Source code for sofia_redux.scan.coordinate_systems.spherical_coordinates

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst

from astropy import units
from astropy.coordinates import Angle
import numpy as np
import warnings

from sofia_redux.scan.coordinate_systems.coordinate_2d import Coordinate2D
from sofia_redux.scan.coordinate_systems.coordinate_system import \
from sofia_redux.scan.coordinate_systems.coordinate_axis import CoordinateAxis
from sofia_redux.scan.coordinate_systems import \
    coordinate_systems_numba_functions as csnf
from sofia_redux.scan.utilities.utils import get_comment_unit

__all__ = ['SphericalCoordinates']

[docs] class SphericalCoordinates(Coordinate2D): angular_accuracy = 1e-12 * units.Unit('degree') right_angle = 90 * units.Unit('degree') pi = 180 * units.Unit('degree') two_pi = 360 * units.Unit('degree') id_lookup = None ids = None fits_types = None def __init__(self, coordinates=None, unit='degree', copy=True): """ Initialize a SphericalCoordinates object. Spherical coordinates are designed to represent longitude/latitude coordinates in a given frame. Parameters ---------- coordinates : list or tuple or array-like or units.Quantity, optional The coordinates used to populate the object during initialization. The first (0) value or index should represent longitudinal coordinates, and the second should represent latitude. unit : units.Unit or str, optional The angular unit for the spherical coordinates. The default is 'degree'. copy : bool, optional Whether to explicitly perform a copy operation on the input coordinates when storing them into these coordinates. Note that it is extremely unlikely for the original coordinates to be passed in as a reference due to the significant checks performed on them. """ self.default_coordinate_system = None self.default_local_coordinate_system = None self.setup_coordinate_system() self.cos_lat = None self.sin_lat = None super().__init__(coordinates=coordinates, unit=unit, copy=copy)
[docs] def copy(self): """ Return a copy of the spherical coordinates. Returns ------- SphericalCoordinates """ return super().copy()
@property def empty_copy_skip_attributes(self): """ Return attributes that are set to None on an empty copy. Returns ------- attributes : set (str) """ skip = super().empty_copy_skip_attributes skip.add('cos_lat') skip.add('sin_lat') return skip @property def coordinate_system(self): """ Return the coordinate system. Returns ------- CoordinateSystem """ return self.default_coordinate_system @property def local_coordinate_system(self): """ Return the local coordinate system. Returns ------- CoordinateSystem """ return self.default_local_coordinate_system @property def longitude_axis(self): """ Return the longitude axis. Returns ------- CoordinateAxis """ return self.coordinate_system.axes[0] @property def latitude_axis(self): """ Return the latitude axis. Returns ------- CoordinateAxis """ return self.coordinate_system.axes[1] @property def x_offset_axis(self): """ Return the offset x-axis. Returns ------- CoordinateAxis """ return self.local_coordinate_system.axes[0] @property def y_offset_axis(self): """ Return the offset y-axis. Returns ------- CoordinateAxis """ return self.local_coordinate_system.axes[1] @property def two_letter_code(self): """ Return the two-letter code for the coordinate system. Returns ------- str """ return 'SP' @property def fits_latitude_stem(self): """ Return the string prefix for latitude. Returns ------- str """ return 'LAT-' @property def fits_longitude_stem(self): """ Return the string prefix for longitude. Returns ------- str """ return 'LON-' @property def reverse_longitude(self): """ Return `True` if the longitude axis is reversed. Returns ------- bool """ return self.longitude_axis.reverse @property def reverse_latitude(self): """ Return `True` if the latitude axis is reversed. Returns ------- bool """ return self.latitude_axis.reverse @property def native_longitude(self): """ Return the native longitude. Returns ------- astropy.units.Quantity (float or numpy.ndarray) """ if self.coordinates is None: return None return self.x @native_longitude.setter def native_longitude(self, longitude): """ Set the native longitude. Parameters ---------- longitude : astropy.units.Quantity (float or numpy.ndarray) Returns ------- None """ self.set_native_longitude(longitude, copy=True) @property def native_latitude(self): """ Return the native latitude. Returns ------- astropy.units.Quantity (float or numpy.ndarray) """ if self.coordinates is None: return None return self.y @native_latitude.setter def native_latitude(self, latitude): """ Set the native longitude. Parameters ---------- latitude : astropy.units.Quantity (float or numpy.ndarray) Returns ------- None """ self.set_native_latitude(latitude, copy=True) @property def longitude(self): """ Return the longitude. Returns ------- longitude : astropy.units.Quantity (float or numpy.ndarray) """ if self.coordinates is None: return None if self.reverse_longitude: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', RuntimeWarning) return self.longitude_axis.reverse_from - self.native_longitude else: return self.native_longitude @longitude.setter def longitude(self, values): """ Set the longitude. Parameters ---------- values : astropy.units.Quantity (float or numpy.ndarray) Returns ------- None """ self.set_longitude(values, copy=True) @property def latitude(self): """ Return the latitude. Returns ------- latitude : astropy.units.Quantity (float or numpy.ndarray) """ if self.coordinates is None: return None if self.reverse_latitude: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', RuntimeWarning) return self.latitude_axis.reverse_from - self.native_latitude else: return self.native_latitude @latitude.setter def latitude(self, values): """ Set the latitude. Parameters ---------- values : astropy.units.Quantity (float or numpy.ndarray) Returns ------- None """ self.set_latitude(values, copy=True) @property def lon(self): """ Return the longitude. Returns ------- longitude : astropy.units.Quantity (float or numpy.ndarray) """ return self.longitude @lon.setter def lon(self, values): """ Set the longitude. Parameters ---------- values : astropy.units.Quantity (float or numpy.ndarray) Returns ------- None """ self.longitude = values @property def lat(self): """ Return the latitude. Returns ------- latitude : astropy.units.Quantity (float or numpy.ndarray) """ return self.latitude @lat.setter def lat(self, values): """ Set the latitude. Parameters ---------- values : astropy.units.Quantity (float or numpy.ndarray) Returns ------- None """ self.latitude = values @property def offset_unit(self): """ Return the units used for the offset frame. Returns ------- astropy.units.Unit """ return self.x_offset_axis.unit def __eq__(self, other): """ Test if these spherical coordinates are equal to another. Spherical coordinates are considered equal if the longitude coordinates match when wrapped in the range 0->360 degrees, and latitude coordinates match in the range -180->180 degrees. Parameters ---------- other : SphericalCoordinates Returns ------- bool """ circle = 360 * units.Unit('degree') semi_circle = 180 * units.Unit('degree') if other is self: return True if self.__class__ != other.__class__: return False if self.coordinates is None: return other.coordinates is None elif other.coordinates is None: return self.coordinates is None if self.shape != other.shape: return False try: x1 = Angle(self.longitude).wrap_at(circle) x2 = Angle(other.longitude).wrap_at(circle) if not np.allclose(x1, x2, equal_nan=True): return False except units.UnitConversionError: # pragma: no cover return False try: x1 = Angle(self.latitude).wrap_at(semi_circle) x2 = Angle(other.latitude).wrap_at(semi_circle) return np.allclose(x1, x2, equal_nan=True) except units.UnitConversionError: # pragma: no cover return False def __getitem__(self, indices): """ Return a section of the coordinates Parameters ---------- indices : int or numpy.ndarray or slice Returns ------- SphericalCoordinates """ return super().__getitem__(indices) def __str__(self): """ Create a string representation of the spherical coordinates. Returns ------- str """ if self.coordinates is None: if self.unit is None: # pragma: no cover return 'Empty coordinates' else: return f'Empty coordinates ({self.unit})' if self.singular: lon_string = Angle(self.longitude).to_string(unit='degree') lat_string = Angle(self.latitude).to_string(unit='degree') return f'LON={lon_string} LAT={lat_string}' else: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', RuntimeWarning) min_lon = Angle(np.nanmin(self.longitude)).to_string( unit='degree') max_lon = Angle(np.nanmax(self.longitude)).to_string( unit='degree') min_lat = Angle(np.nanmin(self.latitude)).to_string( unit='degree') max_lat = Angle(np.nanmax(self.latitude)).to_string( unit='degree') return f'LON={min_lon}->{max_lon} LAT={min_lat}->{max_lat}'
