Source code for

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst

from astropy import units
from copy import deepcopy

from sofia_redux.scan.simulation.source_models.simulated_source import (
from sofia_redux.scan.source_models.sky_dip_model import SkyDipModel

__all__ = ['Sky']

[docs] class Sky(SimulatedSource): def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ Initialize a simulated sky source. The sky source model may only operate on horizontal type coordinate systems, since only elevation is of concern. The sky is modelled as:: data = offset - ((exp(-tau / sin(elevation)) - 1) * tsky * scaling) Where offset is a DC temperature offset in Kelvins, tsky is the sky temperature in Kelvins, tau is the atmospheric opacity, and scaling gives the appropriate temperature scaling for the instrument. If not supplied, the defaults are tau = 0.1, offset = 0K, tsky = 273K, and scaling = 1. Parameters ---------- kwargs : dict, optional """ super().__init__() = 'sky' self.model = SkyDipModel() self.tau = 0.1 self.t_offset = 0.0 * units.Unit('Kelvin') self.scaling = 1.0 self.t_sky = 273 * units.Unit('Kelvin') self.initialize_model(**kwargs)
[docs] def initialize_model(self, **kwargs): """ Initialize the model with the provided options. Parameters ---------- kwargs : dict, optional The available keys are 'tau', 'scaling', 'tsky', and 'offset'. tsky and offset will be converted to Kelvins if not supplied as `units.Quantity` values. Returns ------- None """ options = deepcopy(kwargs) self.tau = float(options.get('tau', 0.1)) self.scaling = float(options.get('scaling', 1.0)) self.t_sky = options.get('tsky', 273) if not isinstance(self.t_sky, units.Quantity): self.t_sky = self.t_sky * units.Unit('Kelvin') self.t_offset = options.get('offset', 0.0) if not isinstance(self.t_offset, units.Quantity): self.t_offset = self.t_offset * units.Unit('Kelvin')
[docs] def apply_to_offsets(self, offsets): """ Apply the source model to a set of 2-D offsets. Parameters ---------- offsets : Coordinate2D Equatorial native offsets. Returns ------- data : numpy.ndarray The modelled data of the source given the offsets. """ raise NotImplementedError("Can only determine sky from horizontal " "coordinates.")
[docs] def apply_to_horizontal(self, horizontal): """ Apply the source model to a set of 2-D offsets. Parameters ---------- horizontal : HorizontalCoordinates HorizontalCoordinates. Returns ------- data : numpy.ndarray The modelled data of the source given the offsets. """ elevation ='radian').value tau = self.tau offset ='Kelvin').value kelvin = self.scaling tsky ='Kelvin').value return self.model.value_at(elevation, tau, offset, kelvin, tsky)