Source code for sofia_redux.scan.source_models.beams.gaussian_source

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst

from astropy import log, units
from astropy.stats import gaussian_fwhm_to_sigma
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import warnings

from sofia_redux.scan.source_models.beams.gaussian_2d import Gaussian2D
from sofia_redux.scan.coordinate_systems.coordinate_2d import Coordinate2D
from sofia_redux.scan.coordinate_systems.index_2d import Index2D
from sofia_redux.scan.utilities.utils import (
    round_values, to_header_quantity, UNKNOWN_FLOAT_VALUE)

__all__ = ['GaussianSource']

[docs] class GaussianSource(Gaussian2D): def __init__(self, peak=1.0, x_mean=0.0, y_mean=0.0, x_fwhm=0.0, y_fwhm=0.0, theta=0.0 * units.Unit('deg'), peak_unit=None, position_unit=None, gaussian_model=None): """ Initialize a GaussianSource model. The GaussianSource is an extension of the Gaussian2D model that allows the model to be fit to (or from) a source map. Parameters ---------- peak : float or units.Quantity, optional The peak amplitude of the Gaussian. x_mean : float or units.Quantity, optional The position of the peak along the x-axis. y_mean : float or units.Quantity, optional The position of the peak along the y-axis. x_fwhm : float or units.Quantity, optional The Full-Width-Half-Max beam width in the x-direction. y_fwhm : float or units.Quantity, optional The Full-Width-Half-Max beam width in the y-direction. theta : float or units.Quantity, optional The rotation of the beam pertaining to `x_fwhm` and `y_fwhm` in relation to the actual (x, y) coordinate axis. If a float value is supplied, it is assumed to be in degrees. peak_unit : units.Unit or units.Quantity or str, optional The physical units for the peak amplitude. The default is dimensionless. position_unit : units.Unit or units.Quantity or str, optional The physical units of all position based parameters (`x_mean`, `y_mean`, `x_fwhm`, `y_fwhm`) gaussian_model : Gaussian2D, optional If supplied, extracts all the above parameters from the supplied model. """ self.positioning_method = 'position' self.coordinates = None self.source_mask = None self.source_radius = None self.source_sum = 0.0 self.grid = None self.center_index = None self.peak_weight = 1.0 self.fwhm_weight = 1.0 self.is_corrected = False if isinstance(gaussian_model, Gaussian2D): super().__init__(peak=gaussian_model.peak, x_mean=gaussian_model.x_mean, y_mean=gaussian_model.y_mean, x_fwhm=gaussian_model.x_fwhm, y_fwhm=gaussian_model.y_fwhm, theta=gaussian_model.theta, peak_unit=gaussian_model.unit) else: super().__init__(peak=peak, x_mean=x_mean, y_mean=y_mean, x_fwhm=x_fwhm, y_fwhm=y_fwhm, theta=theta, peak_unit=peak_unit, position_unit=position_unit)
[docs] def copy(self): """ Return a copy of the Gaussian source. Returns ------- GaussianSource """ return super().copy()
@property def referenced_attributes(self): """ Return the names of attributes to be referenced rather than copied. Returns ------- set of str """ attrs = super().referenced_attributes attrs.add('grid') return attrs @property def position(self): """ Return the (x, y) position coordinate. Returns ------- astropy.units.Quantity """ return Coordinate2D([self.x_mean, self.y_mean]) @position.setter def position(self, value): """ Set the peak position. Parameters ---------- value : Coordinate2D Returns ------- None """ self.set_peak_position(value) @property def peak_significance(self): """ Return the peak significance. Returns ------- float """ with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', RuntimeWarning) return np.abs(self.peak) * np.sqrt(self.peak_weight) @property