[docs] @classmethod def register_types(cls): """ Register a number of coordinate classes for later extraction. Returns ------- None """ cls.id_lookup = {} cls.ids = {} cls.fits_types = {} for coordinate_type in ['spherical', 'horizontal', 'telescope', 'focal_plane', 'equatorial', 'ecliptic', 'galactic', 'super_galactic']: cls.register(cls.get_class(coordinate_type))
[docs] @classmethod def register(cls, coordinate_class): """ Register a given coordinate class as an available spherical system. Parameters ---------- coordinate_class : class Returns ------- None """ instance = coordinate_class() cls.ids[instance.two_letter_code.upper()] = coordinate_class cls.id_lookup[coordinate_class] = instance.two_letter_code cls.fits_types[instance.fits_longitude_stem] = coordinate_class cls.fits_types[instance.fits_latitude_stem] = coordinate_class
[docs] @classmethod def get_fits_class(cls, ctype): """ Return a Coordinate class for the given ctype. Parameters ---------- ctype : str The Coordinate system. Returns ------- class (SphericalCoordinates) """ if cls.fits_types is None: cls.register_types() ctype = ctype.ljust(4, '-').upper()[:4] coordinate_class = cls.fits_types.get(ctype) if coordinate_class is None: raise ValueError(f"Unknown coordinate definition: {ctype}") return coordinate_class
[docs] @classmethod def get_two_letter_class(cls, class_id): """ Return a Coordinate class for the given class ID. Parameters ---------- class_id : str The two-letter code for the class. Returns ------- class (SphericalCoordinates) """ if cls.ids is None: cls.register_types() coordinate_class = cls.ids.get(class_id.upper()) if coordinate_class is None: raise ValueError(f"Unknown coordinate definition {class_id}.") return coordinate_class
[docs] @classmethod def get_class_for(cls, spec): """ Return a spherical coordinate class for the given specification. Parameters ---------- spec : str The name of, the two-letter code, or an axis ctype name for which to return the correct coordinate class. Returns ------- class (SphericalCoordinates) """ try: return cls.get_class(spec) except (ImportError, ModuleNotFoundError, ValueError): pass try: return cls.get_fits_class(spec) except ValueError: pass try: return cls.get_two_letter_class(spec) except ValueError: raise ValueError(f"Unknown coordinate definition {spec}.")
[docs] @classmethod def get_two_letter_code_for(cls, class_type): """ Return the two-letter code for a given coordinate class. Parameters ---------- class_type : class (SphericalCoordinates) Returns ------- two_letter_code : str """ if cls.id_lookup is None: cls.register_types() return cls.id_lookup.get(class_type)
[docs] @classmethod def get_default_system(cls): """ Return the default and local default coordinate system. Returns ------- system, local_system : (CoordinateSystem, CoordinateSystem) """ default_coordinate_system = CoordinateSystem( name='Spherical Coordinates') default_local_coordinate_system = CoordinateSystem( name='Spherical Offsets') longitude_axis = cls.create_axis('Longitude', 'LON') latitude_axis = cls.create_axis('Latitude', 'LAT') longitude_offset_axis = cls.create_offset_axis( 'Longitude Offset', 'dLON') latitude_offset_axis = cls.create_offset_axis( 'Latitude Offset', 'dLAT') default_coordinate_system.add_axis(longitude_axis) default_coordinate_system.add_axis(latitude_axis) default_local_coordinate_system.add_axis(longitude_offset_axis) default_local_coordinate_system.add_axis(latitude_offset_axis) return default_coordinate_system, default_local_coordinate_system
[docs] @staticmethod def create_axis(label, short_label, unit='degree'): """ Create an axis. Parameters ---------- label : str The name of the axis. short_label : str A shorthand name for the axis. unit : astropy.units.Unit or str, optional The axis unit. Returns ------- CoordinateAxis """ return CoordinateAxis(label=label, short_label=short_label, unit=unit)
