
class sofia_redux.instruments.hawc.steps.stepzerolevel.StepZeroLevel[source]

Bases: StepParent

Correct zero level for scanning data.

This step applies an optional zero-level correction to the Stokes I image for scan mode imaging data, using user input or a mean- or median-filter to identify the background region in the image.

Input for this step must be a single DataFits that contains 3 image planes (HDUs) for the total Stokes I flux. The three images are: DATA, ERROR, and EXPOSURE.

Output from this step has the same format as the input.

Methods Summary

correct_zero_level_auto(data, method, radius)

Correct image zero level from automatically determined regions.

correct_zero_level_region(data, method, ...)

Correct image zero level from specified circular regions.


Read a radius value from the parameters.


Run the data reduction algorithm.


Set parameters and metadata for the pipeline step.

Methods Documentation

correct_zero_level_auto(data, method, radius)[source]

Correct image zero level from automatically determined regions.

Data array is updated in place.


Data to correct.

method{‘mean’, ‘median’}

Filter method.


Radius in pixels for filter kernel.

correct_zero_level_region(data, method, region, refheader, robust=5.0)[source]

Correct image zero level from specified circular regions.

Data array is updated in place.


Data to correct.

method{‘mean’, ‘median’}

Statistics method.

regionlist of float

Region specified as [RA, Dec, radius] in degrees.


Reference header to use for WCS.


Sigma value to use for clipping statistics. Set to 0 to turn off clipping.


If any specified region is not on the array.


Read a radius value from the parameters.

The parameters are expected to be defined as a list, with one entry for each HAWC band. The correct value for the input data is selected from the list.


Radius value for the input data.


Run the data reduction algorithm.

Because this step is single-in, single-out (SISO), self.datain must be a DataFits object. The output is also a DataFits object, stored in self.dataout.

The process is:

  1. Check and gather all input data.

  2. Correct zero level if desired.


Set parameters and metadata for the pipeline step.

Output files have PRODTYPE = ‘zerolevel’, and are named with the step abbreviation ‘ZLC’.

Parameters defined for this step are:

zero_level_method{‘mean’, ‘median’, ‘none’}

Statistic for zero-level calculation. If ‘none’, the zero-level will not be corrected. For the other options, either a mean or median statistic will be used to determine the zero-level value from the region set by the region parameters.


If set to ‘header’, the zero-level region will be determined from the ZERO_RA, ZERO_DEC, ZERO_RAD keywords (for RA center, Dec center, and radius, respectively). If set to ‘auto’, a mean- or median-filter will be applied to image, with the radius specified by the zero_level_radius parameter. The lowest negative local average is assumed to be the zero level. Otherwise, a region may be directly provided as a list of [RA center, Dec center, radius], in degrees.

zero_level_radiuslist of float

Filter radius for zero-level calculation, in arcseconds (per band). Used only for zero_level_region = ‘auto’.


Sigma value for statistics clipping. Ignored for zero_level_region = ‘auto’.