def peak_rms(self): """ Return the peak rms. Returns ------- float """ weight = self.peak_weight if weight > 0: return 1.0 / np.sqrt(weight) else: return weight * 0 @property def fwhm_significance(self): """ Return the FWHM significance. Returns ------- float """ return (np.abs(self.fwhm) * np.sqrt(self.fwhm_weight)).value @property def fwhm_rms(self): """ Return the FWHM RMS. Returns ------- float or astropy.units.Quantity """ weight = self.fwhm_weight if isinstance(self.fwhm, units.Quantity): rms_unit = self.fwhm.unit else: # pragma: no cover rms_unit = None rms = 0.0 if weight <= 0 else 1.0 / np.sqrt(self.fwhm_weight) if not isinstance(rms, units.Quantity) and rms_unit is not None: rms = rms * rms_unit # pragma: no cover return rms def __eq__(self, other): """ Test if this GaussianSource is functionally equivalent to another. Note that only the model is tested for equality. No factors such as grid or coordinates will be examined. Parameters ---------- other : GaussianSource Returns ------- equal : bool """ if self is other: return True if not super().__eq__(other): return False if self.is_corrected != other.is_corrected: return False return True
[docs] def set_positioning_method(self, method): """ Set the peak positioning method. Parameters ---------- method : str May be one of {'position', 'peak', 'centroid'}. Returns ------- None """ methods = ['position', 'centroid', 'peak'] s = str(method).lower().strip() if s not in methods: raise ValueError(f"Available positioning methods are {methods}. " f"Received {method}.") if s == 'peak': s = 'position' self.positioning_method = s
[docs] def set_peak_position(self, peak_position): """ Set the peak position. Parameters ---------- peak_position : Coordinate2D or Quantity or numpy.ndarray The (x, y) peak position. Returns ------- None """ if isinstance(peak_position, Coordinate2D): self.x_mean = peak_position.x self.y_mean = peak_position.y self.coordinates = peak_position.copy() elif isinstance(peak_position, np.ndarray): if peak_position.shape != (): self.x_mean = peak_position[0] self.y_mean = peak_position[1] self.coordinates = Coordinate2D(peak_position) else: # pragma: no cover self.x_mean = peak_position self.y_mean = peak_position self.coordinates = Coordinate2D([peak_position, peak_position])
[docs] def fit_map_least_squares(self, map2d, degree=3, reduce_degrees=False): """ Fit the Gaussian to a given map using LSQ method (adaptTo). Parameters ---------- map2d : Map2D or Observation2D degree : int, optional The spline degree used to fit the map peak value. reduce_degrees : bool, optional If `True`, allow the spline fit to reduce the number of degrees in cases where there are not enough points available to perform the spline fit of `degree`. If `False`, a ValueError will be raised if such a fit fails. Returns ------- data_sum : float The sum of the source withing the source radius. """ if hasattr(map2d, 'get_significance'): # Use significance if an Observation2D object image = map2d.get_significance() else: image = map2d # Get peak in (x, y) indexing self.grid = map2d.grid data = func, p0, bounds = self.get_lsq_fit_parameters(image) y, x = np.indices(data.shape) d, x, y = data.ravel(), x.ravel(), y.ravel() p_opt, p_cov = curve_fit(func, (x, y), d, p0=p0, bounds=bounds) amplitude, x0, y0, pixel_stddev = p_opt self.set_center_index(Coordinate2D([x0, y0])) # fwhm = sqrt(i * a / peak_value) / fwhm2size # fwhm * fwhm2size = sqrt(i * a / peak_value) # (fwhm * fwhm2size)^2 = i * a / peak_value # (peak_value) / a * (fwhm * fwhm2size)^2 = i fwhm_pix = pixel_stddev / gaussian_fwhm_to_sigma fwhm = fwhm_pix * np.sqrt(self.grid.get_pixel_area()) self.fwhm = fwhm if image is not map2d: self.set_peak_from(map2d, degree=degree, reduce_degrees=reduce_degrees) fwhm_rms = np.sqrt(2) * fwhm / self.peak_significance self.fwhm_weight = 1 / (fwhm_rms ** 2) integrated_value = self.peak * ( (fwhm_pix * self.FWHM_TO_SIZE) ** 2) return integrated_value
