Source code for sofia_redux.instruments.hawc.steps.stepskydip
# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
"""Skydip plots pipeline step."""
import os
from astropy import log
from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg \
import FigureCanvasAgg as FigureCanvas
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
import numpy as np
from sofia_redux.instruments.hawc.datatext import DataText
from sofia_redux.instruments.hawc.stepmoparent import StepMOParent
__all__ = ['StepSkydip']
class StepSkydip(StepMOParent):
Produce diagnostic plots from skydip data.
This step uses demodulated data taken in sky dip mode to produce
a plot of averaged raw data vs. elevation. If a skydip fit was
produced by the scan map algorithm, it is also stored as a plot.
This step should be run as the final step in the skydip recipe.
Pipeline steps for this mode should be run in this order:
- `sofia_redux.instruments.hawc.steps.StepCheckhead`
- `sofia_redux.instruments.hawc.steps.StepScanMap`
- `sofia_redux.instruments.hawc.steps.StepFluxjump`
- `sofia_redux.instruments.hawc.steps.StepPrepare`
- `sofia_redux.instruments.hawc.steps.StepDemodulate`
- `sofia_redux.instruments.hawc.steps.StepDmdPlot`
- `sofia_redux.instruments.hawc.steps.StepDmdCut`
- `sofia_redux.instruments.hawc.steps.StepSkydip`
This step produces two PNG images, saved to the same directory
and base name as the input data. The output data is otherwise
identical to the input data.
def setup(self):
Set parameters and metadata for the pipeline step.
Output files have PRODTYPE = 'skydip', and are named with
the step abbreviation 'SDP'.
Parameters defined for this step are:
indata : str
Column name for the data to be displayed (vs. elevation).
Either 'R array AVG' or 'T array AVG' is recommended.
# Name of the pipeline reduction step = 'skydip'
self.description = 'Make Skydip Plots'
# Shortcut for pipeline reduction step and identifier for
# saved file names.
self.procname = 'sdp'
# Clear Parameter list
self.paramlist = []
# Append parameters
self.paramlist.append(['indata', 'R array AVG',
'Input Data: Column name for data '
'to be used'])
def run(self):
Run the data reduction algorithm.
Because this step is multi-in, multi-out (MIMO),
self.datain must be a list of DataFits objects. The output
is also a list of DataFits objects, stored in self.dataout.
The process is:
1. Plot elevation vs. averaged raw data.
2. Read in a scan map skydip fit ('tmp*.dat' in the same directory
as the input data).
3. Plot scan map fit data.
# Make image from demodulated data
# Input is copied to output, unmodified
self.dataout = self.datain
# Get elevation and averaged median signal
# for each chop, for each file.
elev = np.zeros((0, ))
signal = np.zeros((0, ))
# Loop through each file and collect data
for din in self.datain:
elev = np.append(elev, din.table['Elevation']
- din.table['Elevation Error'] / 3600.)
dat = din.table[self.getarg('indata')]
while len(dat.shape) > 1:
dat = np.median(dat, axis=1)
signal = np.append(signal, dat)
# Make output data list
self.auxout = []
# Remove high and low points
sigmin = np.nanpercentile(signal, 2)
sigmax = np.nanpercentile(signal, 98)
with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'):
elev = elev[np.where(signal > sigmin)]
signal = signal[np.where(signal > sigmin)]
elev = elev[np.where(signal < sigmax)]
signal = signal[np.where(signal < sigmax)]
# Plot data
fig = Figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot()
ax.plot(1.0 / np.sin(np.pi * elev / 180.), signal, 'rd')
ax.set_xlabel('1 / sin(Elevation)')
ax.set_ylabel('Median Signal (%s)' % self.getarg('indata'))
pngname = self.datain[-1].filename.replace('.fits', '_skydiplot.png')
self.auxout.append(pngname)'Saved result %s' % pngname)
# Make image from scanmap data
# Search for output .dat file
datfile = os.path.basename(self.datain[0].filenamebegin
+ 'SMP'
+ self.datain[0].filenameend
+ '.dat')
if not os.path.isfile(datfile):
# Load data
dt = DataText(config=self.config)
# Get data
elev = []
obs = []
model = []
for dat in
# Don't record data with no observations
if '...' in dat:
spl = dat.split('\t')
elev = np.array(elev)
obs = np.array(obs)
model = np.array(model)
# Get taulabel and remove bad characters
taulabel = 'tau = ' + str(dt.getheadval('tau')).replace('+-', r'$\pm$')
taulabel = ''.join([c for c in taulabel if ord(c) < 128])
# Make Plot
fname = os.path.split(self.datain[0].filenamebegin)[1]
fig = Figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot()
ax.plot(elev, model, 'k-', linewidth=2,
label='Model: %s' % taulabel)
ax.plot(elev, obs, 'rs-', linewidth=1, markersize=3,
label='Skydip %s' % fname)
# label axis
ax.set_xlabel('Elevation (deg)')
ax.set_ylabel('Mean Pixel Response (counts)')
# Save image and add to output
pngname = self.datain[-1].filename.replace('.fits', '_skymodel.png')
self.auxout.append(pngname)'Saved result %s' % pngname)
# Remove the temporary scanmap file
log.debug(f"Removing {datfile}")
except OSError: