
sofia_redux.toolkit.resampling.apply_mask_to_set_arrays(mask, data, phi, error, weights, counts)[source]

Set certain arrays to a fixed size based on a mask array.

masknumpy.ndarray of bool (N,)

Mask where True values indicate the associated element should be kept, and False will result in exclusion from the output arrays.

datanumpy.ndarray (N,)

The data array.

phinumpy.ndarray (n_terms, N)

The polynomial terms of the fit equation.


An array of shape (1,) or (N,). If an array of size 1 is supplied, it will be expanded to an array of counts size.


An array of shape (1,) or (N,). If an array of size 1 is supplied, it will be expanded to an array of counts size.


The number of True values in the mask. Determines the output size of all arrays.

data_out, phi_out, error_out, weight_out4-tuple of numpy.ndarray.

Resized arrays in which the last axis is of size counts.