[docs] def get_lsq_fit_parameters(self, image): """ Return the LSQ fit parameters for curve_fit. Determines the entry parameters for a non-linear least squares fit to the Gaussian source. These are the initial guess parameters for the peak amplitude, (x, y) mean, and standard deviation. The bounds for these parameters are also returned. For the GaussianSource, the amplitude and centroid location are unbounded, and a minimum bound on the standard deviation is set, based on the currently set FWHM. Parameters ---------- image : Observation2D or SignificanceMap Returns ------- function, initial_values, bounds """ peak_coordinates = self.find_peak(image, sign=0) x0, y0 = peak_coordinates.coordinates amplitude =[round_values(y0), round_values(x0)] pixel_size = self.grid.get_pixel_size().coordinates fwhm_pix = (self.fwhm / pixel_size.min()).decompose().value sigma_pix = gaussian_fwhm_to_sigma * fwhm_pix sigma_pix = np.max([1, sigma_pix]) p0 = (amplitude, x0, y0, sigma_pix) bounds = ((-np.inf, -np.inf, -np.inf, sigma_pix), (np.inf, np.inf, np.inf, np.inf)) return self.gaussian_2d_fit, p0, bounds
[docs] @staticmethod def gaussian_2d_fit(coordinates, amplitude, x0, y0, sigma): """ A simple 2-dimensional Gaussian function. The return value is: z = A.exp((-(x - x0)^2) / (2 sigma^2)) + (-(y - y0)^2) / (2 sigma^2))) Parameters ---------- coordinates : 2-tuple (numpy.ndarray) The (x, y) coordinates to evaluate. amplitude : float The scaling factor. x0 : float The center of the Gaussian in x. y0 : float The center of the Gaussian in y. sigma : float The Gaussian standard deviation. Returns ------- z : numpy.ndarray (float) The derived function value. Will be the same shape as x or y in the `coordinates`. """ dx = coordinates[0] - x0 dy = coordinates[1] - y0 a = 2 * (sigma ** 2) x1 = -(dx ** 2) / a x2 = -(dy ** 2) / a return amplitude * np.exp(x1 + x2)
[docs] def fit_map(self, map2d, max_iterations=40, radius_increment=1.1, tolerance=0.05, degree=3, reduce_degrees=False): """ Fit the Gaussian source to a given map. An Observation2D object or Map2D overlap object may be supplied and fit with a Gaussian source. If an Observation2D is supplied, the Gaussian is fit to the significance image, and thus the FWHM rms may also be determined. Otherwise, all other parameters aside from the FWHM weight will be fit for. Parameters ---------- map2d : Map2D or Observation2D max_iterations : int, optional The maximum number of iterations by which to increase the radius. radius_increment : float, optional The factor by which to increase the radius for each iteration. The initial radius size is set to min(grid.pixel_size). tolerance : float, optional Stop the iterations if (1-tolerance) * last_sum <= sum <= (1+tolerance). degree : int, optional The spline degree used to determine the peak value if necessary. reduce_degrees : bool, optional If `True`, allow the spline fit to reduce the number of degrees in cases where there are not enough points available to perform the spline fit of `degree`. If `False`, a ValueError will be raised if such a fit fails. Returns ------- data_sum : float The sum of the source withing the source radius. """ if hasattr(map2d, 'get_significance'): # Use significance if an Observation2D object image = map2d.get_significance() else: image = map2d # Get peak in (x, y) indexing self.grid = map2d.grid self.set_center_index(self.find_peak(image, sign=0)) self.find_source_extent(image, max_iterations=max_iterations, radius_increment=radius_increment, tolerance=tolerance) # Calculate the peak value and fwhm from the image (maybe significance) self.set_peak_from(image, degree=degree, reduce_degrees=reduce_degrees) fwhm2 = np.abs(self.source_sum * self.grid.get_pixel_area() / self.peak) self.fwhm = np.sqrt(fwhm2) / self.FWHM_TO_SIZE fwhm_unit = self.fwhm.unit self.fwhm_weight = 1.0 / (fwhm_unit ** 2) # If the image is not the map, calculate the actual peak value. if image is not map2d: # Sets the peak, peak weight, and unit. self.set_peak_from(map2d, degree=degree, reduce_degrees=reduce_degrees) fwhm_rms = np.sqrt(2.0) * self.fwhm / self.peak_significance if fwhm_rms != 0 and not np.isnan(fwhm_rms): self.fwhm_weight = 1.0 / (fwhm_rms ** 2) else: self.fwhm_weight = np.inf / (fwhm_unit ** 2) fwhm_pix = self.fwhm / np.sqrt(self.grid.get_pixel_area()) integrated_value = self.peak * ( (fwhm_pix * self.FWHM_TO_SIZE) ** 2) return integrated_value
[docs] def set_center_index(self, center_index): """ Set the center pixel index on the image for the source. Parameters ---------- center_index : Coordinate2D The (x, y) center index. Returns ------- None """ self.position = self.get_grid_coordinates(center_index) self.center_index = center_index
[docs] def get_grid_coordinates(self, index): """ Return the grid coordinates for the given map indices. Parameters ---------- index : Coordinate2D The dimensionless map pixel coordinates. Returns ------- coordinates : Coordinate2D The physical map coordinates for the given `index`. """ offset = self.grid.index_to_offset(index) grid_coordinates = self.grid.reference.copy() self.grid.projection.deproject(offset, coordinates=grid_coordinates) return grid_coordinates
[docs] def find_source_extent(self, image, max_iterations=40, radius_increment=0.1, tolerance=0.05): """ Find the extent of the source and shape. Calculates the integral of the source, a circular source radius, and a source mask. The algorithm for determining the source iterates using an expanding circular aperture centered on the currently defined `center_index` attribute. The iteration will be halted, and parameters updated once either the `max_iteration` number of iterations has been reached, or:: data_sum <= last_data_sum * (1 + tolerance) The data_sum is the sum of data values inside the circular aperture, and the last_data_sum is that same sum from the previous iteration. Each iteration the radius of the aperture is increased by:: min(pixel_size, radius_increment * current_radius) The starting radius is equal to the pixel size in the data. Parameters ---------- image : FlaggedArray max_iterations : int, optional The maximum number of iterations, each of which increases the search radius by `radius_increment`. radius_increment : float, optional The factor by which to increase the search radius between iterations. tolerance : float, optional Halt iterations if the change in data sum is less than 1 + `tolerance` between iterations. Returns ------- None """ offset = Coordinate2D(np.indices(image.shape)[::-1]) # numpy to FITS offset.subtract(self.center_index) pixel_size = self.grid.get_pixel_size() offset.scale(pixel_size) grow = np.min(pixel_size.coordinates) radius = offset.length search_radius = 1.0 * grow sort_index = np.argsort(radius.ravel()) radius_sort = radius.ravel()[sort_index] data_sort =[sort_index] search_index = np.nonzero(radius_sort <= search_radius)[0] if len(search_index) == 0: search_index = 0 else: