- class sofia_redux.scan.custom.hawc_plus.info.info.HawcPlusInfo(configuration_path=None)[source]¶
Initialize a HawcPlusInfo object.
The HAWC+ information contains metadata on various parts of an observation that are specific to observations with the instrument.
- Parameters:
- configuration_pathstr, optional
An alternate directory path to the configuration tree to be used during the reduction. The default is <package>/data/configurations.
Methods Summary
(filename, hwp_step)Determine the mean HWP angle in the given file.
(header)Edit an image header with available information.
Return the file ID.
Get the science instrument pixel size.
(filenames[, jobs, ...])Group HAWC+ files by HWP angle.
Return the maximum number of pixels.
(args, ...)Return the HWP (half-wave-plate) angle for a single file.
(reduction, filenames)Fully reduce a given reduction and set of files.
(reduction, file_groups)Split the reduction based on files grouped by HWP angle.
(scans)Validate a list of scans specific to the instrument.
Methods Documentation
- classmethod determine_hwp_angle(filename, hwp_step)[source]¶
Determine the mean HWP angle in the given file.
- Parameters:
- filenamestr
The FITS file to search.
- hwp_stepunits.Quantity
The HWP step size for each HWP count.
- Returns:
- hwp_angleunits.Quantity
The average HWP angle in the file.
- edit_header(header)[source]¶
Edit an image header with available information.
- Parameters:
- headerastropy.fits.Header
The FITS header to apply.
- Returns:
- None
- get_si_pixel_size()[source]¶
Get the science instrument pixel size.
- Returns:
- sizeCoordinate2D
The (x, y) pixel sizes, each of which is a units.Quantity.
- group_files_by_hwp(filenames, jobs=1, force_threading=False)[source]¶
Group HAWC+ files by HWP angle.
- Parameters:
- filenameslist (str)
A list of HAWC+ FITS files to group.
- jobsint
The number of parallel jobs used to determine the grouping.
- force_threadingbool
, force parallel processing using threads.
- Returns:
- file_groupsdict
The files grouped by HWP angle {angle : [files]}
- classmethod parallel_safe_determine_hwp_angle(args, file_index)[source]¶
Return the HWP (half-wave-plate) angle for a single file.
This function is safe for multiprocessing using
.- Parameters:
- args2-tuple
- args[0]list (str)
A list of FITS file names.
- args[1]units.Quantity
The HWP step used to convert HWP counts to a HWP angle.
- file_indexint
The index of the file in args[0] for which to determine the HWP angle.
- Returns:
- hwp_angle: units.Quantity
- perform_reduction(reduction, filenames)[source]¶
Fully reduce a given reduction and set of files.
While it is possible for the reduction object to fully reduce a set of files, certain special considerations may be required for certain instruments. Therefore, the instrument specific Info object is given control of how a reduction should progress.
HAWC+ requires special processing for scan polarimetry data. When multiple files are provided, files will be grouped by half-wave-plate (HWP) angle and each group will then be reduced for the R0 and T0 subarrays. Note that a standard reduction will be performed if multiple HWP angles are not detected.
- Parameters:
- reductionReduction
The reduction object.
- filenamesstr or list (str)
A single file (str) or list of files to be included in the reduction.
- Returns:
- None