Source code for sofia_redux.scan.channels.channel_group.channel_group

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst

from abc import abstractmethod

from sofia_redux.scan.flags.flagged_data_group import FlaggedDataGroup
from sofia_redux.scan.channels.channel_data.channel_data import ChannelData

__all__ = ['ChannelGroup']

[docs] class ChannelGroup(FlaggedDataGroup, ChannelData): def __init__(self, channel_data, indices=None, name=None): """ Create a channel group from channel data. A channel group is a subset of channels from the original channel data. The ChannelGroup object is a wrapper around the ChannelData class, accessing only certain channel indices and may be used to access or modify those elements of the original channel data. However, due to the nature of indexing in numpy arrays, for value writing operations, the entire field must be modified at one. For example self.gain[0]=1.234 will not result in any values being set. To modify values, use self.gain=<new_array> or self.gain = <value> where <value> can be broadcast to the parent array. Parameters ---------- channel_data : ChannelData or ChannelGroup or object The channel data to reference. If an object is supplied, it's 'data' attribute must contain ChannelData or ChannelGroup. indices : numpy.ndarray (int), optional The indices of ChannelData that will belong to the ChannelGroup. If no indices are supplied, the entire ChannelData will be referenced. name : str, optional The name of the ChannelGroup. """ super().__init__(channel_data, indices=indices, name=name) def __getattr__(self, attribute): """ Retrieves selected indices of the parent attribute. Provides additional handling for the "overlaps" field. Parameters ---------- attribute : str Name of the data field. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray """ if attribute not in self.special_fields: return super().__getattr__(attribute) if attribute == 'overlaps': value = getattr(, attribute, None) if value is None: return None elif self.indices is None: return None else: return value[self.indices[:, None], self.indices[None]] else: return super().__getattr__(attribute) def __setattr__(self, attribute, value): """ Sets selected indices of the parent data. Provides additional handling for the "overlaps" field. Parameters ---------- attribute : str Name of the data field. value : numpy.ndarray Value to set. value.shape[0] must be equal to the size of the group data. Returns ------- None """ if attribute not in self.special_fields: super().__setattr__(attribute, value) return parent_value = getattr(, attribute, None) if parent_value is None: return if value is None: super().__setattr__(attribute, value) return # special attributes other than overlaps should not be # set by the group: they should have specific handling coded # in the child class if attribute == 'overlaps': parent_value[self.indices[:, None], self.indices[None]] = value def __str__(self): """ Return a string representation of the channel group. Returns ------- str """ return f"{self.__class__.__name__} ({}): {self.size} channels"
[docs] def copy(self): """ Return a copy of the channel group. Returns ------- ChannelGroup """ return self.__class__(, indices=self.indices,
[docs] def set_channel_data(self, index, channel_info): """ Set the channel info for a selected index. Parameters ---------- index : int The channel index for which to set new data. channel_info : dict A dictionary of the form {field: value} where. The attribute field at 'index' will be set to value. Returns ------- None """ if channel_info is None: return for attribute in ['gain', 'weight', 'flag']: values = getattr(self, attribute) values[index] = channel_info[attribute] setattr(self, attribute, values)
[docs] def add_dependents(self, values): """ Add dependent values for given indices. Parameters ---------- values : numpy.ndarray (float) Returns ------- None """ self.dependents += values
[docs] def remove_dependents(self, values): """ Subtract dependent values for given indices. Parameters ---------- values : numpy.ndarray (float) Returns ------- None """ self.dependents -= values
[docs] def set_flag_defaults(self): """ Sets data values based on currently set flags. Returns ------- None """ mask = self.is_flagged(self.flagspace.flags.DEAD | self.flagspace.flags.DISCARD) for attribute in ['coupling', 'gain', 'weight', 'variance']: values = getattr(self, attribute) values[mask] = 0.0 if attribute == 'coupling': values[self.is_flagged(self.flagspace.flags.BLIND)] = 0.0 setattr(self, attribute, values)
[docs] def read_pixel_data(self, filename): """ Read a pixel data file and apply the results. Parameters ---------- filename : str File path to the pixel data file. Returns ------- None """ raise NotImplementedError( f"Not implemented for {self.__class__} class.")
[docs] def validate_pixel_data(self): """ Validates data read from the pixel data file. Returns ------- None """ raise NotImplementedError( f"Not implemented for {self.__class__} class.")
[docs] def validate_weights(self): """ Validates weight data. Returns ------- None """ raise NotImplementedError( f"Not implemented for {self.__class__} class.")
[docs] @abstractmethod def read_channel_data_file(self, filename): # pragma: no cover """ Read a channel data file and return the information within. Note that this should be defined in the parent ChannelData class, not in one of the ChannelGroup classes. Since the groups inherit from the data classes, this method is only here to avoid abstract method warnings. Parameters ---------- filename : str The path to a channel data file. Returns ------- channel_info : pandas.DataFrame """ pass
[docs] def create_group(self, indices=None, name=None, keep_flag=None, discard_flag=None, match_flag=None): """ Creates and returns a channel group. A channel group is a referenced subset of the channel data. Operations performed on a channel group will be applied to the original channel data. Parameters ---------- indices : numpy.ndarray (int), optional The indices to reference. If not supplied, defaults to all channels. name : str, optional The name of the channel group. If not supplied, defaults to the name of the channel data. discard_flag : int or str or ChannelFlagTypes, optional Flags to discard_flag from the new group. keep_flag : int or str or ChannelFlagTypes, optional Keep channels with these matching flags. match_flag : int or str or ChannelFlagTypes, optional Keep only channels with a flag exactly matching this flag. Returns ------- ChannelGroup A newly created channel group. """ return super().create_data_group( indices=indices, name=name, keep_flag=keep_flag, discard_flag=discard_flag, match_flag=match_flag)