search_index = search_index[-1] tolerance_check = 1 + tolerance last_data_sum = np.sum(data_sort[:search_index + 1]) for iteration in range(max_iterations): break_limit = tolerance_check * last_data_sum search_radius += min([grow, radius_increment * search_radius]) search_index = np.nonzero(radius_sort <= search_radius)[0] if len(search_index) == 0: search_index = 0 else: search_index = search_index[-1] data_sum = np.sum(data_sort[:search_index + 1]) if data_sum == 0: # may be the case for simulated data/pixel maps last_data_sum = 0.0 continue if data_sum >= 0: if data_sum <= break_limit: break else: if data_sum >= break_limit: break last_data_sum = data_sum self.source_radius = search_radius self.source_mask = radius <= search_radius self.source_sum = last_data_sum
[docs] def get_center_offset(self, offset=None): """ Find the offset of the source position from the grid reference. Parameters ---------- offset : Coordinate2D, optional An optional offset into which to place the results. Returns ------- offset : Coordinate2D """ center_offset = self.grid.index_to_offset(self.center_index) if offset is None: return center_offset offset.copy_coordinates(center_offset) return offset
[docs] def find_peak(self, image, grid=None, sign=0): """ Fit the peak coordinates from a given map. (moveTo) Parameters ---------- image : FlaggedArray (float) The image to fit. grid : SphericalGrid The grid to fit onto. sign : int or float, optional If positive, fit to positive sources in the map. If negative, fit to negative sources in the map. If zero, fit to source magnitudes in the map. Note, this only takes affect if `position` is set as the positioning_method. Returns ------- peak : Coordinate2D The (x, y) peak position. """ # Note that the peak position is in terms of pixels (y, x) if self.positioning_method == 'position': peak = self.find_local_peak(image, sign=sign) elif self.positioning_method == 'centroid': peak = self.find_local_centroid(image) else: raise ValueError( f"Unknown positioning method: {self.positioning_method}.") # peak is in pixel positions (y, x) format if grid is None: return peak else: return grid.projection.deproject(peak)
[docs] @staticmethod def find_local_peak(image, sign=0): """ Find the local peak in a map using the 'position' method. Parameters ---------- image : FlaggedArray The image to fit. sign : int or float, optional If positive, fit to positive sources in the map. If negative, fit to negative sources in the map. If zero, fit to source magnitudes in the map. Note, this only takes affect if `position` is set as the positioning_method. Returns ------- peak : Coordinate2D The (x, y) pixel peak position. """ peak_value, peak_index = image.index_of_max(sign=sign) if isinstance(peak_index, Coordinate2D): peak_index = Index2D(peak_index.coordinates) else: # pragma: no cover peak_index = Index2D(peak_index) return Coordinate2D(image.get_refined_peak_index(peak_index))
[docs] @staticmethod def find_local_centroid(image): """ Find the local peak in a map using the 'centroid' method. Parameters ---------- image : FlaggedArray Returns ------- peak : Coordinate2D The (x, y) peak position. """ indices = np.indices(image.shape)[::-1] # to (x, y) FITS format data = w = np.abs(data) * image.valid w[np.isnan(w)] = 0.0 w_sum = w.sum() wd_sum = np.empty(image.ndim, dtype=float) for dimension in range(image.ndim): wd_sum[dimension] = np.sum(indices[dimension] * w) return Coordinate2D(wd_sum / w_sum)
