- class[source]¶
Initialize the FIFI-LS information.
The HAWC+ information contains metadata on various parts of an observation that are specific to observations with the instrument.
- Parameters:
- configuration_pathstr, optional
An alternate directory path to the configuration tree to be used during the reduction. The default is <package>/data/configurations.
Methods Summary
(reduction)Used to combine and extract the data for subsequent reduction.
(header)Edit an image header with available information.
Return the file ID.
Get the science instrument pixel size.
Return the maximum number of pixels.
(reduction, filenames)Fully reduce a given reduction and set of files.
(scans)Validate a list of scans specific to the instrument.
Methods Documentation
- static combine_reduction_scans_for_resampler(reduction)[source]¶
Used to combine and extract the data for subsequent reduction.
- Parameters:
- reductionReduction
- Returns:
- combined_datadict
- edit_header(header)[source]¶
Edit an image header with available information.
- Parameters:
- headerastropy.fits.Header
The FITS header to apply.
- Returns:
- None
- get_si_pixel_size()[source]¶
Get the science instrument pixel size.
- Returns:
- sizeCoordinate2D
The (x, y) pixel sizes, each of which is a units.Quantity.
- perform_reduction(reduction, filenames)[source]¶
Fully reduce a given reduction and set of files.
While it is possible for the reduction object to fully reduce a set of files, certain special considerations may be required for certain instruments. Therefore, the instrument specific Info object is given control of how a reduction should progress.
- Parameters:
- reductionReduction
The reduction object.
- filenamesstr or list (str)
A single file (str) or list of files to be included in the reduction.
- Returns:
- None