
class sofia_redux.instruments.hawc.steps.stepscanmapflat.StepScanMapFlat[source]

Bases: StepParent

Generate a flat field from scanning data.

This step calls scan map with special parameters to produce a flat field from a scanning observation of a bright source. Additional options for the scan map algorithm may be passed in the ‘options’ parameter.

Input data for this step is raw HAWC data FITS files.

Output from this step is a single output DataFits, with 4 image planes (HDUs): R ARRAY GAIN, T ARRAY GAIN, R BAD PIXEL MASK, and T BAD PIXEL MASK.

Methods Summary


Run the data reduction algorithm.


Set parameters and metadata for the pipeline step.

Methods Documentation


Run the data reduction algorithm.

This step is run as a single-in single-out (SISO) step: self.datain should be a DataFits, and output will also be a DataFits, stored in self.dataout.

The process is:

  1. Assemble the scan map command from input parameters.

  2. Call scan map as a subprocess.

  3. Read scan map output from disk and update headers as necessary.


Set parameters and metadata for the pipeline step.

Output files have PRODTYPE = ‘scanmapflat’, and are named with the step abbreviation ‘SFL’.

Parameters defined for this step are:


Command-line options to pass to scan map.


Frames to use from the reduction. Specify a particular range, as ‘400:-400’ or ‘400:1000’.