[docs] def set_peak_from(self, image, degree=3, reduce_degrees=False): """ Set the peak value from a given image. The peak value is determined from spline interpolation on the image at `self.center_index`. This will also set the weight of the peak as exact (infinity) or will interpolate from a weight map if available. Parameters ---------- image : FlaggedArray or Map2D degree : int, optional The spline degree to fit. reduce_degrees : bool, optional If `True`, allow the spline fit to reduce the number of degrees in cases where there are not enough points available to perform the spline fit of `degree`. If `False`, a ValueError will be raised if such a fit fails. Returns ------- None """ peak_value = image.value_at(self.center_index, degree=degree, reduce_degrees=reduce_degrees) unit = getattr(image, 'unit', 1.0 * units.dimensionless_unscaled) self.peak = peak_value if hasattr(image, 'weight'): self.peak_weight = image.get_weights().value_at( self.center_index, degree=degree, reduce_degrees=reduce_degrees) else: self.set_exact() # peak weight set to infinity self.set_unit(unit)
[docs] def set_unit(self, unit): """ Set the unit of the Gaussian peak. Parameters ---------- unit : units.Quantity or units.Unit or float or str or None Returns ------- None """ if unit is None: unit_value = 1.0 unit_type = units.dimensionless_unscaled elif isinstance(unit, units.Quantity): unit_value = unit.value unit_type = unit.unit elif isinstance(unit, (units.Unit, str)): unit = units.Unit(unit) unit_value = 1.0 unit_type = unit else: # assume a number unit_value = float(unit) unit_type = units.dimensionless_unscaled self.unit = unit_type self.scale_peak(unit_value)
[docs] def scale_peak(self, factor): """ Scale the peak by a given amount. Parameters ---------- factor : float Returns ------- None """ if factor == 1: return self.peak = self.peak * factor self.peak_weight /= factor ** 2
[docs] def scale_fwhm(self, factor): """ Scale the fwhm by a given amount Parameters ---------- factor : float Returns ------- None """ if factor == 1: return self.fwhm *= factor self.fwhm_weight /= factor ** 2
[docs] def set_exact(self): """ Set the peak to be 'exact'. Returns ------- None """ self.peak_weight = np.inf
[docs] def get_correction_factor(self, map2d): """ Get the correction factor for a given map. Notes ----- The original CRUSH would always return a value of 1, since the logic based on the map2d.filter_fwhm returns 1 if it is not NaN, and sets the filtering factor to 0 if it is NaN. This has been remedied here, but does not appear to actually be used during the reduction. Parameters ---------- map2d : Map2D Returns ------- correction_factor : float """ if not map2d.is_filtered(): # map2d.filter_fwhm = NaN return 1.0 if map2d.is_filter_blanked(): filter_fraction = min( map2d.filter_blanking / self.peak_significance, 1.0) else: filter_fraction = 1.0 filtering = 1.0 - (1.0 / map2d.get_filter_correction_factor()) correction = 1.0 / (1.0 - filtering * filter_fraction) return correction
[docs] def correct(self, map2d): """ Apply peak value correction from a map. Parameters ---------- map2d : Map2d Returns ------- None """ if self.is_corrected: log.warning("Source is already corrected.") return self.scale_peak(self.get_correction_factor(map2d)) self.is_corrected = True
[docs] def uncorrect(self, map2d): """ Uncorrect the peak value for a given map. Parameters ---------- map2d : Map2d Returns ------- None """ if not self.is_corrected: log.warning("Source is already uncorrected") return self.scale_peak(1.0 / self.get_correction_factor(map2d)) self.is_corrected = False
[docs] def get_gaussian_2d(self): """ Return a representation of the beam as a Gaussian2D object. Returns ------- Gaussian2D """ return Gaussian2D(peak=self.peak, x_fwhm=self.x_fwhm, y_fwhm=self.y_fwhm, x_mean=self.x_mean, y_mean=self.y_mean, theta=self.theta)
