Source code for sofia_redux.scan.flags.flagged_data_group

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst

from astropy.coordinates import (
    BaseCoordinateFrame, SkyCoord, SkyOffsetFrame)
import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse.csr import csr_matrix

from sofia_redux.scan.flags.flagged_data import FlaggedData
from sofia_redux.scan.flags import flag_numba_functions
from sofia_redux.scan.coordinate_systems.coordinate import Coordinate

__all__ = ['FlaggedDataGroup']

[docs] class FlaggedDataGroup(FlaggedData): def __init__(self, data, indices=None, name=None): """ Create a subgroup of flagged data. The FlaggedDataGroup object is a wrapper around the FlaggedData class, accessing only certain indices and may be used to access or modify those elements of the original data. However, due to the nature of indexing in numpy arrays, for value writing operations, the entire field must be modified at one. For example self.gain[0]=1.234 will not result in any values being set. To modify values, use self.gain=<new_array> or self.gain = <value> where <value> can be broadcast to the parent array. Parameters ---------- data : FlaggedData The data to reference. indices : numpy.ndarray (int), optional The indices of FlaggedData that will belong to the group. If no indices are supplied, the entire FlaggedData will be referenced. name : str, optional The name of the group. """ = None = None self._indices = None self._fixed_indices = None super().__init__() = name self.apply_data(data) self.indices = indices # property
[docs] def copy(self, full=False): """ Return a copy of the ChannelGroup. Parameters ---------- full : bool, optional If `True`, reference a hard copy of the channel data rather than a reference to allow for local rather than global alteration. Returns ------- ChannelGroup """ self.reindex() if full: new = self.__class__(, indices=self.indices, else: new = self.__class__(, indices=self.indices, return new
def __getitem__(self, indices): """ Return a selection of the data. Parameters ---------- indices : int or slice or numpy.ndarray (int or bool) Returns ------- FlaggedData """ return self.create_data_group(indices=indices, name=None) def __getattr__(self, attribute): """ Retrieves selected indices of the parent attribute. Parameters ---------- attribute : str Name of the data field. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray """ if attribute == 'data': return object.__getattribute__(self, 'data') if attribute not in vars( raise AttributeError(f"'{self.__class__.__name__}' object has " f"no attribute '{attribute}'") value = getattr(, attribute, None) if value is None: if not hasattr(, attribute): # pragma: no cover raise AttributeError(f"'{self.__class__.__name__}' object has " f"no attribute '{attribute}'") else: return value if self.indices is None: return value if isinstance(value, csr_matrix): return value[self.indices][:, self.indices] else: return value[self.indices] def __setattr__(self, attribute, value): """ Sets selected indices of the parent data. Parameters ---------- attribute : str Name of the data field. value : numpy.ndarray Value to set. value.shape[0] must be equal to the size of the group data. Returns ------- None """ if attribute == 'data': object.__setattr__(self, 'data', value) if attribute in self.protected_attributes: super().__setattr__(attribute, value) return parent_value = getattr(, attribute, None) if parent_value is None: return if value is None: super().__setattr__(attribute, value) return if self.indices is None: parent_value[...] = value elif isinstance(parent_value, csr_matrix): full_matrix = parent_value.toarray() if isinstance(value, csr_matrix): value = value.toarray() elif not isinstance(value, np.ndarray) or value.shape == (): value = np.full((self.size, self.size), value) r, c = np.indices(value.shape) r, c = self.indices[r], self.indices[c] full_matrix[r, c] = value setattr(, attribute, csr_matrix(full_matrix)) elif isinstance(value, (BaseCoordinateFrame, SkyCoord, SkyOffsetFrame)): # Only data values may be set parent_value.cache.clear()[self.indices] =[self.indices] = elif isinstance(value, Coordinate): parent_value.paste(value, self.indices) else: parent_value[self.indices] = value @property def protected_attributes(self): """ Protected attributes belong to the group, not the parent. These are used to distinguish between internal and referenced attributes. Returns ------- set (str) """ return {'data', 'name', '_indices', '_fixed_indices', 'indices', 'fixed_indices'} @property def indices(self): """ Returns the parent reference indices. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray (int) """ return self._indices @indices.setter def indices(self, values): """ Define the referenced indices of the parent. Also, updates fixed indices which are stored in case those elements are deleted from the parent. Parameters ---------- values : numpy.ndarray (int) The referenced indices. Returns ------- None """ if values is None: values = np.arange( else: values = np.atleast_1d(np.asarray(values, dtype=int)) self._indices = values self._fixed_indices =[values] @property def fixed_indices(self): """ Return the fixed indices of parent class (copied to self). Returns ------- numpy.ndarray (int) """ return self._fixed_indices @fixed_indices.setter def fixed_indices(self, values): """ Set the fixed indices of the group to reference the parent. The underlying indices are updated behind the scenes. Parameters ---------- values : numpy.ndarray (int) The fixed indices to reference. Returns ------- None """ if values is None: self.indices = None # Applies property setter for indices. (all) return values = np.atleast_1d(np.asarray(values, dtype=int)) self._indices = self._fixed_indices =[self._indices] @property def fields(self): """ Return the available parent data fields. Returns ------- set (str) """ if is None: return set([]) else: return @property def size(self): """ Return the size of the data group. Returns ------- size : int The number of referenced indices of the parent data. """ if self.indices is None: return super().size if self.fixed_index is None: return 0 return self.fixed_index.size @property def flagspace(self): """ Return the flag space for the underlying FlaggedData object. Returns ------- Flags """ if is None: return None return
