
sofia_redux.calibration.standard_model.hawc_calib.hawc_calib(infile, atmofile, outfile=None, iq=5.3, no_atm=False, emiss=0.15, snrval=4.0, alpha=None, temp=None, normfits=False, fscal=1.0, txt=False, noplot=False, dataframe=False)[source]

Calculate source flux from calibrated observations.

infilestr, pandas.DataFrame

Name of file containing the calibrated model. Typically this is a Herschel model, a blackbody model, or a power law model. The file can be formatted in a FITS file, a pandas DataFrame, or plain ASCII text. If a generic model is preferred, infile can be set to ‘Blackbody’ or ‘PowerLaw’, to generate a blackbody or power law model respectively.


Name of the ATRAN file to use for modelling the atmosphere.

outfilestr, optional

Name of the file to write the final derived flux. If not provided, try to pull the filename from the contents of infile. If that fails, write the model to ‘flux_values.out’.

iqfloat, optional

Image quality d_80. Defaults to 5.3.

no_atmbool, optional

If set, do not take atmosphere contained in atmofile into account. Defaults to False.

emissfloat, optional

Telescope emissivity. Defaults to 0.15.

snrvalfloat, optional

Signal to noise. Defaults to 4.0.

alphafloat, optional for non-power law models

If infile is PowerLaw, alpha is the power law index to use to generate the model.

tempfloat, optional for non-blackbody models

If infile is ‘Blackbody’, temp is the temperature to use to generate the model.

normfitsbool, optional for non-FITS infiles

If set, infile is a FITS file.

fscalfloat, optional

Scale factor to apply to fluxes. Defaults to 1.0.

txtbool, optional

If set, infile is a plain text ASCII file.

noplotbool, optional

If set, do not create a plot of the results. Defaults to False.

dataframebool, optional

If set, infile is a pandas DataFrame.



  1. Read in the model of the target flux, which is either a scaled Herschel model for major targets or a scaled blackbody if an asteroid.

  2. Read in the ATRAN file to get the atmospheric transmission as a function of wavelength.

  3. Loop through each HAWC+ filter

  4. Calculate the total transmission (telescope, filter, and instrument).

  5. Calculate the size of the source in pixels

  6. Calculate the total background photon flux from the sky, telescope, window, foreoptics, and instrument.

  7. Several integrals to calculate everything. See Tokunaga, Vacca (2005) for details on what’s happening.

  8. Write results to file