[docs] def deconvolve_with(self, psf): """ Deconvolve with a given psf. Note that this process will result in a circular beam. I.e. one in which the FWHM in the x and y-directions are equivalent. Parameters ---------- psf : Gaussian2D Returns ------- None """ factor = self.fwhm beam = self.get_gaussian_2d() beam.deconvolve_with(psf) self.fwhm = beam.get_circular_equivalent_fwhm() new_fwhm = self.fwhm if isinstance(self.fwhm, units.Quantity): weight_unit = (1 / self.fwhm.unit) ** 2 else: # pragma: no cover weight_unit = None if new_fwhm == 0: self.fwhm_weight = 0.0 else: factor /= new_fwhm self.fwhm_weight /= factor ** 2 if weight_unit is not None: if not isinstance(self.fwhm_weight, units.Quantity) or ( self.fwhm_weight.unit == units.dimensionless_unscaled): self.fwhm_weight = self.fwhm_weight * weight_unit
[docs] def convolve_with(self, psf): """ Convolve with a given PSF. Convolve the current beam with a given PSF. The shape of the beam will be accounted for correctly in both (x, y) dimensions unlike the `deconvolve_with` method. Parameters ---------- psf : Gaussian2D Returns ------- None """ factor = self.fwhm beam = self.get_gaussian_2d() beam.convolve_with(psf) self.set_xy_fwhm(beam.x_fwhm, beam.y_fwhm) new_fwhm = self.fwhm if new_fwhm == 0: self.fwhm_weight = 0.0 else: factor /= new_fwhm self.fwhm_weight /= factor ** 2 if isinstance(self.fwhm, units.Quantity): weight_unit = (1 / self.fwhm.unit) ** 2 if not isinstance(self.fwhm_weight, units.Quantity) or ( self.fwhm_weight.unit == units.dimensionless_unscaled): self.fwhm_weight = self.fwhm_weight * weight_unit
[docs] def edit_header(self, header, fits_id='', beam_name=None, size_unit=None): """ Edit a FITS header with the beam parameters. Parameters ---------- header : The FITS header to edit. fits_id : str, optional Not used. beam_name : str, optional The name of the beam. Not implemented for the GaussianSource. size_unit : astropy.units.Unit or Quantity or str, optional If set, convert the major/minor beam values to this unit before setting in the header. Returns ------- None """ fwhm = to_header_quantity(self.fwhm, unit=size_unit) if size_unit is None and isinstance(fwhm, units.Quantity): size_unit = fwhm.unit fwhm_rms = to_header_quantity(self.fwhm_rms, unit=size_unit) if size_unit is None and isinstance( fwhm_rms, units.Quantity): # pragma: no cover # Cannot reach in normal operation size_unit = fwhm_rms.unit if not isinstance(fwhm, units.Quantity): fwhm = to_header_quantity(fwhm, unit=size_unit) if isinstance(fwhm, units.Quantity): size_comment = f'({size_unit}) ' fwhm = fwhm.value fwhm_rms = fwhm_rms.value else: size_comment = '' peak_unit = self.unit peak = to_header_quantity(self.peak, unit=peak_unit) if isinstance(peak, units.Quantity): peak_unit = peak.unit else: peak_unit = None peak_rms = to_header_quantity(self.peak_rms, unit=peak_unit) if peak_unit is None and isinstance( peak_rms, units.Quantity): # pragma: no cover # Cannot reach in normal operation peak_unit = peak_rms.unit peak = to_header_quantity(peak, unit=peak_unit) if isinstance(peak, units.Quantity): unit_comment = f'({peak_unit}) ' peak = peak.value peak_rms = peak_rms.value else: unit_comment = '' header['SRCPEAK'] = peak, unit_comment + 'source peak flux.' header['SRCPKERR'] = peak_rms, unit_comment + 'peak flux error.' if np.isfinite(fwhm) and fwhm != UNKNOWN_FLOAT_VALUE: header['SRCFWHM'] = fwhm, size_comment + 'source FWHM.' if (self.fwhm_weight > 0 and np.isfinite(fwhm_rms) and fwhm_rms != UNKNOWN_FLOAT_VALUE): header['SRCWERR'] = fwhm_rms, size_comment + 'FWHM error.'
