Source code for

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst

from astropy import log
from astropy.time import Time

from import AstrometryInfo
from sofia_redux.scan.utilities import utils
from sofia_redux.scan.coordinate_systems.epoch.epoch import Epoch, J2000
from sofia_redux.scan.coordinate_systems.equatorial_coordinates import \
from sofia_redux.scan.coordinate_systems.horizontal_coordinates import \
from sofia_redux.scan.coordinate_systems.geodetic_coordinates import \

__all__ = ['SofiaAstrometryInfo']

[docs] class SofiaAstrometryInfo(AstrometryInfo): default_fits_date = "1970-01-01T00:00:00.0" def __init__(self): """ Initialize astrometry information for SOFIA observations. The SOFIA astrometry information should be relevant to all instruments that may be mounted on SOFIA. All equatorial observations use the J2000 equinox. Additionally, SOFIA is considered a ground-based telescope since it still encounters atmospheric effects. """ super().__init__() = None self.start_time = None self.file_date = None self.epoch = J2000 self.requested_equatorial = None self.horizontal = None self.equatorial = None self.ground_based = True
[docs] def apply_configuration(self): """ Update astrometry information with the FITS header configuration data. Returns ------- None """ if self.options is None: return self.parse_time() self.parse_astrometry()
[docs] def parse_time(self): """ Parse and apply time related keywords from the FITS header. The following FITS header keywords are used:: KEY DESCRIPTION -------- ----------- DATE Determines the file date (ISOT format, UTC scale) DATE-OBS The exposure start time (ISOT format, UTC scale) UTCSTART The UTC of the exposure start (hh:mm:ss.### UTC format) UTCEND The UTC of the exposure end (hh:mm:ss.### UTC format) The modified Julian date (MJD) is calculated, and precessions are initialized relative to the J2000 equinox. Returns ------- None """ options = self.options if options is None: return self.file_date = options.get_string("DATE") = options.get_string("DATE-OBS", default=self.default_fits_date) start_time = options.get_string("UTCSTART") if start_time is not None: self.utc.start = utils.parse_time(start_time) end_time = utils.get_string(options.get("UTCEND")) if end_time is not None: self.utc.end = utils.parse_time(end_time) t_ind ='T') if t_ind != -1: self.time_stamp = = self.time_stamp[:t_ind] start_time = self.time_stamp[(t_ind + 1):] elif start_time is not None: self.time_stamp = + 'T' + start_time else: self.time_stamp = self.start_time = start_time self.set_mjd(Time(self.time_stamp, format='isot', scale='utc').mjd) self.calculate_precessions(J2000)
[docs] def parse_astrometry(self): """ Parse and apply coordinate related keywords from the FITS header. The following FITS header keywords are used:: KEY DESCRIPTION -------- ----------- EQUINOX The equinox of the observation (year) OBSRA The right-ascension of the observed source (hours) OBSDEC The declination of the observed source (degrees) The modified Julian date (MJD) is calculated, and precessions are initialized relative to the J2000 equinox. Returns ------- None """ options = self.options if options is None: return if "EQUINOX" in options: self.epoch = Epoch.get_epoch(options.get_float("EQUINOX")) if "OBSRA" in options and "OBSDEC" in options: self.requested_equatorial = EquatorialCoordinates(epoch=self.epoch) self.requested_equatorial.ra = options.get_hms_time( 'OBSRA', angle=True) self.requested_equatorial.dec = options.get_dms_angle('OBSDEC') if self.is_requested_valid(): self.equatorial = self.requested_equatorial.copy() self.calculate_precessions(self.equatorial.epoch) else: log.warning("No valid OBSRA/OBSDEC in header.") self.requested_equatorial = None self.equatorial = self.guess_reference_coordinates() self.calculate_precessions("J2000")
[docs] def is_requested_valid(self, header=None): """ Check whether the requested OBSRA/DEC values in the header are valid. Parameters ---------- header :, optional The header to read. If not supplied, the FITS header for the scan will be read instead. Returns ------- valid : bool """ if header is None: if self.options is None: return False ra = self.options.get_float('OBSRA') dec = self.options.get_float('OBSDEC') else: ra = header.get('OBSRA') dec = header.get('OBSDEC') if not self.valid_header_value(ra): return False elif not self.valid_header_value(dec): return False elif ra == 0 and dec == 0: return False else: return True
[docs] @classmethod def coordinate_valid(cls, coordinate): """ Check whether a coordinate is valid. Parameters ---------- coordinate : Coordinate2D Returns ------- valid : bool """ if coordinate is None: return False elif not cls.valid_header_value(coordinate.x.value): return False elif not cls.valid_header_value(coordinate.y.value): return False else: return True
[docs] def guess_reference_coordinates(self, header=None, telescope=None): """ Guess the reference coordinates of a scan. Parameters ---------- header :, optional The header to read. The default is to read stored OBSRA/OBSDEC values in the configuration. telescope : SofiaTelescopeInfo, optional A telescope object to extract the boresight equatorial coordinates if all other avenues to the coordinates failed. Returns ------- coordinates : EquatorialCoordinates """ if self.coordinate_valid(self.object_coordinates): log.debug("Referencing scan to object coordinates OBJRA/OBJDEC.") return self.object_coordinates.copy() elif self.is_requested_valid(header=header): log.debug("Referencing scan to requested coordinates.") if self.requested_equatorial is not None: return self.requested_equatorial.copy() else: return EquatorialCoordinates( [header['OBSRA'], header['OBSDEC']], epoch=header.get('EQUINOX', 'J2000')) elif telescope is not None and self.coordinate_valid( telescope.boresight_equatorial): log.debug( "Referencing scan to initial telescope boresight TELRA/TELDEC") return telescope.boresight_equatorial.copy() else: log.warning("Referencing scan to initial scan position.") return None
[docs] def validate_astrometry(self, scan): """ Validate astrometry information from a scan. Returns ------- None """ if scan is None: return first_integration = scan.get_first_integration() if first_integration is None: raise ValueError("No integrations exist for scan.") last_integration = scan.get_last_integration() first = first_integration.get_first_frame_index() last = last_integration.get_last_frame_index() if self.is_nonsidereal: oe0 = first_integration.frames.object_equatorial[first] oe1 = last_integration.frames.object_equatorial[last] self.object_coordinates = EquatorialCoordinates(epoch=oe0.epoch) self.object_coordinates.ra = 0.5 * (oe0.ra + oe1.ra) self.object_coordinates.dec = 0.5 * (oe0.dec + oe1.dec) self.equatorial = self.object_coordinates.copy() h0 = first_integration.frames.horizontal[first] h1 = last_integration.frames.horizontal[last] self.horizontal = HorizontalCoordinates() = 0.5 * (h0.x + h1.x) self.horizontal.el = 0.5 * (h0.y + h1.y) s0 =[first] s1 =[last] = GeodeticCoordinates() = 0.5 * (s0.x + s1.x) = 0.5 * (s0.y + s1.y)"Location: {}")"Mean telescope VPA is {scan.get_telescope_vpa():.6f}")