(image, takeidx), area_arr.shape) putidx = tuple(np.array(list(zip(gs[put], gw[put]))).T) result['image'][putidx] += np.sum(area_arr * val_arr, axis=1) asum = np.sum(area_arr, axis=1) result['pixsum'][putidx] += asum if bpm is not None: bpm_arr = np.reshape(np.take(bpm, takeidx), area_arr.shape) result['mask'][putidx] += np.sum(area_arr * bpm_arr, axis=1) else: result['mask'][putidx] += asum if dovar: var_arr = np.reshape(np.take(variance, takeidx), area_arr.shape) result['variance'][putidx] += np.sum(area_arr * var_arr, axis=1) if dobits: bit_arr = np.reshape(np.take(bitmask, takeidx), area_arr.shape) bit_arr = np.mod(np.product(bit_arr, axis=1), 256) result['bitmask'][putidx] = bit_arr result['mask'] = np.array(result['mask'] > (1 - badfrac)) result['mask'] &= ~np.isnan(result['image']) return result
[docs] def update_wcs(result, spatcal): """ Update a FITS header with spectral WCS information. This function assumes that result['header'] is a fits.Header, to be updated in place, and that result['wave'] and result['spatial'] are appropriately populated. Parameters ---------- result : dict Rectified result, as produced by `reconstruct_slit`. spatcal : numpy.ndarray of float (nrow, ncol) Spatial coordinates of each input pixel. """ header = result['header'] wave = result['wave'] space = result['spatial'] # get original keywords from input header do_secondary = True specsys = header.get('SPECSYS', 'TOPOCENT') try: # this assumes a simple input WCS convention crpix1 = header['CRPIX1'] crpix2 = header['CRPIX2'] crval1 = header['CRVAL1'] crval2 = header['CRVAL2'] crota2 = np.radians(header.get('CROTA2', 0.0)) radesys = header.get('RADESYS', 'FK5') equinox = header.get('EQUINOX', 2000.0) except (KeyError, ValueError, TypeError): do_secondary = False crpix1, crpix2, crval1, crval2 = None, None, None, None crota2, radesys, equinox = None, None, None # dw and ds for the new image wave_scale = np.mean(wave[1:] - wave[:-1]) space_scale = np.mean(space[1:] - space[:-1]) # try to get wave units from input header, # assume um if not present wave_units = header.get('XUNITS', 'um') # assume spatial units are always arcsec/degrees space_units = 'arcsec' cunit1 = 'deg' cunit2 = 'deg' # middle pixel middle_wave = wave.size // 2 middle_space = space.size // 2 # add a simple linear primary WCS, referenced to the middle pixel hdinsert(header, 'CTYPE1', 'LINEAR', comment='Name of the coordinate axis') hdinsert(header, 'CTYPE2', 'LINEAR', comment='Name of the coordinate axis') hdinsert(header, 'CUNIT1', wave_units, comment='Units of the coordinate axis') hdinsert(header, 'CUNIT2', space_units, comment='Units of the coordinate axis') hdinsert(header, 'CRPIX1', middle_wave + 1, comment='Coordinate system reference pixel') hdinsert(header, 'CRPIX2', middle_space + 1, comment='Coordinate system reference pixel') hdinsert(header, 'CRVAL1', wave[middle_wave], comment='Coordinate system value at reference pixel') hdinsert(header, 'CRVAL2', space[middle_space], comment='Coordinate system value at reference pixel') hdinsert(header, 'CDELT1', wave_scale, comment='Coordinate increment at reference point') hdinsert(header, 'CDELT2', space_scale, comment='Coordinate increment at reference point') hdinsert(header, 'CROTA2', 0.0, comment='Coordinate system rotation angle') hdinsert(header, 'SPECSYS', specsys, comment='Spectral reference frame') # if the input header is non-trivial, add a secondary WCS # with full spatial sky coordinates. # This WCS is not primary because DS9 doesn't handle it well if do_secondary: # get the reference pixel slit position from the spatial cal interp2d = Interpolate(spatcal, mode='nearest', method='cubic') ref_arcsec = interp2d(crpix1 - 1, crpix2 - 1) # invert to get the effective index in the new spatial grid ref_pix = tabinv(space, ref_arcsec) hdinsert(header, 'CTYPE1A', 'WAVE', comment='Name of the coordinate axis') hdinsert(header, 'CTYPE2A', 'DEC--TAN', comment='Name of the coordinate axis') hdinsert(header, 'CTYPE3A', 'RA---TAN', comment='Name of the coordinate axis') hdinsert(header, 'CUNIT1A', wave_units, comment='Units of the coordinate axis') hdinsert(header, 'CUNIT2A', cunit2, comment='Units of the coordinate axis') hdinsert(header, 'CUNIT3A', cunit1, comment='Units of the coordinate axis') hdinsert(header, 'CRPIX1A', middle_wave + 1, comment='Coordinate system reference pixel') hdinsert(header, 'CRPIX2A', ref_pix + 1, comment='Coordinate system reference pixel') hdinsert(header, 'CRPIX3A', 1.0, comment='Coordinate system reference pixel') hdinsert(header, 'CRVAL1A', wave[middle_wave], comment='Coordinate system value at reference pixel') hdinsert(header, 'CRVAL2A', crval2, comment='Coordinate system value at reference pixel') hdinsert(header, 'CRVAL3A', crval1, comment='Coordinate system value at reference pixel') hdinsert(header, 