[docs] def get_integral(self, psf_area): """ Return the integral over a given area. Parameters ---------- psf_area : astropy.units.Quantity or float The area over which to evaluate the integral. Returns ------- integral, weight : (float, float) or (Quantity, Quantity) """ with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', RuntimeWarning) factor = self.area / psf_area if isinstance(factor, units.Quantity): factor = factor.decompose().value integral = self.peak * factor weight = self.peak_weight / (factor ** 2) return integral, weight
[docs] def pointing_info(self, map2d): """ Return a list of strings with pointing information. Parameters ---------- map2d : Map2d Returns ------- info : list (str) """ peak = to_header_quantity(self.peak, unit=self.unit) peak_value = peak.value if isinstance(peak, units.Quantity) else peak if peak_value == UNKNOWN_FLOAT_VALUE: peak_value = self.peak unit_str = f' {peak.unit}' if isinstance(peak, units.Quantity) else '' info = [f'Peak: {peak_value:.5f}{unit_str} ' f'(S/N ~ {self.peak_significance:.5f})'] size_unit = map2d.display_grid_unit integral, integral_weight = self.get_integral( map2d.underlying_beam.area) if integral_weight > 0: integral_rms = 1.0 / np.sqrt(integral_weight) else: integral_rms = integral_weight * 0 if integral_rms != 0: info.append( f'Integral: {integral:.4f} +- {integral_rms:.4f}{unit_str}') else: info.append(f'Integral: {integral:.4f}{unit_str}') fwhm = to_header_quantity(self.fwhm, unit=size_unit) if size_unit is None and isinstance(fwhm, units.Quantity): size_unit = fwhm.unit fwhm_rms = to_header_quantity(self.fwhm_rms, unit=size_unit) if size_unit is None and isinstance( fwhm_rms, units.Quantity): # pragma: no cover # Cannot reach during normal operation size_unit = fwhm_rms.unit fwhm = to_header_quantity(fwhm, unit=size_unit) if isinstance(fwhm, units.Quantity): unit_str = f' ({fwhm.unit})' fwhm = fwhm.value fwhm_rms = fwhm_rms.value else: unit_str = '' if fwhm_rms == 0: info.append(f'FWHM: {fwhm:.4f}{unit_str}') else: info.append(f'FWHM: {fwhm:.4f} +- {fwhm_rms:.4f}{unit_str}') return info
[docs] def get_asymmetry_2d(self, image, angle, radial_range): """ Return the asymmetry of the GaussianSource. Parameters ---------- image : Image2D The image from which to determine the asymmetry. angle : units.Quantity The rotation of the image with respect to the GaussianSource. radial_range : Range The range over which the asymmetry should be calculated. Returns ------- asymmetry : Asymmetry2D """ return image.get_asymmetry_2d(self.grid, self.center_index, angle, radial_range)
[docs] def get_representation(self, grid): """ Return a representation of the Gaussian source on a new grid. Parameters ---------- grid : Grid2D The new grid to apply to a copy of this GaussianSource. Returns ------- GaussianSource A copy of the Gaussian source on the new grid. """ center_offset = self.grid.index_to_offset(self.center_index) new = self.copy() new.grid = grid.copy() new.set_center_index(new.grid.offset_to_index(center_offset)) return new
[docs] def get_data(self, map2d, size_unit=None): """ Return a dictionary of properties for to the source model on a map. The key values returned are: - peak: The fitted peak value - dpeak: The fitted peak value RMS - peakS2N: The peak signal-to-noise ratio - int: The integral of the peak on the map - dint: The integral rms of the peak on the map - intS2N: The significance of the peak on the map - FWHM: The full-width-half maximum of the peak - dFWHM: The full-width-half-maximum RMS of the peak Parameters ---------- map2d : Map2D The map for which to calculate an integral. size_unit : units.Unit or str, optional If set, converts FWHM and dFWHM to `size_unit`. Returns ------- data : dict """ data = {} if map2d.underlying_beam is not None: i, iw = self.get_integral(map2d.underlying_beam.area) else: i, iw = 0.0, np.inf fwhm = self.fwhm fwhm_rms = self.fwhm_rms data['peak'] = self.peak * self.unit data['dpeak'] = self.peak_rms * self.unit data['peakS2N'] = self.peak_significance data['int'] = i * self.unit data['dint'] = 1.0 / np.sqrt(iw) * self.unit if i == 0 and iw == np.inf: data['intS2N'] = 0.0 else: data['intS2N'] = np.abs(i) * np.sqrt(iw) fwhm = to_header_quantity(fwhm, unit=size_unit, keep=True) fwhm_rms = to_header_quantity(fwhm_rms, unit=size_unit, keep=True) data['FWHM'] = fwhm data['dFWHM'] = fwhm_rms return data