Source code for sofia_redux.pipeline.interface

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
"""Interface to Redux reduction objects."""

import logging
import mimetypes
import os
import shutil
import time

import astropy
from astropy import log
from configobj import ConfigObj

import sofia_redux.pipeline
from sofia_redux.pipeline.configuration import Configuration

__all__ = ['TidyLogHandler', 'Interface']

[docs] class TidyLogHandler(logging.StreamHandler): """Simple log handler for printing INFO messages."""
[docs] def emit(self, record): """ Print the log message. Parameters ---------- record : `logging.LogRecord` The log record. """ print(record.msg)
[docs] class Interface(object): """ Interface to Redux reduction objects. Parent object to both command-line and graphical interfaces. Attributes ---------- reduction: Reduction A Redux reduction object for the currently loaded data chooser: Chooser A Redux chooser object that selects reduction objects for new data configuration: Configuration A Redux configuration object that selects a chooser and sets any necessary parameters for the reduction. viewers: list of Viewer List of Redux Viewer objects associated with the reduction. """ def __init__(self, configuration=None): """ Initialize the interface, with an optional configuration. Parameters ---------- configuration : `Configuration`, optional Configuration items to be used for all reductions. """ # associations self.reduction = None self.chooser = None if configuration is not None: self.configuration = configuration else: self.configuration = Configuration() self.viewers = []
[docs] def clear_reduction(self): """ Clear reduction variables. Resets the reduction and viewers attributes. Removes any existing log file handlers. """ try: self.reduction.cleanup() del self.reduction except Exception: pass self.reduction = None self.viewers = [] # remove any old file handlers self.unset_log_file()
[docs] def close_viewers(self): """Close any open viewers.""" for viewer in self.viewers: viewer.close()
[docs] def has_embedded_viewers(self): """ Check for associated embedded viewers. Returns ------- bool True if associated viewers are intended to be embedded in the main GUI; False otherwise """ if self.reduction is not None and self.viewers: for viewer in self.viewers: if viewer.embedded: return True return False
[docs] def is_input_manifest(self, data): """ Test if input data list is actually an input manifest file. Parameters ---------- data : `list` of str List of input file names. Returns ------- bool True if `data` is a single plain text file; False otherwise. """ # currently, the test is just whether it is a plain text file if len(data) == 1 and os.path.isfile(data[0]): mtype = mimetypes.guess_type(data[0]) if mtype[0] == 'text/plain': return True else: return False
[docs] def load_configuration(self): """ Set reduction chooser from configuration. All other configuration items are accessed as needed. """ self.chooser = self.configuration.chooser
[docs] def load_data_id(self): """Load the input file description from the reduction.""" if self.reduction is None: return self.reduction.load_data_id()
[docs] def load_files(self, data): """ Load input files from a list of file names. The reduction object is assigned by the chooser, then an output directory and log file are set, and the data is loaded into the reduction object. Parameters ---------- data : `list` of str or str Lists the input file names to be reduced. """ if self.chooser is None: return self.reduction = self.chooser.choose_reduction( data, config=self.configuration.config) if self.reduction is None: return # set log file and output directory self.set_output_directory() self.set_log_file() self.reduction.load(data) # override the recipe from configuration if necessary self.set_recipe()
[docs] def load_parameters(self, param_file=None): """ Load reduction parameters. Default reduction parameters may optionally be overridden by a parameter file in INI format with reduction step names as section headers, and parameters specified in key, value pairs. Parameters ---------- param_file : str, optional Parameter file name """ if self.reduction is None: return if param_file is None: param_file = self.configuration.config self.reduction.param_file = param_file self.reduction.load_parameters()
[docs] def read_input_manifest(self, data): """ Read an input manifest and return input filenames. Input manifests are assumed to be plain text files that list one input file per line. Only file names that exist on disk as files are returned. Parameters ---------- data : str or `list` of str File name for the input manifest. Returns ------- list of str List of input file names. """ # assume one input file per line infiles = [] if type(data) is list: data = data[0] with open(data) as fh: for line in fh.readlines(): line = line.strip() # keep only if it is a file that exists if os.path.isfile(line): infiles.append(line) return infiles
[docs] def reduce(self): """Call the reduce method of the current reduction.""" if self.reduction is None: return self.reduction.reduce()
[docs] def register_viewers(self, parent=None): """ Retrieve and start viewers defined by the reduction object. Calls the :meth:`Reduction.register_viewers` method, to retrieve :class:`Viewer` objects, then calls the :meth:`Viewer.start` method to initialize them. If configuration.update_display is False, no viewers will be registered. Parameters ---------- parent: object, optional A parent widget for the viewer. May be any type that the viewer understands (e.g. a Qt frame widget). """ if self.reduction is None: return if self.configuration.update_display is False: self.viewers = [] return self.viewers = self.reduction.register_viewers() for viewer in self.viewers: viewer.start(parent)
[docs] def reset_reduction(self, data): """ Reset the current reduction to its initial state. Calls the :meth:`Reduction.load` method on the input data. Also resets a non-standard recipe if necessary. Parameters ---------- data : `list` of str or str Input data filenames. """ if self.reduction is None: return self.reduction.load(data) self.set_recipe()
[docs] def reset_viewers(self): """ Reset viewers to default state. Calls the :meth:`Viewer.reset` method """ if self.reduction is None: return for viewer in self.viewers: viewer.reset()
[docs] def save_input_manifest(self, filename=None, absolute_paths=None): """ Save input manifest to disk. Writes a plain text file containing one file name per line. Input files are specified in the ``reduction.raw_files`` attribute. Parameters ---------- filename : str, optional Output file path to write to. Default may be set in the ``configuration.input_manifest`` attribute. If ``configuration.input_manifest`` is not an absolute path, it will be joined with the ``reduction.output_directory`` attribute. absolute_paths : bool, optional If True, input file names will be written as absolute paths. If False, they will be written as relative paths. If None, the default value specified in ``configuration.absolute_paths`` will be used if present; otherwise, `absolute_paths` defaults to True. """ if self.reduction is None: return if filename is None: filename = self.configuration.input_manifest # if still None, do nothing if filename is None or str(filename).strip() == '': return elif self.reduction.output_directory is not None \ and not os.path.isabs(filename): filename = os.path.join(self.reduction.output_directory, filename) if absolute_paths is None: absolute_paths = self.configuration.absolute_paths # if still None, default to True if absolute_paths is None: absolute_paths = True infiles = self.reduction.raw_files if type(infiles) is not list: infiles = [infiles] if infiles: with open(filename, 'w') as manifest: for fname in infiles: if absolute_paths: fname = os.path.abspath(fname) else: fname = os.path.relpath( os.path.abspath(fname), os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(filename))) manifest.write("{}\n".format(fname))"Wrote input manifest to {}".format(filename)) else: log.warning("No input files; not saving input manifest.")
[docs] def save_configuration(self, filename=None): """ Save configuration values. If a file name is provided, this function writes a plain text file in INI format, containing top-level configuration values. Parameters ---------- filename : str, optional File path to write to. Returns ------- None or list of str The return value depends on the `filename` parameter. """ conf = ConfigObj(self.configuration.config) if str(filename).strip() == '': filename = None if filename is not None: if self.configuration.output_directory is not None \ and not os.path.isabs(filename): filename = os.path.join(self.configuration.output_directory, filename) conf.filename = filename conf.initial_comment = [ "Redux v{} Configuration".format(sofia_redux.pipeline.__version__)] text = conf.write() if filename is None: return text else:"Wrote configuration file to {}".format(filename))
[docs] def save_parameters(self, filename=None): """ Save current reduction parameters. If a file name is provided, this function writes a plain text file in INI format. Reduction step index and names are used as section headers, followed by key-value pairs for all currently defined parameters. If no filename is provided, this function will return a list of strings containing the parameters pretty-printed to INI format. Parameters ---------- filename : str, optional File path to write to. Returns ------- None or list of str The return value depends on the `filename` parameter. """ if self.reduction is None: return conf = self.reduction.parameters.to_config() if str(filename).strip() == '': filename = None if filename is not None: if self.reduction.output_directory is not None \ and not os.path.isabs(filename): filename = os.path.join(self.reduction.output_directory, filename) conf.filename = filename conf.initial_comment = [ "Redux parameters for {} instrument in {} mode".format( self.reduction.instrument, self.reduction.mode), "Pipeline: {} v{}".format( self.reduction.pipe_name, self.reduction.pipe_version), ] text = conf.write() if filename is None: return text else:"Wrote parameter file to {}".format(filename))
[docs] def save_output_manifest(self, filename=None, absolute_paths=None): """ Save the output manifest. Writes a plain text file containing one file name per line. Output files are specified in the ``reduction.out_files`` attribute. Parameters ---------- filename : str, optional Output file path to write to. Default may be set in the ``configuration.output_manifest`` attribute. If ``configuration.output_manifest`` is not an absolute path, it will be joined with the ``reduction.output_directory`` attribute. absolute_paths : bool or None If True, output file names will be written as absolute paths. If False, they will be written as relative paths. If None, the default value specified in ``configuration.absolute_paths`` will be used if present; otherwise, `absolute_paths` defaults to True """ if self.reduction is None: return if filename is None: filename = self.configuration.output_manifest # if still None, do nothing if filename is None or str(filename).strip() == '': return elif self.reduction.output_directory is not None \ and not os.path.isabs(filename): filename = os.path.join(self.reduction.output_directory, filename) if absolute_paths is None: absolute_paths = self.configuration.absolute_paths # if still None, default to True if absolute_paths is None: absolute_paths = True outfiles = self.reduction.out_files if type(outfiles) is not list: outfiles = [outfiles] if outfiles: with open(filename, 'w') as manifest: for fname in outfiles: if absolute_paths: fname = os.path.abspath(fname) else: fname = os.path.relpath( os.path.abspath(fname), os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(filename))) manifest.write("{}\n".format(fname))"Wrote output manifest to {}".format(filename)) else: log.warning("No output files; not saving output manifest.")
[docs] def set_log_file(self, filename=None): """ Set a log file handler for the reduction. If the provided file name is not an absolute path, it will be joined with ``reduction.output_directory``. When called, any existing file handlers will be removed. If a log file has already been written, it will be moved to the new file name; any further log messages will be appended to the existing log file. Parameters ---------- filename : str, optional Log file path name. If not provided, the ``configuration.log_file`` attribute will be used. If this value is None, no action will be taken. """ if self.reduction is None: return if filename is None: filename = self.configuration.log_file if filename is not None and str(filename).strip() != '': # add time stamp to filename filename = time.strftime(filename) # add output directory to filename if self.reduction.output_directory is not None \ and not os.path.isabs(filename): filename = os.path.join(self.reduction.output_directory, filename) # remove any old file handlers for hand in log.handlers: if isinstance(hand, logging.FileHandler): old_log = hand.baseFilename log.removeHandler(hand) del hand if os.path.isfile(old_log): shutil.move(old_log, filename) # add the new file handler fhand = logging.FileHandler(filename, 'at') if self.configuration.log_level is not None: fhand.setLevel(self.configuration.log_level) if self.configuration.log_format is not None: fhand.setFormatter( logging.Formatter(self.configuration.log_format)) log.addHandler(fhand) # log the file name"Log file: {}".format(filename))
[docs] def set_output_directory(self, dirname=None): """ Set the output directory for the reduction. Makes the directory if it does not yet exist. The directory name is stored in the ``reduction.output_directory`` attribute. Parameters ---------- dirname : str, optional Path to the output directory. If not provided, the ``configuration.output_directory`` attribute will be used. If this value is None, no action is taken. """ if self.reduction is None: return if dirname is None: dirname = self.configuration.output_directory if dirname is not None: # make the directory if it does not exist. # Allow OS/type errors to be raised here. dirname = os.path.abspath(dirname) os.makedirs(dirname, exist_ok=True) self.reduction.output_directory = dirname
