Source code for sofia_redux.scan.coordinate_systems.celestial_coordinates

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst

from abc import abstractmethod
from astropy import log, units
import numpy as np

from sofia_redux.scan.coordinate_systems.spherical_coordinates import \
from sofia_redux.scan.coordinate_systems.epoch.epoch import J2000

__all__ = ['CelestialCoordinates']

[docs] class CelestialCoordinates(SphericalCoordinates): def __init__(self, coordinates=None, unit='degree', copy=True): """ Initialize a CelestialCoordinates object. Celestial coordinates are used to represent spherical coordinates on the sky with respect to a given pole. The functionality implemented here allows for transformations between spherical coordinates with differing poles or zero-longitude definitions. Parameters ---------- coordinates : list or tuple or array-like or units.Quantity, optional The coordinates used to populate the object during initialization. The first (0) value or index should represent longitudinal coordinates, and the second should represent latitude. unit : units.Unit or str, optional The angular unit for the spherical coordinates. The default is 'degree'. copy : bool, optional Whether to explicitly perform a copy operation on the input coordinates when storing them into these coordinates. Note that it is extremely unlikely for the original coordinates to be passed in as a reference due to the significant checks performed on them. """ if isinstance(coordinates, CelestialCoordinates): super().__init__(unit=unit) self.convert(coordinates, self) else: super().__init__(coordinates=coordinates, unit=unit, copy=copy)
[docs] def copy(self): """ Return a copy of the celestial coordinates. Returns ------- CelestialCoordinates """ return super().copy()
def __getitem__(self, indices): """ Return a section of the coordinates Parameters ---------- indices : int or numpy.ndarray or slice Returns ------- CelestialCoordinates """ return super().__getitem__(indices)
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_equatorial_pole(self): # pragma: no cover """ Return the equatorial pole coordinates. Returns ------- EquatorialCoordinates """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_zero_longitude(self): # pragma: no cover """ Return the zero longitude value. Returns ------- astropy.units.Quantity """ pass
[docs] @classmethod def get_pole(cls, inclination, rising_ra, reference=None): """ Get the pole from inclination and rising RA angles. Parameters ---------- inclination : astropy.units.Quantity The inclination angle. rising_ra : astropy.units.Quantity The rising Right Ascension. reference : CelestialCoordinates, optional If supplied sets the coordinates in the reference system and converts it to equatorial coordinates. Returns ------- pole : EquatorialCoordinates """ ra = rising_ra - cls.right_angle dec = cls.right_angle - inclination coords = np.stack((ra, dec)) if reference is None: return cls.get_equatorial_class()(coords) else: reference.set(coords, copy=False) reference.to_equatorial() return reference
[docs] @classmethod def get_zero_longitude_from(cls, from_coordinates, to_coordinates): """ Return the zero longitude of one coordinates system in another. Parameters ---------- from_coordinates : EquatorialCoordinates The coordinates from which to determine zero longitude. to_coordinates : CelestialCoordinates The coordinate system in which to return the zero longitude. Returns ------- zero_longitude : astropy.units.Quantity The zero longitude angle. """ equatorial_zero = from_coordinates.to_equatorial() to_coordinates.from_equatorial(equatorial_zero) return to_coordinates.native_longitude
[docs] @classmethod def get_equatorial_class(cls): """ Return the equatorial class. Returns ------- EquatorialCoordinates """ return cls.get_class('equatorial')
[docs] def get_equatorial_position_angle(self): """ Return the equatorial position angle of the celestial coordinates. Returns ------- astropy.units.Quantity """ pole = self.get_equatorial_pole() y = -pole.cos_lat * np.sin(self.x).value x = (pole.sin_lat * self.cos_lat) x -= (pole.cos_lat * self.sin_lat * np.cos(self.x).value) angle = np.arctan2(y, x) * units.Unit('radian') return angle
[docs] def get_equatorial(self): """ Return an equatorial representation of the celestial coordinates. Returns ------- EquatorialCoordinates """ equatorial_class = self.get_equatorial_class() equatorial = equatorial_class() self.to_equatorial(equatorial) return equatorial
[docs] def to_equatorial(self, equatorial=None): """ Convert these celestial coordinates to equatorial coordinates. Parameters ---------- equatorial : EquatorialCoordinates, optional The equatorial coordinates that will hold these coordinates. If Returns ------- equatorial : EquatorialCoordinates """ if equatorial is None: equatorial = self.get_instance('equatorial') if equatorial.epoch is None: equatorial.epoch = J2000 pole = self.get_equatorial_pole() phi0 = self.get_zero_longitude() self.inverse_transform(pole, phi0, from_coordinates=self, to_coordinates=equatorial) if equatorial.epoch != pole.epoch: epoch = equatorial.epoch equatorial.epoch = pole.epoch try: equatorial.precess(epoch) except Exception as err: # pragma: no cover log.warning(f"Could not precess: {err}") return equatorial
[docs] def from_equatorial(self, equatorial): """ Set the celestial coordinates from those given. Parameters ---------- equatorial : EquatorialCoordinates Returns ------- None """ pole = self.get_equatorial_pole() if equatorial.epoch != pole.epoch: equatorial = equatorial.copy() try: equatorial.precess(pole.epoch) except Exception as err: # pragma: no cover log.warning(f"Could not precess: {err}") phi0 = self.get_zero_longitude() self.transform(pole, phi0, from_coordinates=equatorial, to_coordinates=self)
[docs] def convert_from(self, coordinates): """ Convert coordinates from another (or same) system to these coordinates. Parameters ---------- coordinates : CelestialCoordinates or Coordinate2D Returns ------- None """ if not isinstance(coordinates, CelestialCoordinates): super().convert_from(coordinates) else: self.convert_from_celestial(coordinates)
[docs] def convert_to(self, coordinates): """ Convert coordinates to another system. Parameters ---------- coordinates : CelestialCoordinates or Coordinate2D Returns ------- None """ if not isinstance(coordinates, CelestialCoordinates): super().convert_to(coordinates) else: self.convert_to_celestial(coordinates)
[docs] def convert_from_celestial(self, celestial): """ Convert coordinates from another celestial frame onto this one. Parameters ---------- celestial : CelestialCoordinates Returns ------- None """ self.convert(celestial, self)
[docs] def convert_to_celestial(self, celestial): """ Convert these coordinates to another celestial system. Parameters ---------- celestial : CelestialCoordinates Returns ------- None """ self.convert(self, celestial)
[docs] def convert(self, from_coordinates, to_coordinates): """ Convert one type of coordinates to another. The `to_coordinates` will be updated in-place. Parameters ---------- from_coordinates : CelestialCoordinates to_coordinates : CelestialCoordinates Returns ------- None """ to_coordinates.copy_coordinates(from_coordinates)