
sofia_redux.toolkit.splines.spline_utils.build_observation(coordinates, values, weights, n_coefficients, bandwidth, degrees, knots, knot_steps, start_indices, next_indices, panel_mapping, spline_mapping)[source]

Build the spline observation matrices.

The observation matrices are used to solve the linear system of equations Ax = B in row-echelon form. A and B (amat and beta) may be used to solve for x using either back_substitute() if A is full rank, or solve_rank_deficiency() if A is rank deficient.

coordinatesnumpy.ndarray (float)

The m coordinates to fit (n_dimensions, m).

valuesnumpy.ndarray (float)

The values at each coordinate (m,).

weightsnumpy.ndarray (float)

The associated weight value for each coordinate (m,).


The number of coefficients to fit.


The bandwidth of the observation.

degreesnumpy.ndarray (int)

The degrees of the splines to fit (n_dimensions,).

knotsnumpy.ndarray (float)

The knots in each dimension of shape (n_dimensions, max_knot_estimate). Must be monotonically increasing for each dimension.

knot_stepsnumpy.ndarray (int)

The flat index mapping steps in knot-space of shape (n_dimensions,). These are returned by passing the shape (n_knots - degrees - 1) into flat_index_mapping().

start_indicesnumpy.ndarray (int)

The starting indices of shape (m,) as returned by create_ordering().

next_indicesnumpy.ndarray (int)

The next indices of shape (m,) as returned by create_ordering().

panel_mappingnumpy.ndarray (int)

An array containing the panel mapping (flat to n-D) indices. This is created by passing the panel shape (n_knots - (2 * degrees) - 1) into flat_index_mapping(). Should be an array of shape (n_dimensions, n_panels).

spline_mappingnumpy.ndarray (int)

An array containing the spline mapping (flat to n-D) indices. This is created by passing the spline shape (degrees + 1) into flat_index_mapping(). Should be an array of shape (n_dimensions, n_spline_coefficients).

amat, beta, knot_splines, ssrarray, array, array, float

The observation matrix amat of shape (n_coefficients, bandwidth), the observation matrix beta of shape (n_coefficients,), the base spline coefficients for each knot (n_dimensions, n_knots, max(degree) + 1), and ssr (sum of the residuals squared)