[docs] def apply_data(self, data): """ Set the parent flagged data for the data group. Parameters ---------- data : FlaggedData or FlaggedDataGroup or object If an object is supplied, it should have a 'data' attribute that is either FlaggedData or FlaggedDataGroup type. Returns ------- None """ if isinstance(data, FlaggedDataGroup): = elif isinstance(data, FlaggedData): = data elif hasattr(data, 'data'): self.apply_data(getattr(data, 'data')) else: raise ValueError(f"Flagged data must be {FlaggedDataGroup} or " f"{FlaggedData}, or contain such an " f"object in the 'data' attribute.")
[docs] def create_data_group(self, indices=None, name=None, keep_flag=None, discard_flag=None, match_flag=None): """ Creates and returns a data group. A data group is a referenced subset of flagged data. Operations performed on a data group will be applied to the original data. Parameters ---------- indices : numpy.ndarray (int), optional The indices to reference. If not supplied, defaults to all indices in the parent FlaggedData object. name : str, optional The name of the group. If not supplied, defaults to the name of this FlaggedDataGroup. discard_flag : int or str or FlagTypes, optional Flags to discard_flag from the new group. keep_flag : int or str or FlagTypes, optional Keep data with these matching flags. match_flag : int or str or FlagTypes, optional Keep only data with a flag exactly matching this flag. Returns ------- FlaggedDataGroup A newly created data group. """ if indices is None: indices = self.indices else: indices = self.to_indices(indices) if self.indices is not None: indices = self.indices[indices] for flag in [keep_flag, discard_flag, match_flag]: if flag is not None: flag_indices = self.get_flagged_indices( keep_flag=keep_flag, discard_flag=discard_flag, match_flag=match_flag) flag_indices = self.indices[flag_indices] indices = np.intersect1d(indices, flag_indices) break if name is None: name = return self.__class__(, indices=indices, name=name)
[docs] def delete_indices(self, indices_or_mask): """ Remove channels from the DataGroup. Actual indices should be passed in. To delete based on fixed index values, please convert first using `find_fixed_indices`. Note that since this a FlaggedDataGroup which is a reference to the FlaggedData, only the reference indices are removed, not the data in the parent. Parameters ---------- indices_or_mask : numpy.ndarray of (bool or int) The indices to delete, or a boolean mask where `True` marks an element for deletion. Returns ------- None """ keep_indices = self.to_indices(indices_or_mask, discard=True) self.indices = self.indices[keep_indices]
[docs] def discard_flag(self, flag, criterion=None): r""" Given a flag, remove indices from the group data. Since this is a FlaggedDataGroup object, only the reference indices are removed, not data in the parent FlaggedData object. Parameters ---------- flag : int or str or FlagTypes The flag to discard_flag. criterion : str, optional One of {'DISCARD_ANY', 'DISCARD_ALL', 'DISCARD_MATCH', 'KEEP_ANY', 'KEEP_ALL', 'KEEP_MATCH'}. \*_ANY refers to any flag that is not zero (unflagged). \*_ALL refers to any flag that contains `flag`, and \*_MATCH refers to any flag that exactly matches `flag`. The default (`None`), uses DISCARD_ANY if `flag` is None, and DISCARD_ALL otherwise. Returns ------- None """ self.delete_indices(self.flagspace.discard_indices( self.flag, flag, criterion=criterion))
[docs] def set_flags(self, flag, indices=None): """ Flag data with the supplied flag. Modified to access parent flags. Parameters ---------- flag : int or str or Flags.flags The flag to set. indices : numpy.ndarray (int), optional The indices to flag. If not supplied, all data are flagged. Returns ------- None """ if indices is None: indices = slice(None) elif indices.size == 0: return parent_flags = parent_indices = self.indices[indices] if not isinstance(flag, int): flag = self.flagspace.convert_flag(flag).value flag_numba_functions.set_flags( parent_flags, flag, indices=parent_indices)
[docs] def unflag(self, flag=None, indices=None): """ Remove data flags. Modified to access parent flags. Parameters ---------- flag : int or str or Flags.flags The flag to remove. If not supplied, all data are unflagged. indices : numpy.ndarray (int), optional The indices to flag. If not supplied, all data are flagged. Returns ------- None """ if indices is None: indices = slice(None) elif indices.size == 0: return parent_flags = parent_indices = self.indices[indices] if flag is not None and not isinstance(flag, int): flag = self.flagspace.convert_flag(flag).value flag_numba_functions.unflag( parent_flags, flag=flag, indices=parent_indices)
[docs] def reindex(self): """ Validate channel indices with parent indices. """ self.indices =
[docs] def new_indices_in_old(self): """ If reindexing occurs, returns the new indices on the old array. Returns ------- new_indices : numpy.ndarray (int) """ old_indices = self._fixed_indices new_indices = new_on_old = np.nonzero(new_indices[:, None] == old_indices)[1] return new_on_old