[docs] @staticmethod def create_offset_axis(label, short_label, unit='arcsec'): """ Create an offset axis. Parameters ---------- label : str The name of the offset axis. short_label : str The shorthand name for the axis. unit : astropy.units.Unit or str, optional The offset axis unit. Returns ------- CoordinateAxis """ return CoordinateAxis(label=label, short_label=short_label, unit=unit)
[docs] def setup_coordinate_system(self): """ Setup the system for the coordinates. Returns ------- None """ (self.default_coordinate_system, self.default_local_coordinate_system) = self.get_default_system()
[docs] def set_shape(self, shape, empty=False): """ Set the shape of the coordinates. Parameters ---------- shape : int or tuple (int) empty : bool, optional If `True`, create an empty array. Otherwise, create a zeroed array. Returns ------- None """ super().set_shape(shape, empty=empty) if empty: self.sin_lat = np.empty(self.shape, dtype=float) self.cos_lat = np.empty(self.shape, dtype=float) else: self.sin_lat = np.zeros(self.shape, dtype=float) self.cos_lat = np.ones(self.shape, dtype=float)
[docs] def set_singular(self, empty=False): """ Create a single coordinate. Parameters ---------- empty : bool, optional If `True`, create an empty coordinate array. Otherwise, create a zeroed array. Returns ------- None """ super().set_singular(empty=empty) self.sin_lat = np.asarray(0.0) self.cos_lat = np.asarray(1.0)
[docs] def set_y(self, coordinates, copy=True): """ Set the y coordinates. Parameters ---------- coordinates : astropy.units.Quantity (float or numpy.ndarray) copy : bool, optional If `True`, copy the coordinates. Otherwise do a reference. Returns ------- None """ with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', RuntimeWarning) if not isinstance(coordinates, units.Quantity): coordinates = coordinates * self.unit super().set_y(np.fmod(coordinates, self.pi), copy=copy) self.sin_lat = np.sin(self.coordinates[1]).value self.cos_lat = np.cos(self.coordinates[1]).value
[docs] def add_y(self, y): """ Add y to coordinates. Parameters ---------- y : astropy.units.Quantity (float or numpy.ndarray) The value(s) to add. Returns ------- None """ with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', RuntimeWarning) if not isinstance(y, units.Quantity): y = y * self.unit super().add_y(np.fmod(y, self.pi)) self.sin_lat = np.sin(self.coordinates[1]).value self.cos_lat = np.cos(self.coordinates[1]).value
[docs] def subtract_y(self, y): """ Subtract y from coordinates. Parameters ---------- y : astropy.units.Quantity (float or numpy.ndarray) The value(s) to subtract. Returns ------- None """ with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', RuntimeWarning) if not isinstance(y, units.Quantity): y = y * self.unit super().subtract_y(np.fmod(y, self.pi)) self.sin_lat = np.sin(self.coordinates[1]).value self.cos_lat = np.cos(self.coordinates[1]).value
[docs] def zero(self, indices=None): """ Set all coordinates to zero. Parameters ---------- indices : slice or numpy.ndarray (int or bool), optional The indices to set to zero. Returns ------- None """ super().zero(indices=indices) if self.sin_lat is None: return if indices is None: self.sin_lat.fill(0.0) self.cos_lat.fill(1.0) else: self.sin_lat[indices] = 0.0 self.cos_lat[indices] = 1.0
[docs] def nan(self, indices=None): """ Set all coordinates to NaN. Parameters ---------- indices : slice or numpy.ndarray (int or bool), optional The indices to set to NaN. Returns ------- None """ super().nan(indices=indices) if self.sin_lat is None: return if indices is None: self.sin_lat.fill(np.nan) self.cos_lat.fill(np.nan) else: self.sin_lat[indices] = np.nan self.cos_lat[indices] = np.nan
[docs] def set(self, coordinates, copy=True): """ Set the (LON, LAT) coordinates. Parameters ---------- coordinates : astropy.units.Quantity (float or numpy.ndarray) copy : bool, optional If `True`, copy the coordinates. Otherwise do a reference. Returns ------- None """ self.set_longitude(coordinates[0], copy=copy) self.set_latitude(coordinates[1], copy=copy)
