Source code for sofia_redux.toolkit.image.combine

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst

import warnings

from astropy.stats import sigma_clip
import numpy as np

__all__ = ['combine_images']

[docs] def combine_images(data, variance=None, method='median', weighted=True, robust=True, returned=True, **kwargs): """Combine input image arrays. Uses masked arrays to ignore input NaNs and to clip outliers if necessary. Masked pixels in the output are replaced with NaN before returning. Parameters ---------- data : `list` of numpy.ndarray or numpy.ndarray Input data to combine. Dimensions must match for all arrays. If ndarray is provided, images will be combined along axis 0. variance : `list` of numpy.ndarray or numpy.ndarray, optional Variance associated with input data. List length and features must match `data`. method : {'mean', 'median', 'sum'}, optional Combination function to use. weighted : bool, optional If True and method is 'mean', the input variance will be used to weight the mean combination. Ignored if variance is not provided. robust : bool, optional If True, the threshold and maxiters parameters will be used to reject outliers before combination. Outlier rejection is performed via `astropy.stats.sigma_clip`. returned : bool, optional If True, return the combined variance in addition to the combined image. Variance will be propagated if provided, or calculated from the RMS of each pixel over all images. **kwargs Additional parameters to pass to `astropy.stats.sigma_clip` when robust=True. 'axis' and 'masked' keywords are ignored if provided. Returns ------- tuple of numpy.ndarray Return value is (data, variance) for the combined array. If input variance is provided, it is propagated; otherwise, the returned variance is calculated from the input data. Raises ------ ValueError Any improper inputs. """ try: nimage = len(data) dshape = data[0].shape except (TypeError, IndexError, AttributeError): raise ValueError('Input data is not array-like.') if nimage == 1: raise ValueError('Only one image provided; no data to combine.') for darray in data: if darray.shape != dshape: raise ValueError('Input data features do not match.') if variance is not None: if len(variance) != nimage: raise ValueError('Variance list does not match data list.') for varray in variance: if varray.shape != dshape: raise ValueError('Input variance features do not match.') else: weighted = False method = str(method).lower() if method not in ['mean', 'median', 'sum']: raise ValueError("Invalid combination method: '{}'.".format(method)) masked_array =, mask=np.isnan(data)) if robust: if 'axis' in kwargs: del kwargs['axis'] if 'masked' in kwargs: del kwargs['masked'] masked_array = sigma_clip(masked_array, axis=0, masked=True, **kwargs) if variance is not None: masked_array.mask |= np.isnan(variance) masked_var =, mask=masked_array.mask) else: masked_var = None if method == 'sum': combined =, axis=0) if returned: if masked_var is not None: combined_var =, axis=0) else: combined_var =, axis=0) else: combined_var = None elif method == 'mean': if weighted and masked_var is not None: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore') weights = 1 / masked_var combined, wtsum =, axis=0, weights=weights, returned=True) combined_var = 1 / wtsum if returned else None else: combined =, axis=0) if returned: if masked_var is not None: combined_var = (, axis=0) /, axis=0)**2) else: combined_var =, axis=0) else: combined_var = None else: # method == 'median': combined =, axis=0) if returned: if masked_var is not None: # variance is pi/2 * variance for mean combined_var = (, axis=0) /, axis=0)**2) combined_var *= np.pi / 2.0 else: combined_var =, axis=0) else: combined_var = None combined =, fill_value=np.nan) if combined_var is not None: combined_var =, fill_value=np.nan) return (combined, combined_var) if returned else combined