Source code for sofia_redux.scan.coordinate_systems.telescope_coordinates

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst

from sofia_redux.scan.coordinate_systems.spherical_coordinates import \
from sofia_redux.scan.coordinate_systems.coordinate_system import \
from sofia_redux.scan.coordinate_systems.coordinate_2d import Coordinate2D

__all__ = ['TelescopeCoordinates']

[docs] class TelescopeCoordinates(SphericalCoordinates): def __init__(self, coordinates=None, unit='degree', copy=True): """ Initialize a set of telescope coordinates. Telescope coordinates are spherical coordinates relating to the telescope elevation and cross-elevation. Parameters ---------- coordinates : list or tuple or array-like or units.Quantity, optional The coordinates used to populate the object during initialization. The first (0) value or index should represent longitudinal coordinates, and the second should represent latitude. unit : units.Unit or str, optional The angular unit for the telescope coordinates. The default is 'degree'. copy : bool, optional Whether to explicitly perform a copy operation on the input coordinates when storing them into these coordinates. Note that it is extremely unlikely for the original coordinates to be passed in as a reference due to the significant checks performed on them. """ super().__init__(coordinates=coordinates, unit=unit, copy=copy)
[docs] def copy(self): """ Return a copy of the telescope coordinates. Returns ------- TelescopeCoordinates """ return super().copy()
[docs] def setup_coordinate_system(self): """ Setup the system for the coordinates. Returns ------- None """ self.default_coordinate_system = CoordinateSystem( name='Telescope Coordinates') self.default_local_coordinate_system = CoordinateSystem( name='Telescope Offsets') xel_axis = self.create_axis('Telescope Cross-elevation', 'XEL') el_axis = self.create_axis('Telescope Elevation', 'EL') xel_offset_axis = self.create_offset_axis( 'Telescope Cross-elevation Offset', 'dXEL') el_offset_axis = self.create_offset_axis( 'Telescope Elevation Offset', 'dEL') self.default_coordinate_system.add_axis(xel_axis) self.default_coordinate_system.add_axis(el_axis) self.default_local_coordinate_system.add_axis(xel_offset_axis) self.default_local_coordinate_system.add_axis(el_offset_axis)
@property def fits_longitude_stem(self): """ Return the string prefix for cross elevation longitude. Returns ------- str """ return 'TLON' @property def fits_latitude_stem(self): """ Return the string prefix for the elevation latitude. Returns ------- str """ return 'TLAT' @property def two_letter_code(self): """ Return the two-letter code for the telescope coordinate system. Returns ------- code : str """ return 'TE' @property def xel(self): """ Return the cross elevation. Returns ------- astropy.units.Quantity """ if self.coordinates is None: return None return self.native_longitude @xel.setter def xel(self, values): """ Set the cross elevation. Parameters ---------- values : astropy.units.Quantity Returns ------- None """ self.set_native_longitude(values, copy=True) @property def cross_elevation(self): """ Return the cross elevation. Returns ------- astropy.units.Quantity """ if self.coordinates is None: return None return self.native_longitude @cross_elevation.setter def cross_elevation(self, values): """ Set the cross elevation. Parameters ---------- values : astropy.units.Quantity Returns ------- None """ self.set_native_longitude(values, copy=True) @property def el(self): """ Return the elevation. Returns ------- astropy.units.Quantity """ if self.coordinates is None: return None return self.native_latitude @el.setter def el(self, values): """ Set the elevation. Parameters ---------- values : astropy.units.Quantity Returns ------- None """ self.set_native_latitude(values, copy=True) @property def elevation(self): """ Return the elevation. Returns ------- astropy.units.Quantity """ if self.coordinates is None: return None return self.native_latitude @elevation.setter def elevation(self, values): """ Set the elevation. Parameters ---------- values : astropy.units.Quantity Returns ------- None """ self.set_native_latitude(values, copy=True) def __getitem__(self, indices): """ Return a section of the coordinates Parameters ---------- indices : int or numpy.ndarray or slice Returns ------- TelescopeCoordinates """ return super().__getitem__(indices)
[docs] def to_equatorial_offset(self, offset, telescope_vpa, in_place=True): """ Return these coordinates as equatorial coordinates. Parameters ---------- offset : Coordinate2D telescope_vpa : astropy.units.Quantity The telescope VPA angle(s). in_place : bool, optional If `True`, update the offsets in-place. Otherwise, return a fresh frame. Returns ------- Coordinate2D """ if not in_place: offset = offset.copy() telescope_vpa = self.correct_factor_dimensions(telescope_vpa, offset.x) Coordinate2D.rotate_offsets(offset, telescope_vpa) offset.scale_x(-1.0) return offset
[docs] def edit_header(self, header, key_stem, alt=''): """ Edit the header with telescope coordinate information. Parameters ---------- header : The header to modify. key_stem : str The name of the header key to update. alt : str, optional The alternative coordinate system. Returns ------- None """ if not self.singular: return # Can't do this for multiple coordinates super().edit_header(header, key_stem, alt=alt) header[f'WCSNAME{alt}'] = (, 'coordinate system description.')