[docs] def set_native(self, coordinates, copy=True): """ Set the native (x, y) coordinates. Parameters ---------- coordinates : Coordinates2D or astropy.units.Quantity (numpy.ndarray) The native (x, y) coordinates to set. If an array is provided, should be of shape (2,) or (2, n). copy : bool, optional If `True`, copy the coordinates. Otherwise, reference the coordinates if possible. Returns ------- None """ if isinstance(coordinates, Coordinate2D): self.set_native_longitude(coordinates.x, copy=copy) self.set_native_latitude(coordinates.y, copy=copy) else: self.set_native_longitude(coordinates[0], copy=copy) self.set_native_latitude(coordinates[1], copy=copy)
[docs] def set_native_longitude(self, longitude, copy=True): """ Set the native longitude coordinates. Parameters ---------- longitude : astropy.units.Quantity (numpy.ndarray or float) The native longitude coordinates to update. copy : bool, optional If `True`, copy the coordinates. Otherwise do a reference. Returns ------- None """ self.set_x(longitude, copy=copy)
[docs] def set_native_latitude(self, latitude, copy=True): """ Set the native latitude coordinates. Parameters ---------- latitude : astropy.units.Quantity (numpy.ndarray or float) The native latitude coordinates to update. copy : bool, optional If `True`, copy the coordinates. Otherwise do a reference. Returns ------- None """ self.set_y(latitude, copy=copy)
[docs] def set_longitude(self, longitude, copy=True): """ Set the longitude coordinates. Parameters ---------- longitude : astropy.units.Quantity (numpy.ndarray or float) The longitude coordinates to update. copy : bool, optional If `True`, copy the coordinates. Otherwise do a reference. Returns ------- None """ if self.reverse_longitude: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', RuntimeWarning) if not isinstance(longitude, units.Quantity): longitude = longitude * self.unit native_longitude = self.longitude_axis.reverse_from - longitude copy = False # no need to copy else: native_longitude = longitude self.set_native_longitude(native_longitude, copy=copy)
[docs] def set_latitude(self, latitude, copy=True): """ Set the latitude coordinates. Parameters ---------- latitude : astropy.units.Quantity (numpy.ndarray or float) The latitude coordinates to update. copy : bool, optional If `True`, copy the coordinates. Otherwise do a reference. Returns ------- None """ if not self.reverse_latitude: native_latitude = latitude else: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', RuntimeWarning) if not isinstance(latitude, units.Quantity): latitude = latitude * self.unit native_latitude = self.latitude_axis.reverse_from - latitude copy = False # no need to copy self.set_native_latitude(native_latitude, copy=copy)
[docs] def project(self, projection, output_system): """ Project the coordinates onto a new frame. Parameters ---------- projection : Projection output_system : Coordinate2D A 2-dimensional output coordinates system. Returns ------- None """ projection.project(self, output_system)
[docs] def set_projected(self, projection, offset_system): """ Project offsets onto this system. Parameters ---------- projection : Projection offset_system : Coordinate2D A 2-dimensional system of offsets. Returns ------- None """ projection.deproject(offset_system, self)
[docs] def get_projected(self, projection): """ Get the projection of this system. Parameters ---------- projection : Projection Returns ------- Coordinate2D """ return projection.get_projected(self)
[docs] def add_native_offset(self, offset): """ Add a native offset to the native coordinates. Parameters ---------- offset : Coordinate2D The (x, y) offsets to add. Returns ------- None """ self.add_x(offset.x / self.cos_lat) self.add_y(offset.y)
[docs] def add_offset(self, offset): """ Add spherical offsets to native coordinates. Parameters ---------- offset : Coordinate2D The spherical (x, y) offsets to add. Returns ------- None """ dx = offset.x / self.cos_lat dy = offset.y self.subtract_x(dx) if self.reverse_longitude else self.add_x(dx) self.subtract_y(dy) if self.reverse_latitude else self.add_y(dy)
[docs] def subtract_native_offset(self, offset): """ Subtract native offsets from the native coordinates. Parameters ---------- offset : Coordinate2D The native (x, y) offsets to subtract. Returns ------- None """ self.subtract_x(offset.x / self.cos_lat) self.subtract_y(offset.y)
[docs] def subtract_offset(self, offset): """ Subtract spherical offsets from the native coordinates. Parameters ---------- offset : Coordinate2D The spherical (x, y) offsets to subtract. Returns ------- None """ dx = offset.x / self.cos_lat dy = offset.y if self.reverse_longitude: self.add_x(dx) else: self.subtract_x(dx) # TODO: In case things fails, I reversed this. if self.reverse_latitude: self.add_y(dy) else: self.subtract_y(dy)
[docs] def get_native_offset_from(self, reference, offset=None): """ Get the native offset from a reference system. Parameters ---------- reference : SphericalCoordinates The native reference position(s). offset : astropy.units.Quantity, optional A work array to fill and return as the result. If not supplied, will be an array the same shape as coordinates or reference (whichever is larger). Returns ------- Coordinate2D """ if offset is None: offset = Coordinate2D(unit=self.offset_unit) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', RuntimeWarning) dx = np.fmod(self.x - reference.x, self.two_pi) * reference.cos_lat dy = self.y - reference.y offset.x = dx offset.y = dy return offset
[docs] def get_offset_from(self, reference, offset=None): """ Get the spherical offset from a native reference position. Parameters ---------- reference : SphericalCoordinates The reference position(s). offset : astropy.units.Quantity, optional A work array to fill and return as the result. If not supplied, will be an array the same shape as coordinates or reference (whichever is larger). Returns ------- spherical_offset : Coordinate2D """ offset = self.get_native_offset_from(reference, offset=offset) if self.reverse_longitude: offset.coordinates[0] *= -1 # Note base coordinate scaling. if self.reverse_latitude: offset.coordinates[1] *= -1 return offset
[docs] def standardize(self): """ Get all the coordinates within the correct angular range. Sets the range of x-coordinates to be in the range -360 < x < 360 degrees, and y-coordinates to the range -180 < y < 180 degrees. Returns ------- None """ with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', RuntimeWarning) self.set_x(np.fmod(self.x, self.two_pi), copy=False) self.set_y(np.fmod(self.y, self.pi), copy=False)
[docs] def distance_to(self, reference): r""" Return the distance from these coordinates to a given reference. Calculates the distance between two spherical sets of coordinates using either the law of cosines or Vincenty's formulae. First we calculate c as:: c = sin(y) * sin(ry) + cos(y) * phi where:: phi = cos(ry) * cos(rx - x) and x, rx are the longitudinal coordinates or the coordinates and reference coordinates respectively, and (y, ry) are the latitudinal coordinates. if \|c\| > 0.9 (indicating intermediate distances), the law of cosines is used to return an angle (a) of:: a = acos(c) Otherwise, Vincenty's formula is used to return a value of:: a = atan2(B, c) where:: B = sqrt((cos(ry) * sin(rx - x))^2 + (cos(y) * sin(ry) - sin(y) * phi)^2) Parameters ---------- reference : SphericalCoordinates Returns ------- astropy.units.Quantity The angular separation from `coordinates` to `point` as an array of shape (n,) in units of `coordinates`. """ d = csnf.spherical_distance_to( x=np.atleast_1d('radian').value), rx=np.atleast_1d('radian').value), cos_lat=np.atleast_1d(self.cos_lat), sin_lat=np.atleast_1d(self.sin_lat), r_cos_lat=np.atleast_1d(reference.cos_lat), r_sin_lat=np.atleast_1d(reference.sin_lat)) if self.singular and reference.singular: d = d.flat[0] return (d * units.Unit('radian')).to(self.unit)
[docs] def edit_header(self, header, key_stem, alt=''): """ Edit the header with spherical coordinate information. Parameters ---------- header : The header to modify. key_stem : str The name of the header key to update. alt : str, optional The alternative coordinate system. Returns ------- None """ if not self.singular: return # Can't do this for multiple coordinates with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', RuntimeWarning) lon = np.fmod(self.longitude, self.two_pi) lat = self.latitude if lon < 0: lon += self.two_pi header[f'{key_stem}1{alt}'] = ('degree').value, "The reference longitude coordinate (deg).") header[f'{key_stem}2{alt}'] = ('degree').value, "The reference latitude coordinate (deg).") if alt != '': header['WCSAXES'] = 2, 'Number of celestial coordinate axes.'
