Source code for sofia_redux.spectroscopy.simwavecal2d

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst

from astropy import log
import numpy as np
from sofia_redux.toolkit.fitting.polynomial import poly1d
import warnings

__all__ = ['simwavecal2d']

[docs] def simwavecal2d(shape, edgecoeffs, xranges, slith_arc, ds): """ Simulate a 2D wavecal file using pixels for wavelengths NOTE: will also return indices for new iSHELL wavecal FITS format. Parameters ---------- shape : 2-tuple of int (nrow, ncol) shape of image. edgecoeffs : array_like of float (norders, 2, degree+1) array of polynomial coefficients which define the edges of the orders. edgecoeffs[0, 0, :] are the coefficients of the bottom edge of the first order and edgecoeffs[0, 1, :] are the coefficients of the top edge of the first order. xranges : array_like of float (norders, 2) array of column numbers between which the orders are completely on the array. slith_arc : float The slit height in arcseconds. ds : float The plate scale in arcseconds per pixel. Returns ------- wavecal, spatcal, indices : numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, dict - wavecal (nrow, ncol) array where each pixel is set to its wavelength (column in this case). - spatcal (nrow, ncol) array where each pixel is set to its angular position on the sky. - indices (dict of dict) where 1st keys are orders (int) and second level keys are as follows: ``"x"`` x indices of constant wavelength and angle in the zeroth order. ``"y"`` y indices of constant wavelength and angle in the zeroth order. ``"xgrid"`` (ncol) array of wavelength values along x ``"ygrid"`` (nrow) array of spatial coordinates along y """ if not hasattr(shape, '__len__') or len(shape) != 2: log.error("Invalid shape") return edgecoeffs = np.array(edgecoeffs) if edgecoeffs.ndim != 3 or edgecoeffs.shape[1] != 2: log.error("Invalid edgecoeffs shape") return norders = edgecoeffs.shape[0] xranges = np.array(xranges) if xranges.shape != (norders, 2): log.error("Invalid xranges shape") return wavecal = np.full(shape, np.nan) spatcal = np.full(shape, np.nan) indices = {} nsgrid = int(np.round(slith_arc / ds)) + 1 sgrid = np.arange(nsgrid) * ds with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', RuntimeWarning) for i in range(norders): minx, maxx = xranges[i, 0], xranges[i, 1] nx = int(maxx - minx) + 1 ny = shape[0] x = np.arange(nx) + minx y = np.arange(ny) pixtoarc = np.zeros((nx, 2)) # Find the bottom and top of the slit botedge = poly1d(x, edgecoeffs[i, 0, :]) topedge = poly1d(x, edgecoeffs[i, 1, :]) pixtoarc[:, 1] = slith_arc / (topedge - botedge) pixtoarc[:, 0] = -pixtoarc[:, 1] * botedge # make sure bottom and top don't spill over array botedge[botedge < 0] = 0 topedge[topedge >= ny] = ny - 1 # Start indices ix = np.empty((nsgrid, nx)) ix[None] = x.copy() iy = np.full((nsgrid, nx), np.nan) for j in range(nx): j0, j1 = int(np.floor(botedge[j])), int(np.ceil(topedge[j])) wavecal[j0: j1, int(x[j])] = x[j] ypix = y[j0: j1] spix = poly1d(ypix, pixtoarc[j]) spatcal[j0: j1, int(x[j])] = spix.copy() iy[:, j] = np.interp(sgrid, spix, ypix) indices[i] = {'x': ix, 'y': iy, 'xgrid': x.copy(), 'ygrid': sgrid.copy()} return wavecal, spatcal, indices