
sofia_redux.toolkit.resampling.check_edge_with_distribution(coordinates, reference, mask, threshold)[source]

Defines an edge based on statistical deviation from a sample distribution.

Given a sample distribution (\(X\)) of coordinates, the deviation of a reference coordinate \(X_{ref}\) from the mean sample distribution \(\bar{X}\) is given as:

\[\sigma_{ref} = \sqrt{(X_{ref} - \bar{X})^{T} \Sigma^{-1} (X_{ref} - \bar{X})}\]

where \(\Sigma\) is the sample covariance of \(X\). In this definition, the “edge” of the distribution is defined at \(\beta = 1 / threshold\) so that reference locations where \(\sigma_{ref} \leq \beta\) are considered inside the distribution edge. For example, setting threshold = 2 will return a False value if \(\sigma_{ref} > 0.5\).

coordinatesnumpy.ndarray (n_dimensions, n_samples)

The coordinates of the sample distribution.

referencenumpy.ndarray (n_dimensions,)

The reference coordinate.

masknumpy.ndarray of bool (n_samples,)

A mask where False values exclude the corresponding sample from any distribution statistics.

thresholdint or float

The “edge” of the distribution is given by 1 / threshold. If the deviation of the reference coordinate from the distribution mean is greater than the edge, a False value will be returned. Setting threshold to zero results in an edge at infinity, i.e., all reference coordinates will be considered inside the distribution edge.


True if reference is inside the distribution “edge” and False otherwise.