Source code for sofia_redux.scan.coordinate_systems.projection.cylindrical_projection

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst

from abc import abstractmethod

from sofia_redux.scan.coordinate_systems.projection.spherical_projection \
    import SphericalProjection

__all__ = ['CylindricalProjection']

[docs] class CylindricalProjection(SphericalProjection): # pragma: no cover """ An abstract cylindrical projection class. A cylindrical projection normally defines one in which meridians are mapped to equally spaced vertical lines and parallels are mapped to horizontal lines. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_phi_theta(self, offset, phi_theta=None): # pragma: no cover """ Return the phi_theta coordinates. Parameters ---------- offset : Coordinate2D phi_theta : SphericalCoordinates, optional An optional output coordinate system in which to place the results. Returns ------- coordinates : SphericalCoordinates """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_offsets(self, theta, phi, offsets=None): # pragma: no cover """ Get the offsets given theta and phi. Parameters ---------- theta : units.Quantity The theta angle. phi : units.Quantity The phi angle. offsets : Coordinate2D, optional An optional coordinate system in which to place the results. Returns ------- offsets : Coordinate2D """ pass