[docs] def set_recipe(self, recipe=None, step_to=None): """ Set a non-default processing recipe for the reduction. All specified processing steps must be known to the current reduction object. The reduction is not reset after setting the new recipe. Parameters ---------- recipe : list of str, optional List of processing step names to use in place of the default reduction. If not provided, the ``configuration.recipe`` attribute will be used. If this value is also None, no action will be taken. step_to : str, optional A processing step name after which the recipe is terminated. If not provided, the ``configuration.step_to`` attribute will be used. If this value is also None, no action will be taken. """ if self.reduction is None: return if recipe is None: recipe = self.configuration.recipe if recipe is not None: log.warning(f'Setting a new recipe: {recipe}') self.reduction.recipe = recipe if step_to is None: step_to = self.configuration.step_to if step_to is not None: if step_to in self.reduction.recipe: log.warning(f'Setting a new stopping point: {step_to}') idx = self.reduction.recipe.index(step_to) + 1 self.reduction.recipe = self.reduction.recipe[:idx]
[docs] def start(self, data): """ Start a new reduction from an input data set. Parameters ---------- data : `list` of str or str Input data. """ self.load_configuration() # check for input manifest file if type(data) is not list: data = [data] if self.is_input_manifest(data): data = self.read_input_manifest(data) # load files from input data (usually filenames) self.load_files(data) # load parameters self.load_parameters()
[docs] def step(self): """ Run a reduction step. Calls the current reduction's `Reduction.step` method. Returns ------- str Empty string if step was successful; an error message otherwise. """ if self.reduction is None: return '' # output status is empty string # or error message status = self.reduction.step() return status
[docs] def update_configuration(self, config_file): """ Update top-level configuration. Default configuration parameters may optionally be overridden by a parameter file in INI format, specified in key, value pairs. Parameters ---------- config_file : str, dict, or ConfigObj Configuration to update with. """ self.configuration.update(config_file)
[docs] def update_viewers(self): """ Update all viewers associated with the current reduction. Calls the current viewers' `Viewer.update` method with the current reduction's ``reduction.display_data``. If configuration.update_display is False, the update will not be performed. """ if self.reduction is None: return if self.configuration.update_display is False: return for viewer in self.viewers: if in self.reduction.display_data: viewer.update(self.reduction.display_data[])
[docs] def unset_log_file(self): """Remove any existing log file handlers.""" # remove any old file handlers for hand in log.handlers: if isinstance(hand, logging.FileHandler): log.removeHandler(hand)
@staticmethod def _info_only(x): return x.levelno == logging.INFO @staticmethod def _not_info(x): return x.levelno != logging.INFO
[docs] @staticmethod def tidy_log(loglevel="INFO"): """ Tidy up log printing for easier human readability at INFO level. INFO messages to the terminal will be printed directly. Messages at all other levels will use ``astropy.log`` format. Log file formatting is unaffected. Parameters ---------- loglevel : str or int, optional Logging level to use for the terminal log. May be any of the values accepted by the logging module (CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG). """ # set overall level as low as possible, so that messages are # accessible if necessary log.setLevel("DEBUG") # check to see if log has already been tidied found = False for hand in log.handlers: if isinstance(hand, TidyLogHandler): # just set the level hand.setLevel(loglevel) found = True elif isinstance(hand, astropy.logger.StreamHandler): # configure astropy terminal log to ignore info # messages hand.addFilter(Interface._not_info) hand.setLevel(loglevel) # if not already found, add a new handler if not found: stream_handler = TidyLogHandler() stream_handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(message)s')) stream_handler.addFilter(Interface._info_only) stream_handler.setLevel(loglevel) log.addHandler(stream_handler)
[docs] @staticmethod def reset_log(loglevel=None): """ Reset astropy log to standard settings. Removes any TidyLogHandlers, and resets filters for any astropy LogHandlers. Parameters ---------- loglevel : str or int, optional Logging level to use for the terminal log. May be any of the values accepted by the logging module (CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG). If not specified, log levels will not be modified. """ for hand in log.handlers: if isinstance(hand, TidyLogHandler): log.removeHandler(hand) elif isinstance(hand, astropy.logger.StreamHandler): hand.removeFilter(Interface._not_info) if loglevel is not None: hand.setLevel(loglevel)