Source code for sofia_redux.scan.custom.hawc_plus.channels.channels

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst

from astropy import log
from import fits
import numpy as np

from sofia_redux.scan.custom.hawc_plus.channels.gain_provider.pol_imbalance \
    import HawcPlusPolImbalance
from sofia_redux.scan.custom.hawc_plus.channels.mode.los_response import (
from sofia_redux.scan.custom.hawc_plus.channels.mode.roll_response import (
from import SofiaCamera
from sofia_redux.scan.channels.modality.coupled_modality import (
from sofia_redux.scan.channels.modality.correlated_modality import (
from sofia_redux.scan.channels.modality.modality import Modality

__all__ = ['HawcPlusChannels']

[docs] class HawcPlusChannels(SofiaCamera): def __init__(self, parent=None, info=None, size=0, name='hawc_plus'): """ Initialize HAWC+ channels. Parameters ---------- parent : object, optional The owner of the channels such as a Reduction, Scan or Integration. info : HawcPlusInfo, optional The info object relating to these channels. size : int, optional The intended size of the channels (number of total data channels). name : str, optional The name for the channels. """ super().__init__(name=name, parent=parent, info=info, size=size) self.subarray_groups = None self.subarray_gain_renorm = None
[docs] def copy(self): """ Return a copy of the HAWC+ channels. Returns ------- HawcPlusChannels """ return super().copy()
@property def detector(self): """ Return the detector info. Returns ------- HawcPlusDetectorArrayInfo """ return @property def band_id(self): """ Return the HAWC_PLUS Band Returns ------- band : str """ return @property def pixel_sizes(self): """ Return the (x,y) pixel size. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray (astropy.units.Quantity) An array of size 2 containing the x, y pixel size in arc seconds. """ return @property def dark_squid_lookup(self): """ Return the dark squid lookup array. The lookup array is of the form lookup[sub, col] = fixed_index. Invalid values are marked with values of -1 (good pixels). Returns ------- lookup : numpy.ndarray (int) """ return
[docs] def init_groups(self): """ Initializes channel groups for HAWC+. Each group contains a subset of the channel data, referenced by index. The HAWC_PLUS groups contain additional groups based on sub-array. Returns ------- None """ super().init_groups() self.subarray_groups = [None] * sub_index = 0 for pol_array in range( for pol_sub_array in range( indices = np.nonzero( == sub_index)[0] pol_id =[pol_array] group = self.create_channel_group( indices=indices, name=f'{pol_id}{pol_sub_array}') self.add_group(group) self.subarray_groups[sub_index] = group sub_index += 1
[docs] def init_divisions(self): """ Initializes channel divisions. Divisions contain sets of channel groups. The HAWC_PLUS channel adds divisions consisting of groups where each contains a unique value of a certain data field. For example, the "rows" division contains a group for row 1, a group for row 2, etc. Returns ------- None """ super().init_divisions() dead_blind = self.flagspace.flags.DEAD | self.flagspace.flags.BLIND for division_name, field in [ ('polarrays', 'pol'), ('subarrays', 'sub'), ('bias', 'bias_line'), ('series', 'series_array') ]: self.add_division(self.get_division( name=division_name, field=field, discard_flag=dead_blind)) if self.configuration.get_bool('darkcorrect'): bad_mux_flag = self.flagspace.flags.DEAD else: bad_mux_flag = dead_blind mux_division = self.get_division(name='mux', field='mux', discard_flag=bad_mux_flag) # I don't know why, but order channels in pin (row) order. for group in mux_division.groups: group.indices = group.indices[np.argsort(group.row)] self.add_division(mux_division) self.add_division(self.get_division( name='rows', field='row', discard_flag=bad_mux_flag))
[docs] def init_modalities(self): """ Initializes channel modalities. A modality is based of a channel division and contains a mode for each channel group in the channel division. The HAWC_PLUS modalities simply contain additional correlated modes based on the additional channel fields. A new coupled modality is also created according to polarization arrays. Returns ------- None """ super().init_modalities() obs_modality = self.modalities.get('obs-channels') if obs_modality is not None: self.add_modality( CoupledModality(modality=obs_modality, name='polarrays', identity='p', gain_provider=HawcPlusPolImbalance())) flags = self.flagspace.flags builds = [('subarrays', 'S', 'subarrays', 'sub_gain', flags.SUB), ('bias', 'b', 'bias', 'bias_gain', flags.BIAS), ('series', 's', 'series', 'series_gain', flags.SERIES_ARRAY), ('mux', 'm', 'mux', 'mux_gain', flags.MUX), ('rows', 'r', 'rows', 'pin_gain', flags.ROW)] for name, identity, division_name, gain_field, gain_flag in builds: division = self.divisions.get(division_name) if division is None: # pragma: no cover log.warning(f"Channel division {division_name} not found.") continue modality = CorrelatedModality(name=name, identity=identity, channel_division=division, gain_provider=gain_field) modality.set_gain_flag(gain_flag) self.add_modality(modality) detector_division = self.divisions.get('detectors') los_response = Modality(name='los', identity='L', channel_division=detector_division, gain_provider='los_gain', mode_class=LosResponse) los_response.set_gain_flag(flags.LOS_RESPONSE) self.add_modality(los_response) roll_response = Modality(name='roll', identity='R', channel_division=detector_division, gain_provider='roll_gain', mode_class=RollResponse) roll_response.set_gain_flag(flags.ROLL_RESPONSE) self.add_modality(roll_response)
[docs] def load_channel_data(self): """ Load the channel data. The pixel data and wiring data files should be defined in the configuration. Returns ------- None """ self.detector.load_detector_configuration() self.detector.initialize_channel_data( self.set_nominal_pixel_positions( super().load_channel_data() if self.configuration.has_option('jumpdata'): self.read_jump_levels(self.configuration.get_filepath('jumpdata'))
[docs] def read_jump_levels(self, filename): """ Read the jump levels from a data file. Parameters ---------- filename : str Returns ------- None """ if filename is None: return"Loading jump levels from {filename}") hdul =[0]) hdul.close()
[docs] def normalize_array_gains(self): """ Normalize the relative channel gains in observing channels. Returns ------- average_gain : float The average gain prior to normalization. """ log.debug("Normalizing subarray gains.") sub_arrays = CorrelatedModality( name='subs', identity='S', channel_division=self.divisions.get('subarrays'), gain_provider='gain') self.subarray_gain_renorm = np.full(, np.nan) for mode in sub_arrays.modes: sub_value = mode.channel_group.sub[0] self.subarray_gain_renorm[sub_value] = mode.normalize_gains() sub_id = sub_gain = self.subarray_gain_renorm[sub_value] log.debug(f"--> {sub_id} gain = {sub_gain:.3f}") return 1.0
[docs] def set_nominal_pixel_positions(self, pixel_sizes): """ Set the nominal pixel positions for the given pixel sizes. Parameters ---------- pixel_sizes : Coordinate2D Returns ------- None """ self.detector.pixel_sizes = pixel_sizes self.detector.set_boresight() center = self.detector.get_sibs_position( sub=0, row=39 - self.detector.boresight_index.y, col=self.detector.boresight_index.x) self.set_reference_position(center) # subtracts the center position.
[docs] def max_pixels(self): """ Return the maximum pixels in the detector array. Returns ------- count : int """ return self.n_store_channels
[docs] def read_data(self, hdul): """ Read a FITS HDU list to populate channel data. Parameters ---------- hdul : fits.HDUList Returns ------- None """ for hdu in hdul: if (hdu.header.get('EXTNAME', '').strip().upper() == 'CONFIGURATION'):
