**************************************************** sofia_redux.calibration: Flux Calibration Algorithms **************************************************** The :mod:`sofia_redux.calibration` package contains data reduction algorithms for the flux calibration of imaging instruments. It is designed to be used with SOFIA pipelines, integrated into the `sofia_redux` package. Currently, the FORCAST, FLITECAM, and HAWC+ instruments are supported. Getting Started =============== Using Calibration Utilities --------------------------- The primary calibration functions provided by this package are: 1. Apply a correction for atmospheric opacity 2. Compute aperture photometry and calibration parameters on known flux standards 3. Apply flux calibration to an image The easiest access to these functions are provided in the `sofia_redux.calibration.pipecal_util` submodule, as `apply_tellcor`, `run_photometry`, and `apply_fluxcal` respectively. A standalone script, called `sofia_redux.calibration.pipecal_applyphot` is also available to directly calculate photometry and store the results in FITS headers. Submodule ========= .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 standard_model/index.rst Reference/API ============= .. automodapi:: sofia_redux.calibration.pipecal_applyphot .. automodapi:: sofia_redux.calibration.pipecal_calfac .. automodapi:: sofia_redux.calibration.pipecal_config .. automodapi:: sofia_redux.calibration.pipecal_fitpeak .. automodapi:: sofia_redux.calibration.pipecal_photometry .. automodapi:: sofia_redux.calibration.pipecal_rratio .. automodapi:: sofia_redux.calibration.pipecal_util .. automodapi:: sofia_redux.calibration.pipecal_error :no-inheritance-diagram: