# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
"""FLITECAM Imaging parameter sets."""
from sofia_redux.pipeline.sofia.parameters.flitecam_parameters import \
__all__ = ['FLITECAMImagingParameters']
# Store default values for all parameters here.
# They could equivalently be read from a file, or
# constructed programmatically. All keys are optional;
# defaults are specified in the ParameterSet object.
# All 'key' values should be unique.
'clip_image': [
{'key': 'save',
'name': 'Save output',
'value': False,
'description': 'Save output data to disk',
'dtype': 'bool',
'wtype': 'check_box'},
{'key': 'skip_clean',
'name': 'Skip clean',
'value': False,
'description': 'Skip bad pixel identification and cleaning',
'dtype': 'bool',
'wtype': 'check_box'},
{'key': 'datasec',
'name': 'Data section to clip to',
'value': [186, 838, 186, 838],
'description': 'Specify as [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]. \n'
'Max values are not included.',
'dtype': 'intlist',
'wtype': 'text_box'},
'make_flat': [
{'key': 'save',
'name': 'Save output',
'value': True,
'description': 'Save output data to disk',
'dtype': 'bool',
'wtype': 'check_box'},
{'key': 'flatfile',
'name': 'Override flat file',
'value': '',
'description': 'FITS file containing a flat to use, \n'
'in place of generating one from the data.',
'dtype': 'str',
'wtype': 'pick_file'},
{'key': 'skip_flat',
'name': 'Skip gain correction',
'value': False,
'description': 'Set to skip making a flat from the input data. \n'
'Data will not be gain-corrected.',
'dtype': 'bool',
'wtype': 'check_box'},
'correct_gain': [
{'key': 'save',
'name': 'Save output',
'value': False,
'description': 'Save output data to disk',
'dtype': 'bool',
'wtype': 'check_box'},
'subtract_sky': [
{'key': 'save',
'name': 'Save output',
'value': False,
'description': 'Save output data to disk',
'dtype': 'bool',
'wtype': 'check_box'},
{'key': 'skyfile',
'name': 'Override sky file',
'value': '',
'description': 'FITS file containing a sky image to subtract, \n'
'in place of using values derived from the data.',
'dtype': 'str',
'wtype': 'pick_file'},
{'key': 'skip_sky',
'name': 'Skip sky subtraction',
'value': False,
'description': 'Set to skip sky subtraction.',
'dtype': 'bool',
'wtype': 'check_box'},
{'key': 'sky_method',
'name': 'Method for deriving sky value',
'wtype': 'combo_box',
'options': ['Use flat normalization value', 'Use image median'],
'option_index': 1,
'description': 'If the flat was derived from the input data, \n'
'its normalization value represents the median \n'
'background across all data. If not, the image \n'
'median is likely more appropriate.'},
'register': [
{'key': 'save',
'name': 'Save output',
'value': False,
'description': 'Save output data to disk',
'dtype': 'bool',
'wtype': 'check_box'},
{'key': 'corcoadd',
'name': 'Registration algorithm',
'wtype': 'combo_box',
'options': ['Centroid', 'Cross-correlation',
'Use first WCS (no image shift)', 'Use WCS as is'],
'option_index': 3,
'description': 'Select the registration style.'},
{'key': 'offsets',
'name': 'Override offsets for all images',
'value': '',
'description': "Specify semi-colon separated offsets, as x,y.\n"
"For example, for three input images, "
"specify '0,0;2,0;0,2'\nto leave the first as is,"
"shift the second two pixels to the right\nin x, "
"and shift the third two pixels up in y.",
'dtype': 'str',
'wtype': 'text_box'},
{'key': 'mfwhm',
'name': 'Expected FWHM for centroiding (pix)',
'value': 6,
'description': "Specify the expected FWHM in pixels, for "
"the centroiding algorithm.",
'dtype': 'float',
'wtype': 'text_box'},
{'key': 'xyshift',
'name': 'Maximum shift for cross-correlation',
'value': 100,
'description': "Specify the maximum allowed shift in x and y "
"for the cross-correlation algorithm.",
'dtype': 'float',
'wtype': 'text_box'},
'tellcor': [
{'key': 'save',
'name': 'Save output',
'value': True,
'description': 'Save output data to disk',
'dtype': 'bool',
'wtype': 'check_box'},
{'key': 'use_wv',
'hidden': True,
'name': 'Use WV values',
'value': False,
'description': 'If set, water vapor values from the header will '
'be used \n'
'to choose the correct response, instead of altitude.',
'dtype': 'bool',
'wtype': 'check_box'},
'coadd': [
{'key': 'save',
'name': 'Save output',
'value': True,
'description': 'Save output data to disk',
'dtype': 'bool',
'wtype': 'check_box'},
{'key': 'skip_coadd',
'name': 'Skip coaddition',
'value': False,
'description': 'Set to skip coadd of input files '
'and propagate separate images instead.',
'dtype': 'bool',
'wtype': 'check_box'},
{'key': 'skip_rotation',
'name': 'Skip rotation',
'value': False,
'description': 'Set to skip rotation before coadding ',
'dtype': 'bool',
'wtype': 'check_box'},
{'key': 'reference',
'name': 'Reference coordinate system',
'wtype': 'combo_box',
'options': ['First image', 'Target position'],
'option_index': 1,
'description': 'Select the reference coordinate system.'},
{'key': 'method',
'name': 'Combination method',