[docs] def validate_scan(self, scan): """ Validate the channels with a scan. Parameters ---------- scan : Scan Returns ------- None """ pol_mask = 0 for i in range(self.detector.subarrays): pol_mask |= (i & 2) + 1 self.detector.dark_squid_correction = self.configuration.get_bool( 'darkcorrect') if pol_mask != 3: # pragma: no cover # Hard to test since it depends on the detector class self.configuration.blacklist('correlated.polarrays') self.detector.initialize_channel_data( if not self.configuration.has_option('filter'): wavelength ='um').value if (wavelength % 1) == 0: wavelength = int(wavelength) self.configuration.set_option('filter', f'{wavelength}um')"HAWC+ Filter set to " f"{self.configuration.get_string('filter')}") super().validate_scan(scan) self.create_dark_squid_lookup()
[docs] def slim(self, reindex=True): """ Remove all DEAD or DISCARD flagged channels. Will also update channel groups, divisions, and modalities. Parameters ---------- reindex : bool, optional If `True`, reindex channels if slimmed. Returns ------- slimmed : bool `True` if channels were discarded, `False` otherwise. """ slimmed = super().slim(reindex=reindex) if slimmed: self.create_dark_squid_lookup() return slimmed
[docs] def create_dark_squid_lookup(self): """ Create the dark squid lookup array. The dark squid lookup array is stored in the info.detector_array object. Returns ------- None """
[docs] def get_si_pixel_size(self): """ Return the science instrument pixel size Returns ------- x, y : Coordinate2D The (x, y) pixel sizes """ return self.detector.pixel_sizes
[docs] def write_flat_field(self, filename, include_nonlinear=False): """ Write a flat field file used for chop-nod pipelines. Parameters ---------- filename : str The filename to write to. include_nonlinear : bool, optional If `True`, include the nonlinear responses. Returns ------- None """ shape = self.detector.rows, self.detector.pol_cols # Set defaults gain_r = np.ones(shape, dtype=float) gain_t = np.ones(shape, dtype=float) flag_r = np.full(shape, 1, dtype=int) flag_t = np.full(shape, 2, dtype=int) if include_nonlinear: nonlinear_r = np.zeros(shape, dtype=float) nonlinear_t = np.zeros(shape, dtype=float) else: nonlinear_r = nonlinear_t = None data = detector = self.detector flagged = gains = self.subarray_gain_renorm[data.sub] * data.gain * data.coupling inverse_gains = np.zeros_like(gains) nzi = gains != 0 inverse_gains[nzi] = 1 / gains[nzi] all_cols = ((data.sub & 1) * detector.subarray_cols) + data.col for array in [detector.R_ARRAY, detector.T_ARRAY]: select = np.nonzero(data.pol == array)[0] if select.size == 0: continue if array == detector.R_ARRAY: gains, flags, nonlinear = gain_r, flag_r, nonlinear_r else: gains, flags, nonlinear = gain_t, flag_t, nonlinear_t rows = data.subrow[select] cols = all_cols[select] gains[rows, cols] = inverse_gains[select] if include_nonlinear: nonlinear[rows, cols] = data.nonlinearity[select] flags[rows, cols] *= flagged[select] hdul = fits.HDUList() hdul.append(fits.ImageHDU(gain_r, name='R array gain')) hdul.append(fits.ImageHDU(gain_t, name='T array gain')) hdul.append(fits.ImageHDU(flag_r, name='R bad pixel mask')) hdul.append(fits.ImageHDU(flag_t, name='T bad pixel mask')) if include_nonlinear: hdul.append(fits.ImageHDU(nonlinear_r, name='R array nonlinearity')) hdul.append(fits.ImageHDU(nonlinear_t, name='T array nonlinearity')) hdul.writeto(filename, overwrite=True) hdul.close()"Written flat field to {filename}.")
[docs] def add_hdu(self, hdul, hdu, extname): """ Add a FITS HDU to the HDUList. Parameters ---------- hdul : fits.HDUList The HDUList to append to. hdu : fits.ImageHDU or fits.PrimaryHDU or fits.BinTableHDU The fits HDU to append. extname : str The name of the HDU extension. Returns ------- None """ hdu.header['EXTNAME'] = extname, 'image content ID' hdul.append(hdu)
[docs] def get_table_entry(self, name): """ Return a channel parameter for the given name. Parameters ---------- name : str Returns ------- value """ if name == 'band': return self.band_id else: return super().get_table_entry(name)