
sofia_redux.toolkit.resampling.calculate_fitting_weights(errors, weights, error_weighting=True)[source]

Calculate the final weighting factor based on errors and other weights.

If error_weighting is applied, the return value is weights / error`^2. Otherwise, simply returns `weights.

errorsnumpy.ndarray (N,)

1-sigma error values to apply to weighting.

weightsnumpy.ndarray (N,)

Other weighting factors, not including any type of error weighting.


If False, returns weights, otherwise returns weights / errors^2.

fit_weightingnumpy.ndarray (N,)

The final fitting weights.


The square root of the weight is used in the polynomial system of equations rather than the actual weight due to how the least-squares solution is derived.

For the linear system of equations A.x = B, we are solving (A^T.W.A).C = A^T.W.B, where C are the coefficients we wish to find. If we set X = sqrt(W).A, and Y = sqrt(W).B, this is the same as (X^T.X).C = X^T.Y, which can be solved easily. Another way of thinking about it is that we are minimizing the squared residuals (y - f(x))^2.