[docs] def parse_header(self, header, key_stem, alt='', default=None): """ Set the coordinate from the header. Parameters ---------- header : The FITS header to read. key_stem : str alt : str, optional The alternate coordinate system. default : Coordinate2D or units.Quantity or SphericalCoordinates The (x, y) default coordinate. Returns ------- None """ if default is None: default_lon = 0 * self.unit default_lat = 0 * self.unit elif isinstance(default, SphericalCoordinates): default_lon = default.lon default_lat = elif isinstance(default, Coordinate2D): default_lon = default.x default_lat = default.y else: default_lon, default_lat = default deg = units.Unit('degree') longitude_key = f'{key_stem}1{alt}' if longitude_key in header: lon = header[longitude_key] unit = get_comment_unit(header.comments[longitude_key], default=deg) lon = lon * unit else: lon = default_lon latitude_key = f'{key_stem}2{alt}' if latitude_key in header: lat = header[latitude_key] unit = get_comment_unit(header.comments[latitude_key], default=deg) lat = lat * unit else: lat = default_lat self.set_longitude(lon, copy=False) self.set_latitude(lat, copy=False)
[docs] def invert_y(self): """ Scale the y-coordinates by -1. Returns ------- None """ super().invert_y() self.sin_lat *= -1
[docs] @classmethod def equal_angles(cls, angle1, angle2): """ Check whether angles are equal. Parameters ---------- angle1 : astropy.units.Quantity angle2 : astropy.units.Quantity Returns ------- bool or numpy.ndarray (bool) """ with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', RuntimeWarning) return np.abs(np.fmod(angle1 - angle2, cls.two_pi) ) < cls.angular_accuracy
[docs] def transform(self, pole, phi0, from_coordinates=None, to_coordinates=None, reverse=False): """ Transform spherical coordinates to a new pole. Parameters ---------- pole : SphericalCoordinates The pole to transform to (or from if `reverse`=`True`). phi0 : astropy.units.Quantity The angle phi0. from_coordinates : SphericalCoordinates, optional The coordinates to transform from. If not supplied, will be *these* coordinates. to_coordinates : SphericalCoordinates, optional The output coordinate system to transform to. The default is *this* system. reverse : bool, optional If `True`, perform the inverse transform (from the pole rather than to the pole). Returns ------- output : SphericalCoordinates """ if from_coordinates is None: from_coordinates = self if to_coordinates is None: to_coordinates = self.__class__() transformed = csnf.spherical_pole_transform( x=np.atleast_1d('radian').value), px=np.atleast_1d('radian').value), cos_lat=np.atleast_1d(from_coordinates.cos_lat), sin_lat=np.atleast_1d(from_coordinates.sin_lat), p_cos_lat=np.atleast_1d(pole.cos_lat), p_sin_lat=np.atleast_1d(pole.sin_lat),'radian').value, reverse=reverse) * units.Unit('radian') # Reconstruct shape singular = False if from_coordinates.singular and not pole.singular: new_shape = pole.shape elif not from_coordinates.singular and pole.singular: new_shape = from_coordinates.shape elif from_coordinates.singular and pole.singular: singular = True new_shape = () else: new_shape = transformed.shape[1:] # Too complex - leave flat if not singular and transformed.shape[1:] != new_shape: real_shape = (from_coordinates.ndim,) + new_shape new = np.empty(real_shape, dtype=float) * units.Unit('radian') for dimension in range(from_coordinates.ndim): new[dimension].flat = transformed[dimension] transformed = new elif singular: transformed = transformed[:, 0] to_coordinates.set_native(transformed) return to_coordinates
