Source code for

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst

from astropy import units, log
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from sofia_redux.scan.coordinate_systems.coordinate_2d1 import Coordinate2D1
from import SofiaInstrumentInfo
from sofia_redux.scan.utilities.utils import to_header_float

__all__ = ['FifiLsInstrumentInfo']

um = units.Unit('um')
arcsec = units.Unit('arcsec')
second = units.Unit('s')
hz = units.Unit('Hz')

[docs] class FifiLsInstrumentInfo(SofiaInstrumentInfo): def __init__(self): """ Initialize the FIFI-LS instrument information. Contains information on the FIFI-LS instrument parameters. """ super().__init__() = 'fifi_ls' = None self.alpha = np.nan self.ramps = -1 self.resolution = Coordinate2D1(xy=[5, 5] * arcsec, z=0 * um) self.spectral_resolution = 1000.0 # Default @property def xy_resolution(self): """ Return the average spatial resolution. Returns ------- units.Quantity """ return np.sqrt(self.resolution.x * self.resolution.y) @xy_resolution.setter def xy_resolution(self, resolution): """ Set the average spatial resolution. Parameters ---------- resolution : units.Quantity Returns ------- None """ self.resolution.xy_coordinates.set([resolution, resolution]) @property def z_resolution(self): """ Return the average spectral resolution. Returns ------- units.Quantity """ return self.resolution.z @z_resolution.setter def z_resolution(self, resolution): """ Set the average spectral resolution. Parameters ---------- resolution : units.Quantity Returns ------- None """ self.resolution.z_coordinates.set(resolution)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_spectral_unit(): """ Return the size unit of the instrument. Returns ------- units.Unit """ return units.Unit('um')
[docs] def get_spectral_size(self): """ Return the instrument spectral point size. Returns ------- units.Quantity """ return self.z_resolution
[docs] def apply_configuration(self): """ Update HAWC+ instrument information with FITS header information. Updates the chopping information by taking the following keywords from the FITS header:: SMPLFREQ - The detector readout rate (Hz) Returns ------- None """ super().apply_configuration() if self.options is None: # pragma: no cover return = self.options.get_string('CHANNEL') if is None: raise ValueError("Unable to determine the primary array: " "No CHANNEL key in header.") = ch =[0] self.ramps = self.options.get_float(f'RAMPLN_{ch}', default=np.nan) if np.isnan(self.ramps): raise ValueError(f"Unable to determine the number of ramps: " f"No RAMPLN_{ch} key in header.") self.alpha = self.options.get_float('ALPHA', default=np.nan) * second if np.isnan(self.alpha): raise ValueError("Unable to determine ramp sampling interval: " "No ALPHA key in header.") self.sampling_interval = self.alpha * self.ramps self.integration_time = self.sampling_interval self.read_resolution()
[docs] def read_resolution(self): """ Determine the spatial and spectral resolution. Returns ------- None """ self.resolution = Coordinate2D1(xy_unit=self.get_size_unit(), z_unit=self.get_spectral_unit()) self.xy_resolution = 5 * arcsec self.spectral_resolution = 1000.0 filename = self.configuration.priority_file('spectral_resolution.txt') if filename is None: log.warning('Could not locate spectral_resolution.txt ' 'configuration file: Will set default resolutions.') return names = ['ch', 'wavelength', 'res', 'fwhm'] df = pd.read_csv(filename, comment='#', names=names, delim_whitespace=True) if == 'BLUE': order = self.options.get_string('G_ORD_B', default='unknown') if order == 'unknown': ch = 'unknown' else: ch = f'{[0].lower()}{order.strip()}' elif == 'RED': ch = 'r' else: ch = 'unknown' rows = df.loc[df['ch'] == ch] if len(rows) == 0: log.warning(f'Could not locate channel {ch} in resolution file: ' f'Will set default resolutions.') return wavelength = self.options.get_float( f'G_WAVE_{[0].upper()}', default=np.nan) if np.isnan(wavelength): log.warning('Could not determine wavelength mean: ' 'Will set default resolution') return offset = (rows.wavelength - wavelength).abs() row = rows[offset == offset.min()].iloc[0] self.xy_resolution = float(row.fwhm) * arcsec self.spectral_resolution = float(row.res) self.z_resolution = self.wavelength / self.spectral_resolution
[docs] def edit_header(self, header): """ Edit an image header with available information. Parameters ---------- header : astropy.fits.Header The FITS header to apply. Returns ------- None """ super().edit_header(header) header['SMPLFREQ'] = ( to_header_float(1.0 / self.sampling_interval, 'Hz'), '(Hz) Detector readout rate.') header['CHANNEL'] =, 'Detector channel' header['ALPHA'] = (to_header_float(self.alpha, 'second'), 'Alpha value in fifiTime correlation') header['RAMPLN'] = (int(to_header_float(self.ramps)), 'Number of readouts per ramp')
[docs] def get_point_size(self): """ Return the instrument point size (instrument resolution). Returns ------- point_size : Coordinate2D1 The point size in (x,y) spatial coordinates and (z) spectral coordinates. """ return self.resolution.copy()
[docs] def get_source_size(self): """ Return the size of the source for the instrument. Returns ------- units.Quantity """ if self.configuration is None: xy_source_size = 0.0 z_source_size = 0.0 else: source_size = self.configuration.get_float_list('sourcesize', default=None) if source_size is None or len(source_size) == 0: xy_source_size = 0.0 z_source_size = 0.0 elif len(source_size) == 1: xy_source_size = source_size[0] z_source_size = 0.0 else: xy_source_size, z_source_size = source_size[:2] xy_source_size *= self.get_size_unit() z_source_size *= self.get_spectral_unit() xy_beam_size = self.xy_resolution z_beam_size = self.z_resolution xy_size = np.hypot(xy_source_size, xy_beam_size) z_size = np.hypot(z_source_size, z_beam_size) return Coordinate2D1([xy_size, xy_size, z_size])
[docs] def edit_image_header(self, header, scans=None): """ Edit an image header with available information. Parameters ---------- header : astropy.fits.Header The FITS header to apply. scans : list (Scan), optional A list of scans to use during editing. Returns ------- None """ super().edit_image_header(header, scans=scans) header['BEAM'] = (to_header_float(self.resolution.x, 'arcsec'), 'The instrument FWHM (arcsec) of the beam.') header['BEAMZ'] = (to_header_float(self.resolution.z, 'um'), 'The instrument spectral FWHM (um).')