'wtype': 'combo_box',
'options': ['mean', 'median', 'resample'],
'option_index': 1,
'description': 'Select the combination method.'},
{'key': 'weighted',
'name': 'Use weighted mean',
'value': True,
'description': 'If set, the average of the data will be '
'weighted by the variance. '
'Ignored for method=median.',
'dtype': 'bool',
'wtype': 'check_box'},
{'key': 'robust',
'name': 'Robust combination',
'value': True,
'description': 'If set, data will be sigma-clipped '
'before combination for mean or median '
'dtype': 'bool',
'wtype': 'check_box'},
{'key': 'threshold',
'name': 'Outlier rejection threshold (sigma)',
'value': 8.0,
'description': 'Specify the number of sigma to use in '
'sigma clip for robust algorithms.',
'dtype': 'float',
'wtype': 'text_box'},
{'key': 'maxiters',
'name': 'Maximum sigma-clipping iterations',
'value': 5,
'description': 'Specify the maximum number of outlier '
'rejection iterations to use if robust=True.',
'dtype': 'int',
'wtype': 'text_box'},
{'key': 'smoothing',
'name': 'Gaussian width for smoothing (pixels)',
'value': 1.0,
'description': 'Specify the width of the smoothing kernel '
'(resample method only).',
'dtype': 'float',
'wtype': 'text_box'},
'fluxcal': [
{'key': 'save',
'name': 'Save output',
'value': True,
'description': 'Save output data to disk',
'dtype': 'bool',
'wtype': 'check_box'},
{'key': 'rerun_phot',
'name': 'Re-run photometry for standards',
'value': False,
'description': 'If set, photometry will be re-calculated on the\n'
'input image, using below parameters.',
'dtype': 'bool',
'wtype': 'check_box'},
{'key': 'srcpos',
'name': 'Source position (x,y in pix)',
'value': '',
'description': 'Initial guess position for source photometry.',
'dtype': 'str',
'wtype': 'text_box'},
{'key': 'fitsize',
'name': 'Photometry fit size (pix)',
'description': 'Subimage size for profile fits.',
'dtype': 'int',
'wtype': 'text_box'},
{'key': 'fwhm',
'name': 'Initial FWHM (pix)',
'description': 'Starting value for FWHM in profile fits.',
'dtype': 'float',
'wtype': 'text_box'},
{'key': 'profile',
'name': 'Profile type',
'wtype': 'combo_box',
'options': ['Moffat', 'Gaussian'],
'option_index': 0,
'description': 'Select the profile type to fit.'},
'imgmap': [
{'key': 'colormap',
'name': 'Color map',
'value': 'plasma',
'description': 'Matplotlib color map name.',
'dtype': 'str',
'wtype': 'text_box'},
{'key': 'scale',
'name': 'Flux scale for image',
'value': [0.25, 99.9],
'description': 'Specify a low and high percentile value for '
'the image scale, e.g. [0,99].',
'dtype': 'floatlist',
'wtype': 'text_box'},
{'key': 'n_contour',
'name': 'Number of contours',
'value': 0,
'description': 'Set to 0 to turn off countours.',
'dtype': 'int',
'wtype': 'text_box'},
{'key': 'contour_color',
'name': 'Contour color',
'value': 'gray',
'description': 'Matplotlib color name.',
'dtype': 'str',
'wtype': 'text_box'},
{'key': 'fill_contours',
'name': 'Filled contours',
'value': False,
'description': 'If set, contours will be filled instead of overlaid.',
'dtype': 'bool',
'wtype': 'check_box'},
{'key': 'grid',
'name': 'Overlay grid',
'value': True,
'description': 'If set, a coordinate grid will be overlaid.',
'dtype': 'bool',
'wtype': 'check_box'},
{'key': 'beam',
'name': 'Beam marker',
'value': False,
'description': 'If set, a beam marker will be added to the plot.',
'dtype': 'bool',
'wtype': 'check_box'},
{'key': 'watermark',
'name': 'Watermark text',
'value': '',
'description': 'Text to add to image as a watermark.',
'dtype': 'str',
'wtype': 'text_box'},
{'key': 'crop_border',
'name': 'Crop NaN border',
'hidden': True,
'value': False,
'description': 'If set, any remaining NaN border will be '
'cropped out of plot.',
'dtype': 'bool',
'wtype': 'check_box'},
class FLITECAMImagingParameters(FLITECAMParameters):
"""Reduction parameters for the FLITECAM Imaging pipeline."""
def __init__(self, default=None, config=None, pipecal_config=None):
Initialize parameters with default values.
The various config files are used to override certain
parameter defaults for particular observation modes,
or dates, etc.
config : dict-like, optional
Reduction mode and auxiliary file configuration mapping,
as returned from the sofia_redux.instruments.flitecam
`getcalpath` function.
pipecal_config : dict-like, optional
Flux calibration and atmospheric correction configuration,
as returned from the pipecal `pipecal_config` function.
if default is None:
default = DEFAULT.copy()
# merge/register option strings as expected
# by sofia_redux.instruments.forcast configuration
self.merge_opt = ['CENTROID', 'XCOR',
def fluxcal(self, step_index):
Modify parameters for the fluxcal step.
Sets the photometry parameters fitsize and fwhm
from `pipecal_config`.
Default values for these parameters, by instrument and mode,
are defined in pipecal configuration files.
step_index : int
Reduction recipe index for the step.
if self.pipecal_config is not None:
'fitsize', self.pipecal_config.get('fitsize', 138))
'fwhm', self.pipecal_config.get('fwhm', 6.0))