[docs] def inverse_transform(self, pole, phi0, from_coordinates=None, to_coordinates=None): """ Inversely transform spherical coordinates from a pole. Parameters ---------- pole : SphericalCoordinates The pole from which to transform. phi0 : astropy.units.Quantity The angle phi0. from_coordinates : SphericalCoordinates, optional The coordinates to transform from. If not supplied, will be *these* coordinates. to_coordinates : SphericalCoordinates, optional The output coordinate system to transform to on output. The default is *this* system. Returns ------- output : astropy.units.Quantity (numpy.ndarray) The transformed `coordinates` of shape (2, n) or (2,). """ if from_coordinates is None: from_coordinates = self return self.transform(pole, phi0, from_coordinates=from_coordinates, to_coordinates=to_coordinates, reverse=True)
[docs] @classmethod def zero_to_two_pi(cls, values): """ Return angles in the range 0 -> 2pi. Parameters ---------- values : astropy.units.Quantity Returns ------- astropy.units.Quantity """ with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', RuntimeWarning) return values % cls.two_pi
[docs] def get_indices(self, indices): """ Return selected data for given indices. Parameters ---------- indices : slice or list or int or numpy.ndarray (int) The indices to extract. Returns ------- FlaggedData """ new = super().get_indices(indices) if new.coordinates is None: return new if isinstance(indices, np.ndarray) and indices.shape == (): indices = int(indices) new.cos_lat = self.cos_lat[indices] new.sin_lat = self.sin_lat[indices] return new
[docs] def insert_blanks(self, insert_indices): """ Insert blank (NaN) values at the requested indices. Follows the logic of :func:`numpy.insert`. Parameters ---------- insert_indices : numpy.ndarray (int) Returns ------- None """ super().insert_blanks(insert_indices) self.cos_lat = np.insert(self.cos_lat, insert_indices, np.nan) self.sin_lat = np.insert(self.sin_lat, insert_indices, np.nan)
[docs] def merge(self, other): """ Append other coordinates to the end of these. Parameters ---------- other : Coordinate2D Returns ------- None """ singular = self.singular super().merge(other) if singular: self.cos_lat = np.atleast_1d(self.cos_lat) self.sin_lat = np.atleast_1d(self.sin_lat) if not isinstance(other, SphericalCoordinates): other = SphericalCoordinates(other) other_cos_lat = np.atleast_1d(other.cos_lat) other_sin_lat = np.atleast_1d(other.sin_lat) else: other_cos_lat = np.atleast_1d(other.cos_lat) other_sin_lat = np.atleast_1d(other.sin_lat) self.cos_lat = np.concatenate((self.cos_lat, other_cos_lat)) self.sin_lat = np.concatenate((self.sin_lat, other_sin_lat))
[docs] def paste(self, coordinates, indices): """ Paste new coordinate values at the given indices. Parameters ---------- coordinates : Coordinate2D indices : numpy.ndarray (int) Returns ------- None """ super().paste(coordinates, indices) if isinstance(coordinates, SphericalCoordinates): self.cos_lat[indices] = coordinates.cos_lat self.sin_lat[indices] = coordinates.sin_lat else: lat = coordinates.coordinates[1] self.cos_lat[indices] = np.cos(lat) self.sin_lat[indices] = np.sin(lat)
[docs] def shift(self, n, fill_value=np.nan): """ Shift the coordinates by a given number of elements. Parameters ---------- n : int fill_value : float or int or units.Quantity, optional Returns ------- None """ if self.singular: return # Can't roll for singular coordinates super().shift(n, fill_value=fill_value) # Reset the cos_lat, sin_lat attributes self.set_x(self.coordinates[0], copy=False) self.set_y(self.coordinates[1], copy=False)
[docs] def plot(self, *args, **kwargs): # pragma: no cover """ Plot the coordinates. Parameters ---------- args : values Optional positional parameters to pass into pyplot.plot. kwargs : dict, optional Optional keyword arguments. Returns ------- None """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.ion() c_args = self.coordinates[0].ravel(), self.coordinates[1].ravel() if args is not None: c_args += args plt.plot(*c_args, **kwargs) plt.xlabel(f'{self.longitude_axis.label} ({self.unit})') plt.ylabel(f'{self.latitude_axis.label} ({self.unit})')