'CDELT1A', wave_scale, comment='Coordinate increment at reference point') hdinsert(header, 'CDELT2A', space_scale / 3600., comment='Coordinate increment at reference point') hdinsert(header, 'CDELT3A', - space_scale / 3600., comment='Coordinate increment at reference point') hdinsert(header, 'PC2_2A', np.cos(crota2), comment='Coordinate transformation matrix element') hdinsert(header, 'PC2_3A', -np.sin(crota2), comment='Coordinate transformation matrix element') hdinsert(header, 'PC3_2A', np.sin(crota2), comment='Coordinate transformation matrix element') hdinsert(header, 'PC3_3A', np.cos(crota2), comment='Coordinate transformation matrix element') hdinsert(header, 'RADESYSA', radesys, comment='Equatorial coordinate system') hdinsert(header, 'EQUINOXA', equinox, comment='[yr] Equinox of equatorial coordinates') hdinsert(header, 'SPECSYSA', specsys, comment='Spectral reference frame')
[docs] def rectifyorder(image, ordermask, wavecal, spatcal, order, header=None, variance=None, mask=None, bitmask=None, x=None, y=None, dw=None, ds=None, badfrac=0.1, ybuffer=3, xbuffer=None, poly_order=3): """ Construct average spatial profiles for a single order See `sofia_redux.spectroscopy.mkspatprof` and `sofia_redux.spectroscopy.extspec` for algorithm description. Parameters ---------- image : numpy.ndarray of float (nrow, ncol) 2-d image ordermask : numpy.ndarray of int (nrow, ncol) Order number of each pixel wavecal : numpy.ndarray of float (nrow, ncol) Wavelength of each pixel spatcal : numpy.ndarray of float (nrow, ncol) Spatial coordinates of each pixel order : int order to process header : fits.Header Header to update with spectral WCS. variance : numpy.ndarray of float (nrow, ncol), optional Variance to rectify parallel to the image. mask : numpy.ndarray of bool (nrow, ncol), optional Mask indicating good (True) and bad (False) pixels. bitmask : numpy.ndarray of int (nrow, ncol), optional bit-set flags of each pixel. x : numpy.array, optional (nrow, ncol) x-coordinates y : numpy.array, optional (nrow, ncol) y-coordinates dw : float, optional Delta lambda based on the span of the order in pixels and wavelengths. ds : float, optional The spatial sampling of the resampling slit in arcseconds, typically given by slth_arc / slth_pix. xbuffer : int, optional The number of pixels to ignore near the left and right of the slit. ybuffer : int, optional The number of pixels to ignore near the top and bottom of the slit. badfrac : float, optional If defines the maximum area of a pixel to be missing before that pixel should be considered bad. For example, a badfrac of 0.1 means that output flux of a pixel must be the sum of at least 0.9 input pixels. poly_order : int, optional Polynomial order to use when converting wavecal and spatcal to rectified values. Returns ------- dict image -> numpy.ndarray (ns, nw) wave -> numpy.ndarray (nw,) spatial -> numpy.ndarray (ns,) mask -> numpy.ndarray (ns, nw) bitmask -> numpy.ndarray (ns, nw) pixsum -> numpy.ndarray (ns, nw) variance -> numpy.ndarray (ns, nw) header -> fits.Header """ nrows, ncols = image.shape[:2] if x is None or y is None: y, x = np.mgrid[:nrows, :ncols] omask = (ordermask == order) if poly_order == 0: if not omask.any(): log.warning(f'No data for order {order}') return xmin, xmax = x[omask].min(), x[omask].max() + 1 ymin, ymax = y[omask].min(), y[omask].max() + 1 nx = xmax - xmin ny = ymax - ymin # Assume already rectified and trimmed if header is None: header = fits.Header() result = {'image': image[ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax].copy(), 'wave': wavecal[ymin, xmin:xmax].copy(), 'spatial': spatcal[ymin:ymax, xmin].copy(), 'pixsum': np.ones((ny, nx)), 'header': header} if variance is None: result['variance'] = np.full((ny, nx), np.nan) else: result['variance'] = variance[ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax].copy() if mask is None: result['mask'] = np.full((ny, nx), True) else: result['mask'] = mask[ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax].copy() if bitmask is None: result['bitmask'] = np.zeros((ny, nx)) else: result['bitmask'] = bitmask[ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax].copy() else: # Straighten the wavelength and spatial coordinates rect_xy = get_rect_xy(wavecal, spatcal, x, y, dy=ds, dx=dw, mask=omask, poly_order=poly_order) if rect_xy is None: log.error("Failed to rectify image") return # Trim bad values around the edges of new coordinate arrays rect_xy = trim_xy(*rect_xy, xbuffer=xbuffer, ybuffer=ybuffer, xrange=[2, ncols - 2], yrange=[2, nrows - 2]) result = reconstruct_slit(image, *rect_xy, header=header, variance=variance, bitmask=bitmask, badpix_mask=mask, badfrac=badfrac, xrange=[0, ncols], yrange=[0, nrows]) # update the WCS for the new image update_wcs(result, spatcal) return result